Chapter 72

"ZEHAHAHAHA! A golden opportunity! That's what this is!"

Teach was laughing as corpses of marines were littered around him. He was currently standing in the docks the marines use to sail out of the island. In his empty hand, he held a barely conscious newly recruited marine.

"Oi! You were ordered to contact Aokiji, right?" Teach asked the marine he held by the collar.

"Y-Yeah! I was," the marine answered with a weak nod.

"Good. Do it," Teach said before letting the marine go. "Tell him that Gol D. Ace is on this island but will stay on their original route."

"Wh-What?" The marine seemed confused.

"Are you deaf? You heard what I said."

"B-But isn't he your captain?"


"...I understand," the marine said before scrambling to his feet. "Damn pirates… all of them are scum!"

The marine ran towards the nearest Transponder Snail. Luckily enough, the nearest one was located at the docks itself. He reached a table where a Transponder Snail was unconscious.

"Come on, Spike. Wake up!"

The Transponder Snail didn't wake up at all even after being shouted at. So, the marine had to be creative. First, he tried to wake the snail up with food. It didn't work. Next, he ran to get sea water. They were in a docking bay, so it wasn't too difficult.

Teach watched the marine scramble about, trying to wake up the snail. In his hands, he held a standard issue rifle for all marine recruits. Unfortunately, the marine didn't pay any attention to Teach and focused on the task he was ordered to do.

"Wake up, Spike!" The marine poured water on the Transponder Snail. Miraculously enough, the snail woke up. He wasted no time and immediately contacted the number he memorized. Soon, the Transponder Snail rang. Now, he only needs to wait for an answer from the other side.

"Puru puru puru puru… puru puru puru puru… puru puru puru puru… gacha…"

It didn't take long for the other side to answer the call. The voice from the other side shocked the marine recruit.

"Admiral Aokiji, speaking."

It took a second for the marine to calm down and speak. He was expecting a subordinate of Admiral Aokiji to answer the call, not the man himself.

"A-Admiral Aokiji?"

"Yes, what is it? Speak freely."

"G-Gol D. Ace and his crew are on this island!" the marine said in what was almost a shout.

"Calm down, marine," Aokiji's relaxed and soothing voice said. "Slow down. What island are you on?"

"K-Karakuri Island, sir!" the marine answered. "I also came to know that they plan to stay on their original route!"

"Really now?" Aokiji sounded intrigued. "How did you know this?"

"One of the-"

The back of the marine's head exploded with a bang. Smoke came out of the rifle in Teach's hand. All was silent for a few moments.

"So? Gol D. Ace, I assume?" Aokiji said. The Transponder Snail delivered his voice clearly and loudly enough for Teach to hear. Aokiji's voice was terrifyingly cold.

"You assume wrong, Mr. Ice Guy!" Teach said, picking up the microphone of the Transponder Snail.

"...Edward Teach," Aokiji said, recognizing Teach's voice. "So, you finally flew away from under big daddy's wing?"

"Still so cold with your words! You haven't changed, Kuzan!" Teach said.

"So? What are you doing in Gol D. Ace's crew?" Aokiji asked. "I didn't figure you to be the type to play second fiddle to anyone but your father."

"In the past, perhaps. But, a lot happened," Teach said. "Ace is… interesting! ZEHAHAHA! So young, but so… brave! He's a funny guy!"

"Ohh? Is he now? So, why pull this stunt?"

"He's challenging you," Teach said, his devilish grin wide. "He wants to see how high his bounty would go up if he killed a Navy Admiral!"

"...HAHAHAHAHA!" Aokiji started laughing, much to Teach's surprise. It was out of character for Aokiji, as far as Teach knew. "You're right! He's a funny guy!"

"I know! I told you!" Teach said. "We're waiting. Bring everything you got!"

"Hmmm… I'll think about it," Aokiji said. "One question, though. Why isn't he speaking to me himself?"

"ZEHAHAHAHAHA! Ace! Your guess was right! He actually asked the question!" Teach shouted, pretending that Ace was near him. "You see, Kuzan… you're not worthy of speaking to the man who will be the Emperor of the Seas!"

"...what a funny guy, indeed," Aokiji said before ending the call.

After ending the call, Aokiji let out a sigh. There were many emotions behind that sigh. However, what he was feeling the most right now was confusion.

'Somehow, that call didn't sound right…'

Aokiji leaned back on his chair, pushing his seat back by placing his feet on the edge of the table. He looked up at the ceiling of his cabin as he tried thinking… in the end, he gave up.

"Ahh, whatever." Aokiji sighed again. "You were right, Garp-san! Your grandson is a handful!"

Aokiji stayed in his relaxed position for a few minutes. After doing so, he stood up and walked to the bicycle he had leaning against the wall. He walked out of his Admiral's Cabin with the bicycle beside him. One of his immediate subordinates, a Vice Admiral, approached him after seeing him with his bicycle.

"Admiral Aokiji! Where are you going?"

"I'm going out for a bit. Hold the fort down for me, will you?"

"Now? That's so sudden! Sir-"

"I won't be long," Aokiji said, interrupting the Vice Admiral. "If he asks where I went, tell him I suffocated from waiting too much and headed out for fresh air."

"There, that should make them tear each other into pieces," Teach said in delight of his impromptu plan. "Now then, there should be something I can use here somewhere…"

Teach walked around the dock, observing the ships that were fully prepared for sailing.

