Chapter 73

"So? Where do we start?" Eri asked Tanya. She looked excited to learn and become stronger so she could be more useful for the crew.

"First, a quick lesson," Tanya said.

"W-We're gonna study?" Eri asked, already deflating in disappointment.

"Of course! Knowledge is power, you know?" Tanya said, but Eri wasn't having it. "Fine, I'll make it quick and easy to understand."

"Okay!" Eri seemed to regain some of her energy.

"As you know, Ace assigned me to train you. Specifically, to train your Devil Fruit," Tanya said. "Now, you need to understand how a Devil Fruit's power is expressed. There are six ways: Enhancement, Transmutation, Conjuration, Emission, Manipulation, and Specialization. Are you following me so far?"

"Yes," Eri said with a nod. She looked like she was listening attentively, so Tanya tested how much Eri retained.

"Tell me. What are the six ways Devil Fruit powers are expressed?" Tanya asked.

"There's… Enhancement… Emission… Conjuration… Specialization… I don't remember the other two," Eri answered.

"That's alright. You did good, remembering more than half," Tanya said, encouraging Eri so she won't be afraid of making mistakes. "The other two are Transmutation and Manipulation."

"Ahh! Okay!"

"Again, what are those six?"

"Enhancement, Transmutation, Conjuration, Emission, Manipulation, and Specialization," Eri answered perfectly.

"Perfect! You learn fast, Eri!" Tanya said, acknowledging Eri's effort.


"Now, let's define those six. All of them are unique. Which one do you want to hear about first?" Tanya asked.

"Specialization! It sounds cool!"

"Wow, you really picked what should have been explained last, huh?" Tanya said, amused at Eri's choice.

"Is that bad?" Eri asked.

"Not really. You see, Specialization is what we call what we can't explain yet. If a Devil Fruit power can't be explained with the other five, then it's in Specialization," Tanya said, patiently explaining to Eri. "For example, your Devil Fruit has a Specialization aspect to it."

"It does?" Eri was surprised. "Which part?"

"The part that makes your target twelve years younger," Tanya said. "Look at it this way. How does something or someone become twelve years younger? More than that, why twelve years specifically? Sure, there's a Transmutation aspect to it. But, what exactly is being changed? Do you understand?"

"I… think so," Eri said.

"Don't worry. It's confusing, I know," Tanya said, reassuring Eri. "Specialization is the weirdest one. It's like Yoshitoga got lazy and just threw everything he didn't understand yet in that category. Do you have any questions?"

"Uhmm… so, all Devil Fruit powers can be explained with the six we talked about?" Eri asked. "Even the Devil Fruits of Captain Ace, Uncle Doppol, Uncle Augur, and Uncle Enel?"

"Yeah, that's right," Tanya said, her face going sour at the mention of Enel. Eri noticed, of course.

"What's wrong?" Eri asked.

"Ahh, nothing," Tanya said, waving off Eri's concern. "I just remembered. Ace told me I should train Enel next after you. Since he ate a Logia, like mine."

"Then, let's hurry up!" Eri said. "Teach me all of it now! I learn fast!"

"Huh? What's the rush for?" Tanya asked.

"Captain ordered you to teach Uncle Enel, right? You should do it!" Eri said. "Plus, he's your family, right?"

"Pfft! Barely," Tanya said.

"You're not close with him?"

"No. I can't stand him."

"Then, all the more reason to spend time with him!" Eri said. "Family is important, you know?"

Tanya suddenly remembered Eri's story. She was an orphan before Mihar came to her life and acted as her guardian. She suddenly felt guilty for being hateful towards her family right in front of a girl who lost hers.

"Alright," Tanya said. "I'll spend time with… him."

"That's great!" Eri said. "Promise me, okay? When we return to our ship, try and get closer to him!"

Seeing Eri's earnest smile warmed Tanya's heart. She couldn't help but be swayed.

"Sure, Eri," Tanya said with a small smile. "I'll try and get closer to him."

Enel and Teach battled in midair. Despite having better maneuvers while in the air, Enel struggled fighting Teach. He was barely blocking and dodging the swipes Teach was making with his claw weapon.

"You look tired, Enel!" Teach said, taunting Enel. 

Then, Teach sped up. He moved quicker and attacked faster. Enel was caught off guard and got nicked on the chest. Blood dripped from the three new wounds he sustained. Although it was shallow, the wound stung painfully.

Teach returned to his raft. He stood there for a few moments, but he still kept an eye on Enel. 

"ZEHAHAHAHA! I'm just getting warmed up!" Teach said, laughing at Enel's struggle.

"Warmed up, huh? That's good!" Enel said. "I was just doing the same!"

Enel raised his gold rod and called lightning from the nearest cloud. The lightning struck the gold rod. Now, it looked like Enel was holding onto a bolt of lightning and was using it as a staff.

"You ready to die, Teach?"

"How arrogant!"

This time, it was Enel who struck first. He turned into lightning and bolted straight towards Teach. Despite being as fast as lightning, Enel's overhead strike with his rod was still blocked by Teach. Enel was pushed back.

"Mantra, huh?" Enel said, realizing what Teach used to block his attack. "Observation Haki… how troublesome!"

"You know, Enel, I have no quarrel with you," Teach said. "I'm telling you! You can retreat any time you like! Hell, feel free to let Ace know that I'm leaving! ZEHAHAHAHA!"

"If you think I'll just stand aside as Captain is being disrespected, you're dead wrong!" Enel said as he brandished his weapon. "I'll kill you, Teach!"

"Hoho! Scary!"

