The release of the game

It was an exciting day for Var as he was going to release his game which he had been working on for 15 years ! A fully immersive VR game with the power to replicate the 5 senses ! He had been working on the game from when he was 10 and now he was 25. He had done this because when he was he had gotten a system like in the novels he read.

( hello host this is the system activation quest. )

Upon seeing this notification he went crazy with excitement and looked at the quest details.

- activation quest - you must copy this code to create a fully immersive VR game with the power to replicate all the 5 senses.

After reading this he went crazy with excitement again because he wanted to be a game developer when he grew up and now he was being handed the code to such a game he could only thank the heavens , But after seeing a certain detail his happiness was quickly gone.

- lines of code - 5 million

- to make the task easier the system has made it that the hosts fingers with not get tired when typing. Best of luck

What he hell ! 5 million ? Many modern games only have about 2 million and they are typed by a very big team ! How am I supposed to type so much.

Var was sinking in despair but he decided that he should probably get to typing since it would take him years of typing.

He typed whenever he had free time just type , do necessary work and type again. He did this for 15 years and finally when he reached 25 he was finished and finally released the game on a crappy website because he did not have any money to advertise.

As he had to deal with his expenses with the pocket money his parents gave him. His parents were of a poor background but they had always supported his passion for making games. Var loved his parents and was very Grateful to them. He wanted to give them the best life he could.

Var decided to name the game " Blank " as he was forced by the system to name it so. He also did not write a description of the game. This was also forced by the system.

He thought that this would harm the first impression of the game to new players but he did not have a choice.

As soon as he released the game he got a notification.

- task complete

- the " game Manager system " unlocked

- this system will allow you to make changes and devolve your game at an astonishing rate by completing quests. This will help you game become the best in the world.

- first quest - get your game to a hundred players

Upon seeing this Var was finally relieved and decided to wait for his first players as there was not much he could do.

( in a bedroom )

Mengo was raging after dying in a random game

" ahh such a trashy game delete! The character moves like he had drunk 30 bottles of liquor. The combat is so laggy and boring and the bosses and enemies are so hard " he shouted and deleted the game

Mengo liked to find obscure game that might be hidden gems. But in the process he would find 99% trash games that very lazy cash grabs.

He started browsing once more on a crappy game website when he saw " blank " he was interested by the name and clicked on the game to check it out.

When he saw the empty description he was shocked and had lost interest and was about to click off when he saw the category.

- category - VR

Most VR games at the time were being released by big corporations only , but , to find a VR game on such a obscure website caught his attention and he decided to try the game out.

As soon as he entered the game he was greeted with a choice.

- please chose a class

- Warrior - Warriors are balanced warriors that can use a variety of melee weapons. They are respected warriors that handle both defense and offense. Recommend for players as it is easy to use

- wizard - a wielder of magic using it to fight creatures and people alike. They can use a huge variety of spells for various purposes but , be warned wizards have to give a percentage of their lives to use magic so they are very frail. they are hard to learn but once you get the hang of them they can be very powerful.

- Archer - archers are generally agile and accurate. They use bows to attack people from long ranges. They can use various bows and arrows to give special effect to their attacks. They have a medium level of difficulty to learn.

- rouge - rouges are speed and attack focused making use of quick attacks with there knife and other small weapons and tolls.

Mengo decided to choose the warrior since it was recommended. He was also surprised by the options available at the start since many games had a fixed class to make the game simpler and so that they could focus on only a single character making the update time faster.

When he spawned in the game he saw a small village in the distance , but , he also noticed that it felt almost to real. He could breath in the fresh air from the surrounding Greenery. He then touched a tree and could fell the bark perfectly. He then saw he had a small bottle of water and decided to take a small sip. He could fell the cold water rush down his throat and and it felt just like he would in real life if he drank it.

" OMG isn't this too lifelike ! Other Vr games cant even compare! Why is this game not known ? " he pondered in his mind and his excitement to experience the game increased dramatically.

Then he decided to enter the village

When he walked through the gate a notification appeared

- Welcome to the beginners village !

He then Saw multiple wooden houses with trees and plants planted in their backyards. He also saw multiple guards patrolling the area.

He decided to talk to the guards to figure things out.

" why are there so many guards patrolling the area sir ? "

The guard tuned his head and looked at Mengo and with a surprised experience said " OH ! You look like you are new here. And no need to be so formal with me just call me brother and just like you mentioned there has been an increase in the number of guards because we have heard news that a neighboring village had sent warriors to capture us ! Ah those parasites ! I want to slice there heads off ! " he said with rage in his eyes

" thanks for the information brother "

" no problem its our job as guards to help the people " the guards said walking away

Mengo felt that he had talked to a real person just now. Just how advanced is their speech ai !?

As mengo continued walking he soon found the adventures hub.

As soon as he entered he saw the interior resembling a inn but the it was deserted with not a soul. Finally he saw a woman behind a desk in the center.

He walked up to her and said " hey miss why does this inn seem deserted ? "

The lady was short and pretty. She was wearing formal attire ( a suit and formal looking pants ) with a out of place colorfully made tie.

" looks like you are new here. The other adventures of the already few that were present have all left the town because of the attack that will happen "

" can you give me a quest or mission to level up so i can defend this town ? " Mengo said with a stern face

Mengo had taken a liking to the town and its people who were very friendly and kind. In the process of searching for the adventures hub he had gotten a little hungry and a man had given him some fruits. Mengo tried to thank him by giving him some of his starter money he got when he joined the game for the first time but he refused and said

"I do not need money to help someone seeing people happy is everything i need "

He was touched by the dialogue and felt a strong connection to this man and the whole village.

From what he had gathered he found out the village which has sent the attackers has a greedy mayor who loves land and has used all of his money to sent a pack of warriors to attack the beginners village.

The lady replied " well the only mission available is to scout out the warriors sent to attack us will you accept ? "

" SURE ! " Mengo said and immediately left to scout the forest where the lady said he will find the warriors

( after 4 hours )

Mengo had been searching in the forest for 4 hours but he had found nothing. To a normal person doing something for 4 hours will make them frustrated but not Mengo as he found the forest to be super interesting with new types of trees , plants and bigs that did not exist in real life. He was completely sucked into the world felling as thought it was real !

Suddenly he heard the sound of footsteps. He quickly hid behind a bush to not get spotted.

He saw about 50 people with swords in their hand and all of them were wearing light armor.

He knew at once that these were the enemies and he had to quickly report this to the village.

He took cautious steps but then he slipped on some water and landed with a THUD !

The men at once turned their attention to him and surrounded him.

Mengo knew he could not escape so he decided to do the most he could do and too out his long sword from his inventory and swung it at one the warriors.

The warrior did not expect this and could not dodge in time and got cut in the chest leaving a big bloody slash from which blood was spewing out at a uncontrollable rate.

The other warriors immediately sinked their swords into Mengo. Just as Mengo was about to die he bite the wounded warrior in the beck sinking his teeth into him and finalizing his death.

- you have died please wait 4 hours before a respawn

Mengo took off his helmet and laughed. He had just found a gem of a game , no , he had found a goddamn treasure ! , but , another thing came to Mengo's mind. He had to save the village from the enemy. The village had about 20 guards and he knew they would not be able to defend the village. He had to find more players for the game to be able to defend it.

Ch 1 end

( hello everyone the author here. I wanted to tell you that english is not my fist language so there may be spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes but i will try to improve as time goes and on and please comment so i can use you feedback to improve the book )