Chapter 119


"I don't think I need to tell you just how vital this mission is."

Akainu stood in attention in front of Sengoku, the Navy's Fleet Admiral. Beside Akainu was Aokiji as they listened to what Sengoku had to say a few hours before the launch of their operation to capture Gol D. Ace.

"You most of all, Sakazuki," Sengoku said. "Given his record of violence towards the Navy and your history as a marine, you know why capturing him is important."

"I understand, Fleet Admiral Sengoku," Akainu said.

"...should I know what you two are talking about?" Aokiji looked curious.

Sengoku turned his attention to Aokiji while Akainu simply glanced at him sideways. Akainu was suddenly reminded of how young Aokiji was.

"In my long years of service, I've seen all sorts of pirates rise and fall," Sengoku said to Aokiji. "In all those years, I can only think of one other pirate who expressed so much dislike towards the Navy and, in turn, the World Government with such violence and ruthlessness."

"Rocks," Akainu said, almost spitting the word with equal measures of disgust and hate.

"Rocks?" Aokiji asked, raising an eyebrow at the name. "I don't think I know the name."

"I'd be surprised if you did," Sengoku said as he turned around in his swiveling chair to look out the window behind him to the sea. "It was more than 30 years ago. You must've been a child back then, Kuzan."

"Hmm." Kuzan hummed. "I don't even think I'm a marine yet that many years ago."

"But Sakazuki was. You were barely more than a feisty recruit then, Sakazuki," Sengoku said. "You were one of the few lucky marine novices who survived an encounter with Rocks and his crew…"

"I'll forever be grateful for Tsuru-san for training me ever since then," Akainu said.

Aokiji raised an eyebrow at Akainu. It was rare to see Akainu express such… positive words.

"So, what's this about Rocks?" Aokiji asked Sengoku.

"Rocks D. Xebec…"

Sengoku turned around to face Aokiji and Akainu. The stern expression he had spoke volumes of how much the memory of the pirate leaves a bad taste in his mouth.

"He was a pirate captain who sailed these seas decades ago. He was particularly cruel and ruthless," Sengoku said, introducing Rocks to Aokiji. "Unlike other pirates, he actively confronts the Navy. With his crew, they raided and burned multiple marine bases all over the Grand Line. They killed almost every marine they found."

"Sounds familiar," Aokiji said, the face of a young rookie pirate surfacing in his mind.

'How could such a cruel young man be Garp-san's grandson?' Aokiji kept that thought to himself.

"Exactly," Sengoku said. "It wasn't just him. His whole crew, the Rocks Pirates, were dangerous threats. Even now, the remnants of that forgotten pirate crew still haunts us…"

"What do you mean?" Aokiji asked, and it was Akainu who answered.

"Wang Zhi, Shiki, Big Mom, Kaido, Whitebeard. Just to name a few." Akainu enumerated some of the most infamous pirates of recent times. 

"They were all members of Rocks's crew," Sengoku added. "Though, I guess we don't need to worry about Shiki anymore thanks to Red-Haired's power play."

"The Golden Lion is still at large, Sengoku-san!" Akainu said. "With a corpse yet to be found… I will not write him off just yet…"

Aokiji's eyes widened at hearing who the members of the Rocks Pirates were. To think such people were all once under the command of a single man…

'Just what kind of person is this Rocks?'

"Thankfully, there's not much love between that crew," Sengoku said. "Rocks was a frightening and deranged man. He didn't win his crew's loyalty, but he had their respect with his sheer strength."

Aokiji wondered just how the Navy dealt with such a crew. So, he asked exactly that.

"How did the Navy deal with that crew?" Aokiji asked. "They sound incredibly dangerous."

"Well… they met Garp," Sengoku said. "The downfall of the Rocks Pirates can be credited to him."

Aokiji's heart swelled with pride. He had no idea that his sensei had such an achievement.

'Garp-san is really cool.'

Sengoku looked like he wanted to say more, but he didn't.

"So, now do you understand why the World Government is urging us to deal with 'Fire Lord' Ace sooner rather than later?" Sengoku asked Aokiji.

"I think I do," Aokiji said.

"We don't need another pirate like Rocks," Sengoku said. "Let his name and similar acts of terror remain nothing more than a distant memory of us old folks."

"We'll make sure Gol D. Ace is put to Justice, Fleet Admiral Sengoku," Akainu said.

"Take that rookie seriously. Don't be complacent, both of you," Sengoku said. "Based on the reports gathered, 'Fire Lord' Ace could become the greatest threat the Navy has ever faced. He has shown to possess both the charisma of Roger and the cruelty of Rocks. He needs to be stopped before he grows into a bigger menace!"


Akainu woke up in pain.

Everywhere around him, the cries and shouts of people could be heard.

"He's awake! Admiral Akainu is alive!"

