The Reinforcement

Mengo immediately knew he had to find more players to defend the village so after eating and taking a short nap as he was tired he decided where to find them.

He immediately went to his friend circle group chat.

The_lonely_gamer - hey mengo why did you not join us for League today huh ?

Dark_one - yeah bro we messaged you for like 3 hours and we got no response. What were you doing ? Don't tell me you have found another friend group to replace us !

Eater_of_colors - no way how dare you replace us , your brothers ! I will never forgive you !! And you better forget about trying to borrow money again from me !

Crazed_addict - you have 2 minutes to explain yourself or we will kick you out of this group. Type fast !

Mengo_the_mango - holy hell why are you throwing so many accusations at my face?! . No , i have not found a new friends group i would never betray all of you ! I want to tell you guys i have found a goddam treasure island Of a game ! And i spent 4 and a half hours playing it ! Its VR and free

Crazed_addict - well i am relived to find out you have not found a new group ! I always believed in you to never betray us but , what is the game you found and you are calling it a treasure island ? Quickly tell me the name if it's FREE and VR !!!

Eater_of_colors - yeah man quickly tell us more about the game is it multiplayer ? How good is the game really ? And what did you do while playing the game ?

The_lonely_gamer - which company launches a free VR game in this day and age ? I am a little spectacle of the game , but i believe in brother Mengo

Mengo_the_mango - the game is on a crappy website and it had no company backing but its the best game i have ever played ! If you guys do not think so as well after playing it, i will cut my fingers!

Crazed_addict - what its on-a crappy website and had no company backing ? That sounds kind of sketchy but i am sure if brother Mengo likes the game so much we have to give it a try.

Eater_of_colors - yeah and if the game is trash we can tease him about cutting his fingers for the rest of out lives ha ha just thinking about it makes me excited

Dark_one - the brother above i think you have weird tendencies and have to get checked by a psychologist but other than that lets check the game out

After this Mengo sent them the link of the game and they all downloaded it And started joining. Since Mengo's death cool down was also up he also joined the game.

" so what classes did you guys pick ? " Mengo asked as he joined the game

They all answered on which class they chose. Since there friend group consisted of 10 people including Mengo the distribution was as follows -

- 2 archers

- 4 warriors

- 1 wizard

- 3 rouge

When asked why they chose their classes the archers said " we like to be away from the combat so as to not risk any injuries while also dealing damage from range of course "

The warriors said they picked it because it was recommended.

The wizard said he liked magic and wanted to try spells and other fun things the wizard had.

The rouges said they just wanted to deal damage quickly while also having speed to dodge attacks.

The players upon entering the game were memorized by how real it felt and they understood why Mengo had so much trust in the game.

" Okay guys i have something to say to all of you and this is the reason I brought you all in the game. A gang of 49 warriors are coming to attack this village and we have to save it ! " Mengo said and explained the situation and how they needed to protect the village

" what ! How could someone even think of destroying and capturing such a innocent village ! I will protect it at all costs ! " said crazed addict

" i will publicly execute the mayor who sent the warriors and carry his head on a pike to send a message ! " said Eater of colors

" lets see who can get through us brothers we will demolish them ! " said The lonely gamer

" wow brother Mengo you are so brave killing on of their comrades while on the brink of death i want to be just like you ! " said Dark one

" yeah i forgot to mention try to deal damage to them in any way possible even when you are dying " Said Mengo

Then Mengo remembered the quest he was given and rushed to the adventurers hub to collect his reward.

He told the lady of what he had seen and done he also told her how he had gotten a team of ' other adventures ' to help defend the village.

The lady was overjoyed on listening this as she finally had a hope that their village could be saved.

A window appeared in front of mengo

- congratulations you have completed the quest and have been given exp and 5 copper coins

- congratulations you have leveled up to level 2. You have 2 free attributes points to distribute !

- achievement unlocked ' the first quest completer ' as a reward you get an additional attribute point

Mengo expected this as when he had entered the game again he got the Exp for killing one of the warriors and with the additional quest exp it was enough for a level up !

There are manily 5 stats in the game for the time being they are -

Strength- this is your power and strength increasing strength will make you more powerful physically and mentally and make you do more damage. Essential for any class

Defense - your defense is how many hits you can take before dying. increasing defense will also increase how much and how hard you take hits.

Stamina - this is how much stamina you have. having higher stamina will allow you to not get tired when fighting or casting spells.

Magic - this is the amount of magic power you have it is necessary for casting spells and using magic. Having higher magic will allow you to cast more spells and a wider variety.

Speed - this is a measure of how fast you are . Increasing you speed will allow you to move quicker and doge attacks quicker.

Each person has 15 points that are distributed as per their class choice. The starting stats of every class are -

1 .Warrior

STR - 5

DEF - 5

STA - 3

MAG - 1

SPE - 1

2 . Wizard

STR - 3

DEF - 1

STA - 3

MAG - 7

SPE - 1

3. Archer

STR - 3

DEF - 2

STA - 3

MAG - 2

SPE - 5

4. Rouge

STR - 4

DEF - 1

STA - 2

MAG - 1

SPE - 7

Getting back to the story.

Mengo decided to add 1 each to his STR, DEF and SPE.

Then the group rallied the 20 guards and stood on the outside of the gate waiting for their attackers to come. And soon they came.

They started charging towards the small army of 30 people of 20 guards and 10 players.

The archers and wizard immediately got to work as they were long range.

The archers fired 2 arrows respectively and hit one person on the chest and the other in the head , killing him and wounding the other.

The Wizard used his only spell and cast magic missile. Three arrows of magic launched towards the warriors. One of them hit the ground exploding and halting the charge for a moment because of the dust and the other two hit the charging warriors killing the both that it hit and because of its explosive nature injured deeply 5 more since they were close together.

The initial attack had killed 3 and deeply wounded 6 to the point that they would be of no help in the fight.

Then the warriors and the players and guards clashed in a melee brawl.

Mengo swung his sword and cut of a arm. The man who had his hand cut tried to retaliate but he was blocked and his head was slashed off.

The guards and rouges had hatched a plan before the fight. The guards were holding off the warriors in time for the rouges to quickly strike them in vital areas. The technique worked wonders and quickly 5 warriors had been taken care of by this technique.

The other warriors also remained close enough so that they could defend each other ,but , also attack freely. they also protected the archers and the Wizard making the warriors unable the kill them and them raining down arrows and magic missiles.

The warriors were goons for hire and they were not aware of something like strategies because they just charged in a group and that seemed to work , but , now they could not figure out a solution to the strategy of these people ! 15 of them had already died and there were only 35 of them left. They knew that the cause of there problems was these random adventures ! Where the hell did this reinforcement come from ?. A sense of fear started to wash over them but hey still had one hope ! There all powerful general who had obtained a ability from training. And he was furious and started walking towards the battle as he did not expect his warriors to be losing so shamelessly.

" If you want a job done you have to do it yourself !! " he shouted

Ch 2 end