The Hunt

Having made his presence known, The Ghost walked away from the window and taking a secret door he installed, he climbed back down to ground level and walked into the house right next to the one the group of youth was entering.

The Ghost looked at the crew, each feeling incredibly tense after witnessing him murder someone in cold blood, but not dared to voice their worry, Samara in particular, both felt like a filthy monster and like she had struck gold.

The Ghost was the real deal, a real killer, perhaps, he really was a paranormal killer as well, this was huge and it was all on her documentary, it was all recorded, she could see that Doug and Sasha would rather get away from here but it would a mistake.

"How do you feel Ghost? Perhaps a bit anxious, this is your first big job after all, Summerfield's mother was just an appetiser, there seems to be about a dozen of them, young and some of them athletic, perhaps even more to come if they spread the news of the party" she asked the masked man, who raised his hands and tilted his head.

"It's true, I am a bit apprehensive but I am mostly excited" he replied, with was sounded like a smile on his covered face.

"Everything is set perfectly, I just need to sabotage their cars and I ran a little investigation, there shouldn't be any more of them coming, I have already taken care of communications, once the vehicles are taken care of, they will be at my mercy" he said, certain of himself.

"Really? We haven't gotten to see you much in action but you seem certain of yourself, I noticed that there was a huge guy over there, does he not worry you?" she questioned, her feeling of tension completely gone and replaced by her curiosity.

The 'huge guy' in question was truly big by normal standards, one hundred and ninety-five centimeters tall and huge arms, next to him, Ghost was fifteen centimeters shorted and despite being well built, didn't appear nearly as strong.

"Do not worry, after I did some cleaning up and only a few remains, preferably, Jane, the big guy and perhaps some of those that are as high as it is possible, I will reveal myself and to establish my threat level, let him hit me before breaking him, the stoners will be too weak and sluggish to do anything, especially since I made sure to spice up their weed, Jane will effectively be by herself" he explained, before putting his hand on Samara's shoulder and leading her to a window, pointing at the backyard of the murder house.

"Pay close attention to this, I have an absolutely cinematic masterpiece planned there" the backyard was completely overgrown with tall grass and very young trees, in fact, it stuck out like a sore thumb as everything else appeared to have been properly cut.

"I am sorry you guys can't film what happens inside but be patient!" he said, before quickly walking out and getting into his character.

Creeping up to a window, he looked inside, the party was going strong, the ones brought to the chopping block not noticing Jane as she sat in a corner anxiously.

Noticing that everyone was busy, he casually moved to the front, approaching the two cars the group had used to get there, old things bought for cheap, perfect for students.

Opening the front hood of the two cars, he ripped out essential parts, the cars would never start like this and this was just enough, anyone trying to run for them wouldn't know until they were in and locked inside.

Throwing the parts into the yard of another house, he continued on prowling the outside, watching his unsuspecting victims throught the windows, awaiting for an opportunity to arise, for now, they were all on the first floor, getting drunk at a fast pace, until the classic happened and a couple went upstairs.

Moving like a swift shadow, The Ghost had already climbed to the second floor when they found a room, those fools not wondering why the hell there was a mattress in this abandoned house of decades.

They were too drunk and focused on each other to think, The Ghost slipped inside without a sound, walking awfully close to the door they had just closed, hearing them getting to it inside, he noticed through the gaps of the door that the light was on inside, reaching into his makeshift coat, he clicked something, causing the whole house to go dark.

He pushed the door open without the cracks it had made before, closing it with the same unnatural quietness, barely twenty seconds after the blackout had started, the light were back on.

The Ghost stared at his work in eerie silence, wondering about something else entirely.

After grabbing a wooden spear he had made, hidden behind wallpaper and inside a wall, stabbing the girl on top through the back of the head and out her forehead into the boy's mouth, blasting through his teeth.

Still, as he tapped the spear, he wondered if they had even wondered why this house had light, did they think about it and chose to ignore it in favor of the party? Did they simply assume Jane had made preparations? Did they guess the house was already used by other partygoers and that those people were responsible?

He could only wonder whether they were simply carefree and too excited to pay attention or just completely stupid?

Hearing someone walking up to the room he was in, The Ghost skillfully locked the door before they could open it, hearing Jane's concerned tone on the other side, asking if they were alright in there.

"Yes... We're alright!" she heard her friends voice responding to her, sounding embarassed about being adressed to, which was understandable, what those two had went doing was obvious.

Jane heaved a sigh of relief and walked back down, completely fooled by The Ghost's perfect replication of her friend's voice.

He hadn't even had to mimic the girl's voice, she had gobbled it up completely.

Turning of the light in the room and leaving the door locked, The Ghost slithered out the window, waving at the documentary crew on the house in front of him as he got down.