The new wave

After the Video was released of the game many people in the comments asked about the games name. As a result they joined the game. The total number was about 95.

As they entered the game they were blown away as everyone else who had joined the game.

As they entered they saw a message.

- because of the efforts of the players on defending the attack on the village the adventures hub has started giving out quests once again ! So go and level up !

Upon seeing this the players rushed to the adventures hub. The once desolate inn was now full of life when the adventures entered it. The one who noticed it the Most was Mengo as he had seen its before and after conditions.

Mengo had also seen that Pink slimes had started spawning in-front of the village. As he went further he also saw Wolves and later Bears.

The mission themselves were normal mission consisting of but, not limited to -

- helping out the villagers or guards by doing their chores. Its rewards were generally exp , money and increased trust by the character which they helped.

- killing a number of slimes , wolves or Bear depending of you level. This also gave exp and money.

Players also noticed that once they reached level 4 they would be given a ability to choose from. The abilities were different for each class however making them more unique. They were -

For the the warriors -

- " Warriors cry " - you let out a cry that gets you blood pumping at a much faster rate ! Increasing you physical power by 50% for 3 minutes. In this state you will be taken over by power and will not remain it a good state of mind. You may even fell unwell after the skill is over. you can level up this skill for increased benefits.

Cool down - 30 minutes


- " Melee master " - you gain 33% increased proficiency with any melee weapon. This is a passive ability. You can level up this skill for increased proficiency.

The choice was Wizards was -

- " Levitation " - you gain the ability to levitate objects on will. As you use this skill more you can life heavier objects.

Can do until you have Magic left.


- " Magic wave " - you can produce a big Wave of magic dealing much damage to People in a area. Leveling this skill up will allow you to cast stronger versions of the skill.

Cool down - 8 minutes


- " Short casting " - do you hate having to wait for a eternity after casting a spell ? Well not anymore ! Shortens the cool down of spells by 25%. Percentage increases with the development of the skill. Passive skill

The abilities for archers was -

- " ice arrow " - you gain the ability to summon a ice arrow. The arrow will put the target in a very cold state. Level this skill up to get more benefits

Cool down - 5 minutes


- " Fire bow " - get a bow imbued with fire magic. All arrows you fire will have their tips burning with fire. Increasing this bows level with unlock new abilities.

The choice for rouges was -

- " Shadow step " - upon activation of the skill you are covered by extreme stealth making you hard to spot. For 2 minutes. Increase the level for longer intervals of time.

Cool down - 15 minutes


- " Dash " - you cover 5 meters extremely fast in any direction you want. Increasing the level will mean longer distance and shorter cool down.

Cool down - 1 minute.

These abilities helped to differentiate the classes more as each class had their unique abilities relating to their class.


Var who had been sleeping in his house soundly was woken up by a system notification.

- congratulations host you have completed the first mission rewards are being distributed.

- you have gotten 5000 dollars and a code for the update for the game.

Var was very happy upon seeing the money and soon after he also got a message from his bank conforming the reward.

Var also read the new code for the update titled - " guilds And blacksmith " the update mainly allowed the players to create guilds which were essentially for any MMORPG like his. it would also introduce a blacksmith for the production of many necessary items.

He immediately got to work punching his keyboard. he first uploaded the game on Astem for wider recognition by paying 100 dollars. after that he started preparing the update. He had also gotten a new quest.

Var also sent a message to all the players about the update to get them excited.

- reach 1000 players


" DID you see how many people i killed with my magic missile ! " said Bello

He was the wizard character who was in the battle.

" Yeah man without you we would have lost many more people to that bastard leader " said Eater of colors

" I am really happy we found such a good game this early. " said another man

" What so you mean ' found it early ' we are literally the first players " Said Mengo

Mengo and his group were discussing about the game in the school they studied in. Their talking had attracted many curios people. After some time one of them finally asked.

" Hey brothers what game are you all talking about for so long ? It sound really interesting " he asked

" Brother its the best Goddamn game we have ever played ! We recommend you play it as well ! Its called " blank " and it has just released on Astem " Said Dark one

" I would brother but i am currently broke ! " he said with a sulking face

" No Worry ! The game is 100% free " said Dark one excitedly

" really i will download it after going home from school " he said

Soon the name of the game spread in the school and many people planned to check it out.

And soon a new wave of players joined Blank. The players mesmerized by the game could not help but tell their friends about the game and then they told their friends turning into a domino effect. Soon the whole of the school was playing he game and it became a kind of tradition.

Talks of the game would be heard from everybody.

" Did you hear that Gaya reached level 4 yesterday and he choose the " Magic wave " since he is a Wizard , but , isn't " levitation " better ? " asked a student

" what " levitation " ? And what " magic wave " ? " short casting " is much better ! " replied another

Soon they got into a fight of which mage skill was the best.


" HEY TOU ARE THE ONE WHO STOLE MY BEAR KILL YESTERDAY I WILL KILL YOU. ! " screamed a student chasing after another

" I AM SORRY BRO I DID NOT SEE IT WAS YOUR BEAR. " he said running for his dear life


" Hey Did you hear that The Top level player Mengo toke on 2 bears alone yesterday and defeated them. His video is going crazy popular online as well ! "

" i wish i was as strong as him ! I can barely take on a wolf alone and he is over here taking 2 bears ! "


The players also created a website to discuss the game called ' fill in the blank '

A reference to the game 's name.

Fierce discussions took place about the game. The most popular discussion however remained about which skill for characters was the best.

A user by the name ' The planner ' emerged as a lead figure. One who's arguments and reasoning was top notch. As a result his was deeply respected among the community by all the players.


Eventually another school going by the bane Yami also joined in on the fun when they heard the recommendation for the game from their friend.

The game bow had a bustling community of some 700 people.

Currently Mengo was the player with the highest level on the server. Being level 6. He was much stronger than most of the player who were at level 3.


A man was heard huffing for air. As he saw on the ground. Blood covering his clothes.

A bear almost dead was running away scared for his life. He had fought the bear with all his might and had won he was just about to kill the bear when suddenly, a arrow hit the bear killing it ! .

The warrior at once knew this was KILL STEALING! He was furious and saw the person who had committed the act and started running at him with all force his longsword behind his back. But before he could reach him a dagger cut his leg off !

He in his last moments saw a Rouge smiling. After that the rouge went to his archer friend to discuss something.

He at once in his last moments swore that he would get his revenge TEN FOLD !! he would exterminate these dirty Kill stealers !

The 2 kill stealers may not have known that on this day their actions would become the reason for a chain of events that lead to the first ' GREAT WAR ' in Blanks history. A War to remember.

Ch 4 end...