The Chase

Moving up to the door, he watched Jane rushing in the opposite direction after dragging the two stoners with her and failing to awaken the passed out one.

The back door was unfortunately locked and blocked beforehand but in the panic she kept on trying to force it open as The Ghost walked up to the drunk youth, peacefully sleeping on his back and looking at him and then Jane, he made it clear that he was going to kill him first.

Raising his right feet, he stomped on his throat multiple times, watching as blood filled his throat and he suffocated to death in his sleep.

"You bastard! Where is my mom?!" she yelled at the immobile murderer, who simply went for his little tool controlling the lights of this place, turning them all off, the whole house was filled with darkness and The Ghost was no longer visible.

Jane started battering the door with enough strength to hurt herself, cursing at the two that were off to completely different worlds and doing nothing to help.

Finally managing to open the door, pushing whatever had been propped against it on the side down and stepping out as she literally had to grab her two high friends to get them to move.

She ran forward in the grass but suddenly stopped when the lights came back on and one illuminated her from the back, a pretty strong one was situated above the back door on the outside, her sudden stop made the two deadweights she was pulling along step in front of her a bit.

When she turned back to face the other way, she could already hear something slicing through the air at a great speed, she saw the tall grass being cut in half cleanly and then a spurt of blood spraying all over hair and the surroundings as the blade cleanly sliced off one of the other's head.

It spun in the air before disappearing in the dense vegetation.

With her face covered in blood, she stared forward at The Ghost, wielding a scythe and swinging it with odd grace, almost dancing as he sliced everything around.

The tall grass was reducing quickly as he carved his way forward, the small trees were sliced apart, grass and branches flew in the air as The Ghost twirled and spun, his scythes already upon the second stoner before Jane could even react.

This one's death wasn't nearly was nice as the other however, swinging low, he cut one of his legs down to the knee, Jane jumped back to avoid the slash, falling to the ground, all that was visible being the abject performance that she couldn't stop herself from watching in detail.

The Ghost did a beautiful step back before slashing again, removing most of the fingers on his current victims right hand, whose predicament was horrifying enough to overpower whatever he had smoked in quantities.

His screams permeated the air up until the third swing came, slicing through his cheeks and effectively silencing him before The Ghost began spinning madly cutting his corpses in multiple pieces before stopping and holding the scythe above his head.

One last twirly motion decimating most of the remaining vegetation as jane finally managed to break out of the weird trance she had found herself in but instead of running to opposite way, she ran right past The Ghost, making a rush for the shed that was at the very end of the backyard.

The Ghost dismissed his scythe, for as good as it had cut the stoners, Jane wasn't a non-moving target that could be reaped like the weeds of this backyard.

As Jane opened and pretty much leapt in the shed, she looked over he shoulder to see The Ghost sprinting in her direction, the mad man bursting through the wooden head first without slowing down as Jane grabbed a pitchfork.

The man impaled himself on the spikes but didn't stop for even a moment anyways, grabbing the handle with one hand striking a further part with his other, he shattered the pitchfork in two pieces, pulling out the metal head stuck in his stomach and holding it up.

Jane barely had time to grab whatever was at hand to block the heavy strike as she tried to move to the side at the same time.

The pitchfork's head embedded into the plank she had managed to reach for as she moved away from The Ghost as his momentum made him move further into the shed.

Getting his balance back awfully fast, he was met with a shovel to the face that made him step back and trip over some of the things that had fallen during the scuffle, falling full force against the wall of the rickety shed, the whole thing came falling down burying The Ghost and almost doing the same to Jane.

She limped away from the crumbled shed, not having any clue when she had managed to hurt her feet in this way, she stared at the piles of planks, praying to god so that he wouldn't come back up.

Still, she continued on moving back toward the house, keeping her eyes on the ruins of the shed, feeling like everything she heard or saw was a sign of life.

Right as she stepped back into the house, she turned her gaze, searching for anything that could be useful and begrudgingly pulled the nail stuck in her friends head, then, she heard something.

Raising from the wooden remains as if he was attached to strings, The Ghost instantly began running in her direction, without showing any sign of being actually injured.

Pushing on her injured leg, she made a run for the front door and toward the cars, not having any of the keys with her however, she slid under one of them and did her best to not make a noise, The Ghost was already close-by when she fully slid under.

Her pursuer seemed to not be very panicked about losing her, he stopped running and began walking toward the cars, as if he knew exactly where she was.

Bending down, she saw him getting lower to the ground and trying to look under the car she had hidden under, the second his mask face appeared however, she pushed the nail right into it before pulling it back.

The Ghost stumbled back and fell down as he covered his bleeding face, his mask stained a dark red.