Teach launched an attack. With his metal claw, Teach sent three successive flying slashes at Enel. Instead of blocking them, Enel decided to be smart and avoided the attacks instead. He was much faster since he was lightning, so he realized he shouldn't try to be on the receiving end every time.

"My turn!" Enel raised his hand. "El Thor!"

A huge pillar of lightning surged straight towards Teach. Teach had just a brief moment to react. In retaliation, Teach decided to try and block the attack. He could try to avoid it, but that would mean his raft will be reduced to ashes.

'I can't let my raft be destroyed. Ace will surely kill me if he catches me.' Teach was afraid of Ace. He wasn't stupid enough to think that he could take on someone like him. From what he's seen of Ace's prowess, Teach knew that Ace was at least stronger than the strongest commanders of the Four Emperors.

Teach walked up on his raft and stood on its edge, meeting Enel's incoming attack head on. With his Armament Haki coated fist, he punched the incoming pillar of lightning. Teach decided that the best defense was going on the offense.

Lightning and fist met. Teach let his Haki flow outwards from his fist, exploding against Enel's lightning. The two attacks clashed. Teach, along with his raft, was pushed back a great distance as a result of the clash.

Teach's fist was slightly scorched, barely counted as first degree burns. He looked up and saw Katakuri Island even farther away from when his fight with Enel initially commenced.

"ZEHAHAHAHA! That was great!" Teach shouted. "Thanks for the push, Enel!"

Enel wasn't listening. In an instant, he reappeared right above Teach. His hand was extended, ready for another attack. Enel's whole arm crackled as it turned into lightning.

"Oi, wait! I'm not ready yet!" Teach said, but Enel ignored him. Enel was focused on trying to kill Teach.

"El Thor!"

This destructive battle between a man that commands lightning and the son of the strongest man in the world was something that everyone in the island remains unaware of. The snow carries with it a dampening silence, a curtain hiding the stage.

"You know, you're a strange one. Even for a pirate," Burgess said as he walked behind Ace. "Normally, I heard that pirates would rather avoid marines! Not confront them head on!"

"That's because they're afraid," Ace said. "The Navy are the World Government's dogs! Not everyone would dare go directly against a global superpower!"

"And you do?" Burgess asked.

"HAHAHAHAHA! Of course!"

Ace was leading Burgess to the Ashen Dragon. The three of them walked through the snowy lands of Karakuri Island. Despite the weather, they weren't feeling cold. Ace decided to use his power and project heat outwards from him, something that irritated Soma greatly because Ace didn't realize he could do that.

"I swear, I'll make Vash or Hepha tear you a new one!" Soma said from the back of Burgess. "You made us bear with the cold when you could've done this instead!"

"Hehe! Sorry, my bad!" Ace said, looking back at Soma.

The rest of their walk was spent in silence. Minutes later, they saw the Ashen Dragon in the distance.

"Is that your ship?" Burgess asked, pointing at the Ashen Dragon.

"Yup! That's her!" Ace answered proudly. "She's beautiful, right?"

"Your ship is big!" Burgess said. "I thought you said your crew was small? That ship could definitely hold at least two hundred people!"

"For now, yeah! My crew is still small," Ace said.

"How do you even sail with a ship that big?"

"You'll see," Soma answered.

Soon, the three of them arrived at the Ashen Dragon. Ace was still in the lead. He called for the Doubles that Doppol left behind to tend to the ship, acting both as lackeys and guards.

"Yo, Doubles! Set the plank down for us, will you?" Ace shouted.

Hearing the return of their captain, three Doubles looked over the side of the ship to look for Ace. They spotted him along with Soma and Burgess.

"Sure thing, Captain!" the Doubles said with a small salute. Not a moment later, the plank was set down for Ace and the others to walk up on.

Burgess admired the ship. But, he wasn't distracted enough to not notice the Doubles that looked over at them.

"Were those… twins?" Burgess asked.

"Nah. They're Doubles," Ace answered. "One of us ate a Devil Fruit that gave him the ability to make doubles of himself."

"I guess he's the one responsible for sailing the ship?"

"Yeah. As well as maintaining it," Ace said. "His name's Doppol. Unfortunately, he isn't here yet. I'll let you meet the rest of the crew later."

"Thanks!" Burgess said before stepping forward to walk up the ship.

"Oi, you bastard."

A derisive remark came from behind Burgess. He turned around, only to meet an elbow that landed right on his face. Burgess felt his nose break as blood spurted out of it. The elbow carried enough force to make Burgess retreat a few steps back.

"Oww! What the hell was that for, Soma?"

"You seem to have delusions about what it means to be on our ship, Burgess," Soma said, glaring at Burgess.

Ace watched the scene from the side. He found it rather funny how Soma, a much smaller man, was standing up to a huge man like Burgess. Ace had an idea why Soma did what he did, so he just let him be.

'Still, Soma must have balls of steel or something! It's like I'm about to watch a kid fight a grown man, judging by the size of these two!' Ace was feeling amused at the battle that was about to happen. He had a feeling it'll be a short one, but he doesn't know who the winner will be. He didn't use Observation Haki to sense their strength to make it fun. 'Show me what you got, Soma!'

"What the hell do you mean?" Burgess asked as he fixed his broken nose.

"Who do you think you are? You barely expressed gratitude to our Captain. Not only that, you even had the balls to try and go up first!" Soma said. "Listen here! You're with pirates now! We don't give a fuck if you're a noble! On our ship, the Captain is king!"

"WEEHAHAHAHA! What a spunky brat you are!" Burgess said while flexing his muscles. "Alright! Show me what you got!"