Akainu coughed out the remaining seawater inside him.

'What happened? Where am I?' Akainu's head was muddled, unable to remember why he was lying down in pain.

"Thank goodness you're alive, Akainu-san!"

Akainu saw the worried expression of Vice Admiral Onigumo that did not fit his face.

"What happened?" Akainu asked, still unable to think clearly.

"We… We're not entirely sure, Akainu-san," Onigumo said. "We saw a bright flash of light in the distance, and then… it was a mess."

'A bright flash?'

Akainu's mind caught up to him. Suddenly, he remembered everything. He was eager. He saw a split-second into the future. He moved to block the devastating attack he saw.

An attack by-


Akainu wanted to get up, but his body protested in pain. More specifically, his left side.

"You've been badly burnt, Akainu-san," Onigumo said, helping Akainu to settle down on the deck. "You need rest."

Onigumo's eyes scanned Akainu's injury. His left side bore the heaviest injuries with his skin and muscles peeling off. Some parts of his left arm had bones visible.

Needless to say, Akainu was in pretty bad shape and needs immediate medical attention if he wants to get back into action.

"Rest, Akainu-san," Onigumo said. "You've been hit the hardest."

Onigumo watched Akainu slip back into unconsciousness. He then looked around the warship and beyond to see the devastation.

A third of their fleet were sunk by the massive explosion and its aftershocks. Tall ocean waves sank numerous ships, and even some warships.

They didn't know what caused that explosion, but the brief awakening of Akainu gave Onigumo the answer they needed.

"Gol D. Ace!" Onigumo gritted his teeth in frustration. "Just you wait!"

Ace and Aokiji silently stared each other down. Around them, marines were positioned with their rifles aimed mostly at Ace. 

Behind Ace was Augur, busy observing everything around them with sharp focus.

With the young pirate captain firmly in his gaze, Aokiji didn't expect Ace to actually show up.

"You actually showed up," Aokiji said, striking up a conversation. "I half expected you to just run wild and-"

"Where are they?" Ace asked, ignoring Aokiji's attempt to speak with him casually.

"Down to business, I see," Aokiji said with a sigh. "What exactly are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb, Aokiji," Ace said. "I know you have them."

Aokiji said nothing as he and Ace once again engaged in a staredown, the marines around them gulping as the tension in the air grew thick and heavy. Meanwhile, Augur's grip on Senriku tightened.

The marines had their rifles aimed at the pirates, but their focus was on their Admiral Aokiji; no doubt waiting for some kind of signal from him.

Ace and the marines watched Aokiji slowly raise a hand. Both parties were alert and ready to react to what Aokiji would do.

Then, Aokiji made a hand signal. It was as if he was beckoning someone to come forth.

Seeing Aokiji's hand signal, Ace noticed that one of the marines silently stalked away from the encirclement around Ace.

Aokiji noticed Ace's gaze trailing towards the retreating marine.

"You should give up now," Aokiji said to Ace. "It'll be better for everyone."

"Show me my friends are safe first," Ace said. After a long pause, he continued. "After that… we'll see."

The marine came back as fast as he could. With him were two other marines, both of whom were obviously of high rank judging by the decorated navy coat hanging on their shoulders.

The two marines were Vice Admirals, but Ace couldn't care less. His attention was locked on to the tall figure walking between the two Vice Admirals.


Ace recognized the tall figure of Mihar, albeit without his upper clothes. He was carrying an unconscious Eri in his arms.

Mihar looked to be in bad shape, bandages covering most of his upper body. 

Even though Mihar was patched up, it was obvious the doctors only put minimal effort so that he was well enough to live and walk.

Both Mihar and Eri were restrained by what looked to be seastone cuffs. Even though Mihar was not a Devil Fruit user, it looked like the Navy deemed him enough of a threat to restrain him with seastone.

After all, seastone was said to be harder than diamonds. No other restraints would prove to be more secure.

"...Ace! Augur!"

Mihar's complexion lit up when he recognized Ace and Augur, only to once again dim once he realized that they were surrounded by Admiral Aokiji and his troops.

"Ace." Mihar's voice was shaking slightly. "I'm sorry."

"Don't worry, you nerd," Ace said, feeling relieved to see Mihar and Eri. "I'm just glad you two are alive."

"That's a mercy your two other crewmates won't receive if you don't come with us," Aokiji said to Ace, catching his attention.

Ace took that as a confirmation that Tanya and Kotatsu were indeed captured. He already expected this, so he wasn't too shaken up.

However, Ace needed confirmation that they were actually alive.

"You have Tanya and Kotatsu," Ace said to Aokiji.

"We do."

"Where are they?" Ace asked.

"Not here," Aokiji answered. "They're waiting for you… at Enies Lobby."

Enies Lobby. Ace recognized the name. How could he not?

