
Samara waved back, seeing The Ghost get from the second floor to the ground without any problem, barely even bending his knees to soften the fall.

"Seriously now, we really should get out of here and call the police, he is going to murder everyone in this house!" Doug said in a low tone.

"The stalking and all was fine but killing is way too much, that's not normal, we shouldn't have even stayed after he murdered that woman" Sasha backed him up but Samara just shook her head.

"There is no going back guys, what do you want to do? We are pretty much accomplices now and I doubt he wouldn't have thought of this anyways, our car is probably sabotaged too, so let's just keep doing what we came here for" she shot them down instantly, she wasn't even worried anymore, just engrossed into the historical event taking place so close-by.


The Ghost resumed his staring through windows, Jane might have received what she believed were confirmations of life from her friends but she was still growing more and more anxious as time went by.

Of course, she must be wondering when he would strike if he had yet to do so already, she believed that he was in the house, she looked at every door and corners, expecting to see him pop out.

Not having a cluet that she simply needed to go the other way and look out the window to find him.

There had been nine youths at the start, now down to seven, removing the two stoners that were already comepletely out of it and the guy that couldn't hold alcohol and was passed out, only four could really be a problem.

However, Jane was to be kept for last, so The Ghost had his eyes set on the three others, the big one was needed to make a point, leaving only those two girls that were hanging out together.

Reestablishing the communications for a few moments, the stalker reached into one of his pockets and typed a number, using one of the many phones that he kept, he called her a few times, she didn't anwer at first, since she didn't recognise the number but after a few attempts, she resigned herself and answered.

The Ghost was concise, mimicking the tone of a concerned person and telling her that her father had had an accident as he moved away from the window.

"He is currently undergoing surgery, it is uncertain whether or not he might make it" the killer watched as the girl, came out of the house after a few moments, certainly distraught, but what was most important was that she was the owner of one of the cars and thus, her instinct was to leave the party and go to the hospital.

Getting into her car, she was too focus to notice anything strange and pay much attention to what was behind her in the backseat.

Wrapping a thin steel wire around her neck and tying a tight knot to secure her in place, she cut herself at first trying to break free, first attempting to remove whatever was suffocating her but it was no good, the wire couldn't be simply be removed by hand.

The Ghost, having his hands free, grabbed her right hand and severed the muscles of her wrist, just in case she thought of making the seat tilt back and hit him in the face.

Following with her other wrist immediately, he layed the knife he used down and instead grabbed something else he had concealed on his person.

Leaning forward, he grabbed the face of his victim and pushed her head back, bringing the saw in his hand to her forehead and beginning to slowly open up her skull.

From the very start, she had tried to scream but the wire had prevented any sound she could make to be nearly loud enough to overtake the music of the party, she even managed to think about hitting the horn but this had also been disable prior.

The Ghost took his time, cutting carefully until, he could peel back the rest with his own hands, grabbing her brain and ripping it out, throwing it against the window on the passenger side as if it was filth.

It splattered remarkably but he couldn't spend too much time there to admire his work, he simply stepped out of the car after removing the keys.

The music was still blarring, but his keen ears, keener than before it felt, picked up on something, quickly running to a spot where he had hidden a weapon, he simply waited in front of the door to the house.

He didn't know what was happening exactly, but it seemed like the other girl, whose name he definitely remembered but didn't care about, wanted to leave as well, probably because she didn't feel like staying after the first one had told her was happening with the dead one's dad.

It didn't matter much, the moment the door was opened, everyone froze at the sight of him, except for the three that simply couldn't register the strangeness of his appearance of the fact that he was holding a huge nail.

Grabbing her by the head before she could say anything, he pushed the nail into her right eye before grabbing her by the shoulders and throwing her twitching body further into the house.

Out of the five youths that still lived, two were high and seemingly seeing the murderer as something funny since they were laughing, another was still completely out, Jane was absolutely scared shitless while the big guy seemed a bit shocked but more focused on the culprit that the result of his actions.

The Ghost remained still to let the big boy make up his mind, finally still, he decided to put his fists to use, hitting the murderer relentlessly.

The adrenaline stopping him from realising that he was hurting himself when punching The Ghost, while the latter purposefully stepped back exaggeratedly after each hit to let the filming crew capture the main part.

Once in a good position, The Ghost stopped pretending and just stood still against the barrage of hits, which were growing weaker and weaker, with broken fingers and bloodies hands, the strong youth was brought back to the harshness of reality.

The Ghost let him realise his foolishness before suddenly striking him in the jaw, with enough strength to blast his lower jaw straight to hell and pulverising nearly all of his teeth.

He fell back like a bag of bricks, the hit having broken his neck as well.

Stepping over his corpse, The Ghost prepared to enter the final act of his debut.