Chapter 118

"Good news!" Vash said immediately after emerging on the deck of the Ashen Dragon where Ace and the others were. "Soma and Terzo got away safely!"

The Royal Aces released a sigh of relief. They needed that good news.

"Let's make that brat cook us a feast when he gets back," Hepha said.

"What about the others?" Ace asked.

Ace was still worried about the group that went to San Faldo.

Tanya and Kotatsu were yet to be contacted while Mihar and Eri were caught in an ambush and still trying to get away, last they heard from them.

It was a good thing that San Faldo was near Water 7.

"Still haven't heard from Mihar," Vash said. "He could still be fighting. He's not answering my calls."

Everyone felt Ace's worry. Literally. His immediate vicinity was turning cold, as if he was absorbing the heat around him. Still, their captain put on a brave face. But, they all knew that each of them were worried.

"We'll be nearing San Faldo soon," Ace said. "We'll get them out of there. What did you tell Terzo and Soma?"

"Since we're heading to San Faldo, I told them to go there too," Vash said. "Unless you have another idea? They're sailing free right now, no marines on their tail. We can contact them whenever we want."

"No, that's good," Ace said. "We'll get Mihar and the others out. As a crew."

Vash, Hepha, Augur, and Doppol with his Doubles agreed with Ace. In such a precarious situation, they were glad to have Ace as a sturdy and reliable pillar. They were far from feeling hopeless.

"I hate to be the one to say this, but we should expect the worst," Hepha said, her frown deep and concerning. "The fact we haven't been able to reach Tanya and Kotatsu all this time…"

Hepha didn't need to finish her words. Everyone knew what she meant to say. Still, it had to be said. They needed to keep themselves grounded to be able to react to whatever the situation was.

"Enies Lobby is nearby," Hepha said. "It's like a gate to Impel Down. If they were captured…"

"We'll storm whatever base the marine is holding them," Ace said, his hand igniting into flames. "I'll get them out. Even if it's the last thing I do."

"You have us, Captain," Augur said, to which the others nodded in silent agreement.

Ace flashed an appreciative smile at his crew. He then looked up high on their mast where their jolly roger flies.

"Thank you, everyone," Ace said before releasing a sigh. "You guys should take a break, get all the rest you can get. Whatever happens, a battle with the Navy is inevitable."

Ace was sleeping on the Ashen Dragon's figurehead. He was woken up by a gentle tap on the shoulder, courtesy of Vash. Ace's eyes shot wide open, alert and ready.

"We're here," Vash said. "San Faldo is in sight."

"Already?" Ace got up and stretched. "How long was I out?"

"An hour," Vash said as he took out his revolvers to clean them with a white cloth. "Are we gonna surface Ash?"

"No, not yet," Ace said. "Let her stay down here. You and I will fly up instead."

Vash raised an eyebrow at him as if he was confused. Then, it was gone a second later.

"I forgot your strange Devil Fruit situation." Vash chuckled. "I still don't understand why you can swim. But hey, I'm not about to complain."

"I won't have the ability to swim for long," Ace said, remembering the 'side quest' he was given. "I plan to enjoy it as much as I can."

"Ohh?" Vash seemed curious. "Tell me about it sometime. In the meantime, why don't you bring Augur along instead?"

"Why?" Ace asked. 

"Well, I assume you plan to do reconnaissance first before bringing the others along to San Faldo, right?"

"Yeah, that's what I was planning."

"Augur should be a better scout than me," Vash said. "His eyesight is more far reaching even without the scope he's wearing. Plus, his Devil Fruit would be useful for that kind of task."

Ace stopped for a moment to think about what Vash said. His first mate and vice-captain spoke logically.

"Good point," Ace said. "But, Augur can't exactly go back to Ash on his own, can he? Devil Fruit and all."

"I think that won't be a problem," Vash said, returning his gun to its holster. "We can just sail around San Faldo's perimeter while underwater. Augur could contact us with his baby transponder snail if he makes the call near the edge of the island."

"Then you can just come up and get him," Ace said, but Vash frowned.

"Sure thing," Vash said, flashing a grin. "Just be careful up there, will you? Reconnaissance only."

"Hmm. Well, since I'll be scouting anyway, I'll let you guys know if it's safe to surface. Once we're all together again, it won't be a problem to sail away from here."

"Yeah, hopefully it is," Vash said. "In the meantime, I'll go and help Hepha."

"With what?" Ace asked.

"Making weapons," Vash answered. "Since she can't really forge with us underwater, I had this idea to just… make what she needs with my Living Metal."

Ace glanced at Vash's metallic arm. Their knowledge on what it could do is only growing by the day, thanks to Hepha's initiative of researching what his metal arm was capable of doing and producing.

"She's restless, huh?" Ace asked, smirking.

"She is. I think we all are."

Ace and Augur landed on the beach of San Faldo. Despite coming up from under the sea, Ace and Augur were dry thanks to Ace's flame and heat control.

"So, this is San Faldo?" Augur looked around the beach. 

"Looks pretty normal," Ace said.