"You're taking them to Impel Down?" Ace asked. "They don't have bounties!"

"If you're so concerned about your crew, let's make a deal," Aokiji said.

Ace was glad that Aokiji was proposing a deal. He had a guess on what it's about.

"Give yourself up, and your crew will be free to go," Aokiji said. "You're the only one the World Government wants, Gol D. Ace…. well, you and the War Hammer."

"Hepha?" Ace smirked. "Fuck off. Don't get too greedy."

Hearing Ace disrespect their Admiral Aokiji, the marines were visibly pissed. One of the two Vice Admirals beside Mihar was even more so.

"Mind your words, you damn pirate!" shouted the unnamed Vice Admiral at Ace. "Don't you know who you're-!"

Suddenly, the Vice Admiral fell down. He was unconscious and foaming at the mouth.

The marines were confused about what happened. However, the other Vice Admiral as well as Aokiji himself were deeply disturbed.

"Be quiet, you nameless extra," Ace said to the unnamed Vice Admiral before turning to Aokiji. "Oi, you tall bastard."

Aokiji turned his attention to Ace, his glare looking grim. Ace couldn't help but smirk at seeing Aokiji's reaction to his controlled burst of Conqueror's Haki.

"Still unsatisfied with my surrender?" Ace asked Aokiji, the smirk still on his face. "For the low low price of my whole crew's freedom… you'll have me in the deepest level of Impel Down."

Aokiji was silent. The other Vice Admiral, without him knowing, was gripping the sword on his waist so hard that his knuckles turned white.

'He can control it!' Aokiji thought in horror. 'What we suspected were uncontrolled bursts were deliberate? This rookie can already use Conqueror's Haki to such a degree?'

Aokiji let out a deep breath. The air exiting his mouth was cold, visibly freezing the vapor near his face.

"Fine. Come peacefully, and you can watch your captured crewmates sail away," Aokiji said. "Vice Admiral, take the prisoners to the train with us."

"Not so fast. You really should take your job more seriously, Aokiji," Ace interrupted Aokiji. "You think a train can hold me? Let's go by warship. I always wanted to ride one."

The marines around Ace were collectively confused. Going by their warship would be slower than taking the train… but it would be much more secure.

Why would Gol D. Ace voluntarily want to board the more dangerous vessel for him? That was the question in their minds.

But not Aokiji. He had an inkling to what Ace was planning. He didn't like it one bit.

"No," Aokiji said firmly. "You think I'll jeopardize the Navy and the World Government's plan? We're going by train, and that's final."

"You sure about that?" Ace asked with a grim smirk at Aokiji.

"You wouldn't dare," Aokiji said, now sure that Ace was indeed taking the other marines hostage. "You've killed enough marines already. Now that I'm here, you think I'll let you do that?"

The other marines visibly retreated. With Aokiji's words, they felt as if they were a burden… which, to an extent, they were.

Aokiji was a rather noble marine. Ace gambled that Aokiji wouldn't just let him hurt or kill the other marines if he could help it.

Ace was proven correct.

"Ohh, I'm sure you'll try to stop me," Ace said, the smirk still on his face as he decided to go for one more bluff. "Akainu thought so too."

Despite being a freezing human with his Devil Fruit, Aokiji felt a chill crawl down his spine. What did Ace mean by that?

"You… what the hell did you just say?" Aokiji asked.

"Hear anything from that dog yet, Aokiji?" Ace asked as a wide smile blossomed on his face. "Last I saw him, he was looking… hot. On fire, if you know what I mean."

Ace watched Aokiji fumble in his chest pocket. A second later, he took out a baby transponder snail that had more wires that Ace usually sees.

'Must be a more advanced version,' Ace thought. 'Leave it to the government to keep treasures and useful goodies from the public.'

Aokiji pressed a few buttons and waited for a response. Instead of the usual noise that transponder snails make, the baby transponder snail Aokiji brought out made a different noise.


It was a continuous monotone. Ace hadn't heard a transponder snail make that noise before. He guessed that it means that the call couldn't connect to the other side.


Aokiji ended the call, silencing the transponder snail, before returning it back inside his chest pocket. He glared at Ace.

"Did you kill him?" Aokiji asked.

Ace smirked. His bluff worked. Thankfully, Akainu was unable to answer the call.

"Who knows?" Ace said. "If his men got to him in time, he's probably fine… then again, I don't think his fleet is doing too good either. HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Aokiji couldn't take it anymore. Faster than anyone else could see, he lunged towards Ace with his fist reared back.

Of course, Ace saw it coming and was fast enough to react. He chose to meet Aokiji head on.

Ace responded with a quick jab, meeting Aokiji's charged straight. Ace matched Aokiji's flowing Haki, but Aokiji's strike carried more momentum and thus more weight.