"Bah! None of these ships can be operated alone!" Teach was frustrated. Then, he started thinking.

"This place should be where ships are repaired as well… that means… there are shipwright tools here!"

Teach looked around to see if the place had what he needed to build a makeshift vessel that can carry him out of Karakuri Island. He started searching until he eventually collected the tools he needed.

"This is great! I can make a raft with this!" Teach said as he looked at the materials and building tools he gathered. "Can't go wrong with a raft! You're a genius, Teach!"

"YAHAHAHA! I'm so great at this!" Enel laughed in delight as he collected the unconscious Transponder Snails just as Ace ordered.

"Another one! Another one! And another one!"

"Stop him!"

Suddenly, Enel was interrupted by marine soldiers. Dozens of them quickly surrounded him, much to his annoyance. He can't accomplish what his captain ordered with so many nuisances, after all.

"Tch! How foolish! You dare interrupt me?"

Enel let his lightning crackle and surge at the marines. He let out an omnidirectional attack, sending bolts of lightning at the marines that surrounded him.



"Wh-What power!"

Enel easily dealt with the marines. He may not be the strongest physically in the crew, but his Devil Fruit was powerful enough to make up for it. Enel looked around at his handiwork and quickly paled in realization.

"No… I hope I didn't kill Transponder Snails with that!"

With so many bodies and debris scattered around him, Enel had to use his Mantra to detect where the Transponder Snails are. Out of habit, he used Mantra in a wide range and covered the whole island.

With his Mantra, Enel observed something that disturbed him. His face twisted in anger and disappointment.

"How dare you…"

Enel turned into lightning and disappeared, heading towards the source of his sudden fury.

"Finally! I'm free!" Teach said with his arms spread wide, enjoying the wind rushing at his face. He was already out in the open sea. Karakuri Island was behind him.

"Free, huh? You know what that means, don't you?"

Teach's celebration was interrupted. Strangely enough, his merry mood wasn't soured. He turned around with a wide grin still on his face.

"Ahh, Enel! I knew you'd find me!" Teach said to Enel who was clearly furious at him. "You have a ridiculous Observation Haki, after all! You'll be a dangerous one if you grow stronger!"

Enel said nothing and glared at Teach from above. As the user of lightning, Enel was able to stay afloat in midair. His arms were crossed as he looked down at Teach.

"I'm sure you know what you're doing," Enel said.

"Yeah! I'm leaving the crew!" Teach said. "It was fun while it lasted, but Ace's crew really isn't for me! You see, I'm supposed to be Captain of my own crew!"

"That is still betrayal, Teach!" Enel shouted. "Are you betraying our Captain?"

"Ace isn't my Captain!" Teach openly declared. "He never was! The only man I'm willing to call Captain is my Pops!"

"Then you're a fool!" Enel said, not really knowing who Teach's father was. "You know what betrayal costs as a pirate, right? I've learned enough from the short time of being one, after all!"

"Yeah, I do!" Teach said, his grin turning dangerous. "Are you sure you want it to play out this way, Enel?"

"I am," Enel said before pointing a finger up at the sky.

Seeing what Enel did, Teach tilted his head in confusion. He expected Enel to attack him with a bolt of lightning. Instead, nothing happened.

"What's wrong? Nervous?" Teach asked.

"No. Just waiting."

Then, the clouds rumbled. Teach looked up to see the dark clouds gathering above him. They crackled with energy, threatening to rain down lightning on him. 

"Ahh, shit."

Teach acted quickly. He jumped off his raft, but not before kicking it hard enough to send it away from the spot where Enel's lightning would come crashing down.

The moment Teach kicked his raft away, bolts of lightning rained down on where he was. The bolts Enel sent at Teach were huge pillars of lightning that should be powerful enough to destroy a ship.

Teach would have been hit by Enel's vicious attack, but every action has an equal and opposite reaction. When Teach kicked away his raft with enough force to send it out of the way of the area of Enel's attack, he also flew away. He was only hit by the secondary effects of Enel's attacks. Teach was buffeted by waves of seawater.

It took a while for the sea near Karakuri Island to calm down. The waves became gentler at the same rate the dark clouds dispersed. Enel won't be able to use a similar attack anytime soon.

Once everything calmed down and Teach was nowhere in his sight, Enel used his Mantra to check the results of his vicious rain. He extended his reach to the depths of the water.

Then, Enel sensed him.

Enel turned to where he sensed Teach. However, instead of Teach, Enel saw flying slashes that looked like an animal's claw mark flying straight at him. With his Devil Fruit power, Enel flew out of the way.

Once he was safe to do so, Enel searched for Teach. He found the traitor once again on his raft.

"That was close!" Teach said. "You're a vicious one, Enel!"

"Vicious?" Enel scoffed. "That was nothing! When I get my hands on you, Teach, I'll show you how vicious I can be!"

"Really now? Then show me!"

Teach used Moon Walk to meet Enel head on in midair. His years of experience aboard Whitebeard's ship allowed him the opportunity to witness the techniques only Navy Vice Admirals were privy to. At that rank, they were allowed to learn the secret techniques of the World Government Agents: the Rokushiki, also known as the Six Powers.

With his claw weapon, Teach tried to slash Enel's head off. But, Enel was no pushover. With his golden rod, Enel blocked Teach's attack. They clashed in midair. It was quickly obvious for Enel that he was no match to Teach's raw physical strength.

"ZEHAHAHAHA! Show me your fury, Enel!"