The sacrifice

As the warrior groups leader was coming closer they got better view of him. He was tall and had hulking muscles. He face had a giant scare that pierced his eye. And his eyes were bloodshot with anger.

The other warriors started to back off from the fight as they were scared that they would themselves get killed. The players could not figure out the reason for this sudden action as they were unaware of their leaders abilities.

" ha ! Looks like they are scared and running away " said Eater of colors

" those cowards ! They were so excited at the start of the battle and came charging forward , but , now they are scared because they are losing ! " said Crazed addict

" do you think you can escape my arrow ? " said Dark one as he fired a arrow at one of The retreating warriors hitting him on the leg and making him drop to the ground screaming in pain.

Suddenly ! , all of them heard a blood curdling shout.

" ACTIVATE !! " said the warrior leader

Suddenly a red aura started to surface around him. He muscles grew in size and tensed up. He lifted his giant war axe to his elbow and started charging.

A guard who was forward on the battle field met with him first. The leader swung his axe to the guards neck. The guard tried to block the attack by placing his sword at his neck to block , but , his sword got crushed from the power of the strike crushing his sword and slicing his neck off.

The leader laughed manically and looked at the rest of the opponents. The players who were teasing the warriors immediately shut their mouths. They also got ready to face him but they could not hide a hint of fear from their faces.

The warriors could not hold themselves back from teasing them.

" who just said we were cowards huh ? " said one of the warriors laughing

" you look scared now ! After the captain had his way with you we will pillage this village ! " another warrior said

" boss leave a few of them for me to kill as well don't enjoy the fun all to yourselves " a warrior said jokingly

But the players could not care less for the time being they were focused on trying to find a way to defeat the boss.

" Ah crap ! Looks like their boss has a skill that increases his physical power " said Mengo

" Yeah it is definitely a skill ! But all skills have a time limit as well ! We just have to hold him off until the time runs out " said Lonely gamer

" but we will definitely lose many people in trying to tire him out ! We have to kill him as soon as possible " Said Eater of colors

They did not have much time to think as he quickly charged over.

The archers fired both their shots and managed to hit him in the arm and leg , but , he did not show any signs pf stopping.

" How much time until you can fire magic missile again ? " asked Mengo worriedly

" about 2 minutes " the wizard said

A Rouge with incredible speed and stealth slashed open the leaders guts. The leader upon noticing grabbed his head with his giant hand and started to crush it.

2 guards came to the rescue as they slashed at the arm in which the rouge was bring crushed with. They were unsuccessful however as after the he got crushed to death the leader did a double punch detaching both the guards head from their body.

" 1 minute and 20 second left ! " the wizard shouted again

" and four down " said Crazed addict disheartened .

As the leader came even closer. Mengo lunged at him slashing at his injured arm creating a deep cut. The leader instinctively swung his axe. Mengo also used his full force and met the strike mid way with his longsword.

The Longsword however was beaten and half of it flew backwards. Now Mengo was left with a broken sword but he did not lose hope. He again swung with his now broken sword once again at the injured arm creating a even deeper cut.

Just as the leader swung his sword again he was met with 3 swords stopping his strike.

1 guard and 2 players with all their might had stopped the blow.

The leader not faced by this tightened his injured arm into a fist and swung at Mengo. Hitting him in the stomach. Mengo almost immediately died but as had invested a extra point in defense he had barely managed to stay alive. Another arrow hit the leader of the chest just as Mengo gave his Dying strike by implanting his broken sword into his chest and then he collapsed dying.

" 20 seconds more guys just hold on a little longer " the wizard shouted

The 3 people who had initially blocked he leaders strike backed off in fear , but , not before one of the players got kicked so hard his ribs broke and he died.

The players knew that there was not much time before the leader dies however as he had sustained quite a number of injuries from his small battles.

The Leader also realized he had less time as he knew he would not be able to survive the magic attack as he had seen how powerful it was and he was also heavily injured .

He threw his Axe in a attempt to kill another person and it hit a guard cutting his leg off.

Then he felt a sharp pain in his back and saw a Rouge stabbing his spine.

He tried to grab the rouge but he was unexpectedly fast and moved out the way.

" Well the level up really saved me " he said with a smile on his face

He had actually killed 2 warriors which was enough for a level up. He had invested both his stat points into speed when he saw that a rouge was not fast enough to dodge the leaders attack.

He swiftly maneuvered dodging his attacks and slashing at his arms , legs and chest.

Then suddenly he moved a few feet back. The leader was not able to understand this decision , but , when he saw 3 blue missiles coming his way he knew why.

The missiles all hit there target and the explosion was a spectacle conjuring up a cloud of smoke. From the smoke Shout out a hand.

When the smoke disappeared the body body the leader was seen lying down dead. Numerous injuries oh his body and huge chunks of flesh of his flesh missing from his body because of the explosion.

Upon seeing this the players signed a sigh of relief the sacrifices of players and guards did not go to waste.

Suddenly a notification appeared in front of all the players.

- you all have achieved a unprecedented feat defeating a enemy much stronger that you. You all are rewarded an extra attribute point.

- you have achieved title ' the village protecters '

- ' the village protecters ' - you have all shown a sense of duty giving your all to protect the village. All the people of the beginners village have placed their full trust in you.

The wizard although got a unique achievement.

- you have killed a enemy much stronger than you and as a result you will have 10% increased damage against all players who are of a higher level than you.

The remaining warriors on seeing their captions death were in shock. They all knew they could not defeat the warriors alone so they started running away.

The players upon seeing this got excited and started chasing after them to get free exp as fleeing warriors would not be hard to kill.

They did mange to kill many of the fleeing warriors about 10. The rest of them managed to escape.

But after this the village was saved ! The guards immediately thanked the players and said that the village will never forget their deed.

One of the players had also recorded the video of the battle and he uploaded it online.

The video immediately got a lot of traction since the game looked just like real life. The viewers were captivated by the breathtaking action and especially when the leader fought with the group.

The video got 50k views in one day. Which may not be much ,but , for an unknown game and channel it was explosive numbers.

Some of the comments read -

" holy hell did you guys see the graphics !! How can a game look so real ?! "

" the fighting seemed so lifelike with blood and gore I especially liked the use of various techniques since the village force was outnumbered "

" for me the highlight was definitely when the boss said ' ACTIVATE ' !! That when the real chills start ! "

" i was suggested this video by a friend and i have to say it did not disappoint ! The first half was very enjoyable with the start and mid point of the battle. The end part tho really took it up a notch with that epic man Vs army fight ! Definitely looking forward to more such videos "

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