The two Haki enhanced fists collided and Ace was forced back. His feet skidded on the ground, leaving faint grooves on the concrete ground.

Ace lost the exchange, but not so much. He wasn't damaged, only pushed back. He looked up and smirked in response to Aokiji's glare.

"Ace!" Mihar shouted, worried for his captain.

"I'm fine, Mihar. Don't worry," Ace said. "It's Aokiji here that should worry. Who knows how his fellow Admiral is doing?"

"You're coming with me, on my terms," Aokiji said, his voice deep and threatening. "No more games, 'Fire Lord' Ace."

Aokiji's cold and rather terrifying gaze matched his current temperament, but Ace wasn't too fazed.

"Again, are you sure about that?" Ace asked before raising his flaming arm to the side. "Flame Fence!"

A tall and thick wall of fire suddenly surged, surrounding everyone in Ace's vicinity in a hot circle. Ace's flames roared audibly, terrifying the marines closest to his Flame Fence.

"Sure, maybe you're stronger than me," Ace said to Aokiji. "But, I sure as hell won't go down without fighting you damn marines. Choose, Aokiji! My small crew or hundreds of your marines?"

Ace expected a different reaction from Aokiji. He hoped for some reaction that would give him an advantage. Instead, Aokiji visibly calmed down and chuckled.

"You think you hold the advantage, Ace?" Aokiji asked. "I've met you enough times to form some guesses on your character now."

"Ohh?" Ace said, stalling. "Enlighten me."

"You're a brutal bastard, especially towards marines for some reason," Aokiji said. "No doubt, you're fueled by your own sense of justice."

"What justice?" Ace asked. "I'm just doing whatever I want."

"In that case, your actions speak volumes of your character. Yes, you're brutal… but, I see now that you care for your crew despite that."

"What's your point?" Ace asked.

"My point is… are you sure you're in the position to negotiate?" Aokiji asked.

At that moment, a ring was heard.

"Purupurupurupuru… purupurupurupuru…"

The ringing came from Aokiji's chest pocket. Once more, Aokiji took out the baby transponder snail.

"It's been ten minutes since the last call, huh?" Aokiji then turned his attention to Ace as he picked up the call. "Give me an update."

"Admiral Aokiji, sir!" The voice of a young and eager soldier, a marine, came from the other side of the call. "The prisoners are still secure!"

"Is the girl awake?" Aokiji asked.

"Yes, sir!" answered the marine.

"Good. Let us hear her," Aokiji said.

A few seconds later, Ace froze. He recognized the shivering voice that now spoke from the other side of the call.

"Wh-Wh… what the hell… do y-you want?"


There was no way Ace wouldn't recognize the voice. It was much quieter and subdued, but he knew for certain it was Tanya's voice.

'She must be freezing to be shivering like that,' Ace thought. 'Aokiji's power, I'm sure.'

"Say hello to your captain, young lady," Aokiji said. "He'll be so… what's the word again? Enlightened? Nah. Delighted. He'll be so delighted to hear you."


"Tanya!" Ace shouted, hoping Tanya could hear her. "I'm coming to save you!"

"...Ace!" Tanya's voice was hoarse. "We're fine! Kill hi-!"

Aokiji cut off the call. He then watched Ace seemingly start to lose his patience.

"I'd rather not do it, but I can order their deaths if you disobey any further. Every ten minutes, the marines holding them must receive an update from me or else they die," Aokiji said. "You come with us by train and they both live, or we do what you want but say goodbye to one of them. Choose."

Ace stared at Aokiji. It was clear that he was being serious. When someone as laid back as Aokiji becomes serious… it's better to believe their words.

"You drive a hard bargain," Ace said. "Fine. Let's go by train."

Ace let out a deep breath. Much to the marines' relief, the wall of fire surrounding them dissipated as if it wasn't there in the first place.

"...good, then," Aokiji said. "Let's-!"

With all the commotion that happened, Aokiji subconsciously wrote off Augur as a minor problem. Most of his attention was on Ace.

Without Ace telling him to, Augur warped towards Mihar and Eri. Aokiji's reflexes made him throw a sharp icicle at Augur who was already behind his captured crewmates, but it was too late.

Faster than one could blink, Aokiji's thrown icicle only met air as Augur disappeared with a pop along with the captured Mihar and unconscious Eri.

Augur moved too fast. Even the Vice Admiral that stood right there beside Mihar could only slash the empty air half a beat later than Aokiji's rash attack.

It was as if Augur moved faster than sound itself.

Seeing that three of Ace's crewmates got away, Aokiji turned to Ace who was standing there looking dumbfounded.

Or at least trying to.

"Oh, darn it~! Wow! I cannot believe it~! My loyal subordinate acted without my consent! Gosh, I did not see that coming~! Mutiny, I tell you!"


'Is he serious right now?' was the collective thought of the marines.