Enough Chasing

The Ghost showed a sign of weakness for the very first time, prompting Jane to crawl out of her hiding spot and ram into the masked murderer, stabbing the nail into his chest as he tried to get back up.

The nail remained stuck in him as he stepped back before one of his knees hit the ground, still silent, The Ghost, hidden under his costume appeared as anything but a person.

The only sign of life behind the visible heaving, his mask inflating and being sucked in with his every breath.

Summerfield walked up to a fence separating two house and grabbed a plank that was barely holding on, ripping it out and striking the killer in the face and back repeatedly.

"Where is she? Where is my mom?!" she cried as she relentlessly beat the crap out of him, his dirty white mask quickly becoming fully bathed in blood.

Suddenly, with both his knees still on the ground, The Ghost straightened his back and stared at jane, making her stop in her movement, feeling like something was going to happen.

A disgusting sound came out from beneath the mask as he regurgitated a mouthful of blood before speaking up.

"Don't worry my girl, I am fine" he said with her mother's voice, somehow replicating it perfectly even in this state.

The Ghost, whilst saying this, was shaking his head negatively and moving his index finger from side to side, as if saying: "Don't listen to that nonsense".

Jane had unwillingly stepped back but feeling like The Ghost was just tormenting her, she prepared to hit him again but he swiftly put his hand in one of his pockets and pulled something out.

Unexpectedly enough, it wasn't something one would usually associate with his kind.

It was a firearm, a .32 caliber Colt pistol with a suppressor on it, shooting once, he hit Jane in the face, landing his shot where it wouldn't be an instantaneous death.

Promptly putting his gun where it had come from, The Ghost stood back up, making it seem as if his earlier weak disposition had all been a bluff, kicking the plank away from her hands, he looked down on her before crouching down.

Miming a throat cut on himself to convey the answer she had been asking for, he then grabbed his head and carefully positioning his thumbs before pushing them into her eyes.

Ignoring the bloodcurdling screams, he just kept on pushing as deep as it was physically possible before beginning to instead push against the skull with his hands.

A good crack and spurt of blood gushing from the top of her head were enough for him, he let go of her before standing back up and casually walking away from the massacre, without showing any signs of harm, not slight coughing due to blood in his throat or a slight limp.

Walking into the house where the documentary crew had been watching the whole scene unfold from, Doug and Sasha were as pale as a living person could possibly get whilst Samara just congratulated him.

He spread his arms and said: "Pretty gnarly, heh?"

"So, how are you feeling now?" asked Samara as The Ghost stretched his neck and limbs.

"I must admit, not like I expected, I am proud of my work but now, I just feel like I could have done better, feels more excited for the next time, you know?" he responded as he pulled his mask off, revealing that the nail, which was still stuck in his chest, that had stabbed him in the face had somehow not left much an injury, despite the fact that it had clearly sunk in deeply and bled like crazy.

"Though, I must say, I would recommend this line of work to everyone, just a few kills and I feel like I am invincible" he added on.

Samara kept on asking questions for a while, going over the unusual scene that unfolded when he pulled out a gun, when the supposedly paranormal serial killers are known to never use those apart for bashing people skulls in.

"I hope you captured the backyard and scythe stuff, it would certainly be better with more angles but I think it is fairly memorable, I got inspiration from Skinface, he mostly did it at the very end but I thought it would fit in nicely" he said with a smile, reproducing the moves slowly for the crew to get a better idea.

"But anyways, this was me in a controlled environment, I lured them into this house, I had full control over the comminucations and the power and had hidden equipement around, it could hardly go south" he said after a whole bunch of questions.

"In any case, the parents will notice something is amiss soon enough, you guys better book it before the police gets there" he opened the door and walked out, corpses still visible not so far as he escorted them to their cars.

As it turned out, he hadn't actually sabotaged their car, he had actually trusted them wholeheartedly.

Saying goodbye, The Ghost said that he would contact them again if the possibility arose, seeing him wave at them as they drove away was quite unnerving to the two members that hadn't made buddy-buddy with the murderer.

"I hope he does contact us again"

"That would be without me, Samara" instantly replied Doug, still watching in rearview mirror if The Ghost wasn't right there or running after the car.

"I have no clue how I am not traumatised" muttered Sasha to herself, the way he murdered Jane had been particularly brutal, especially when he could have killed her swiftly with a single punch like he had shown to be capable of.

"Still, this documentary might have been just a simple project at first, but now it means much more! This is a true historical piece, the paranormal is fucking real! No person can brush off such damage and be so strong" stated Samara, already imagining the final product.

"We'll call it something like, 'The Ghost Of Tekan' or 'Real Life Slasher', no! Let's be simple..."

"Let's call it: 'The Tormentor' "