Of course, Ace ignored the nervous looks he and Augur were receiving. People in swimsuits stared at them with wide eyes, seeing just exactly where they came from. From what Ace and Augur could tell, they were on some kind of beach resort.

Definitely far from the carnival Ace and Augur were expecting.

"Hey, you!" Ace called to the nearest person, a pot-bellied man with two children. "I thought this place was a carnival town?"

"The uhhh… the carnival is on the other side of the island, opposite here," the man said to Ace.

"Ohh? I see. Thank you for your help," Ace said, tipping his hat to the man before walking forward. Augur followed behind him.

"Pardon me, Captain," Augur said, catching Ace's attention and making him stop. "Would it not be faster if we just move with my power?"

"...oh! You're right, I forgot," Ace said, scratching the back of his head. "It's just… it feels wrong."

"What feels wrong?" Augur asked his captain.

"This island," Ace said. "My gut is telling me there's trouble."

Augur eyed his captain, his expression frozen. Ace still couldn't fully comprehend his stoic sniper who was usually calm and quiet. But, he knew enough to know that Augur was thinking, considering things.

"I trust your intuition, Captain," Augur said. "What do you propose we do?"

It was Ace's turn to think. He then remembered why they were here in the first place. For a reconnaissance mission, they sure did attract a lot of attention from the locals just by landing on the beach.

"Damn it." Ace sighed. "I'm losing focus… okay!"

Ace slapped himself with both hands to shake off all the distractions, worries, and anxiety in his head.

"Can you read lips?" Ace asked, not really expecting Augur to be able to do so.

"I am unable to do so perfectly," Augur answered.


Ace walked while thinking. Augur was silently waiting for him, still walking a few paces behind his captain. When they were out of the beach, concrete beneath their feet, Ace turned to Augur.

"Mihar should be on the other side of the island since the carnival is there," Ace said. "I'll go there while you go on top of one of the tall buildings here. Like that one."

Ace pointed up at a tall building in San Faldo's residential area. Augur looked up at where Ace was pointing and noticed how it was the tallest building currently in their view.

"Take us up there," Ace said.

Wordlessly, Augur placed a hand on Ace's shoulder while his gaze was locked on to the sky above the building Ace was pointing to. A second later, they warped to where Augur had his eyes on.

"What a view," Ace said after they dropped down on the building's rooftop. "So, can you see the carnival clearly from here?"

Augur turned his gaze in the direction they were told the carnival town was. Ace watched him, waiting for a reaction or confirmation of some kind. He didn't like how Augur's eyes widened ever so slightly.

"I can see the carnival town clearly from here, Captain," Augur said. "And…"

"What is it?" Ace asked, wanting to know what made their stoic sniper react in such a way.

"I can see marines," Augur said. "Hundreds of them."

"What are they doing?"

"At the moment, they are busy with… cleaning up?" Augur said, relaying what he's seeing to Ace. "The carnival is a mess, Captain. Burning tents, buildings reduced to rubble, bullet holes and marine corpses scattered everywhere…"

"That can't be good." Ace clicked his tongue. "They would only do that once their operation is over…"

"Which means, Mihar and Eri have been captured… or worse," Augur said before aiming with his rifle. "Let me see if I can find where they are keeping them."

Ace wished he could help Augur, but the carnival town was so far away. He couldn't even see the marines from where they were standing, much less find where they kept their captured crewmates.

"Captain. I believe I know where they are being kept," Augur said. The slight shake in his voice didn't serve to make Ace feel relieved. "Admiral Aokiji's warship."

"Aokiji?" Ace asked. "He's here?"

'That explains why they've been captured. Damn it.' Ace clenched his fists.

"Yes, Captain. He is here… he knows where we are, as well," Augur said, his voice quivering ever so slightly.

"How?" Ace asked.

"...he is looking at me," Augur said, shocking Ace.

'From here?' Ace then turned his gaze to the distant carnival town. 'Okay… I should assume that Aokiji's Observation Haki must be better than mine.'

"He launched an attack!" Augur said to Ace, alerting him of Aokiji's movements.

Ace's expression sharpened as he focused to detect the attack. In a few seconds, he found it. 

Aokiji attacked with fifteen ice spears all flying towards the general vicinity of Ace and Augur.

'At least his aim is shit.' Ace found some comfort in that fact, but it was still impressive.

Then, that comfort was immediately dashed after Ace noticed the ice spears change trajectories mid flight.

The fifteen ice spears stopped far enough to make Ace and Augur realize that attacking them was not Aokiji's attention, but close enough for them to read his message.

The fifteen spears made of Aokiji's ice assembled to make letters, forming one word.


Ace and Augur stared at Aokiji's message for a few seconds before it disintegrated into hundreds of tiny ice fragments carried away by the wind.

Augur then raised his rifle once again and aimed at where he found Aokiji. He found the tall and lanky admiral still standing where he was. Only this time, Aokiji made a motion with his hands, beckoning them to come over.

"He is inviting us, Captain," Augur said.

"I know," Ace said with a smirk. "What a show-off."

Ace then put a hand on Augur's shoulder. Augur turned to his captain a second later after saying nothing.

"Let's retreat for now," Ace said. "Vash and the others will need to know about this."