The Meeting And after

After Mengo had heard the story he did not want to instigate a war just for a random kill Steal.

As he had the most authority in the game he arranged for a meeting between the Yami school and Light school. This was to be held in the light villages town hall.


A dozen or so high leveled people walked through the gates. They were all Yami schools highest level players. Cambo was walking in the front as their leader. He was not the highest level but he was unanimously chosen as the leader.

The meeting started with the Yami players sitting in their respective chairs.

" i think we all know why we are here " said Mengo

" We are here to discuss the recent conflicts happening in the game! This is a try for a peace deal ! " said Mengo once again

Immediately Cambo spoke up.

" oh yes, i also do not want to continue this conflict anymore as it is preventing me from leveling up " Said Cambo

Everyone thought that Cambo was very reasonable and were happy to reach the conclusion in such a short time , but , his next words stopped them dead in their thought.

" Just banish those 2 kill stealers from your kingdom and break any connections with them going forward and we will be good " he said nonchalantly

Upon hearing this the other Light school representatives cursed in their heads.

" What the hell you want us to abandon them ? After that won't you just kill them mercilessly?! "

The first one to speak up was Dark one

" Absolutely unreasonable ! These foolish demands will not be meet ! If we come to a peace agreement we will come on it on equal terms where no party has a benefit or a lose ! " he said in a visible angry tone

" huh ? So you are blatantly defending Kill stealers? " questioned one of the Yami representatives

" we are not defending them for what they have done as we know that they are in the wrong , but , this punishment you are presenting is too harsh. " said Eater of colors

" In my point of view the punishment for these ' scum ' is not harsh at all as these type of players are nothing but parasites in a games ecosystem " Said another yami representative

" your point about them being Parasites in the games ecosystem is quite false as these types of player are what make the games fun and interesting in my opinion and are a essential. Remember the last time when you killed one of these types of players, the joy you felt. " said Mengo in a sharp reply

" we do not agree with you sentiments " said many Yami representatives

The Light school representatives

immediately reached the conclusion that they did not have any counter arguments so they ended the issue.

" don't act like you will not kill us, if the punishment proposed by you is passed !! " Dave angrily said

" Shut up bastard ! You have no right to speak in this meeting ! " Said Cambo

" Same goes for you Sadistic bastard ! Enjoying torturing people ! " Dave shouted

Upon hearing this many of the Yami representatives were filled with rage.

Cambo being the worst as the moment he heard these words he unsheathed his sword.

Upon seeing this , Dave also in response loaded his bow with a arrow.

Upon seeing the situation worsen Mengo slammed his fist on the table and shouted.


Upon hearing this Cambo immediately went back to his seat as he knew he could not win in the fight.

The Meeting quickly turned into a heated debate. The conclusion was still bot reach even after half an hour of arguments.


" WE DO NOT ! " Shouted Mengo back

" SO WE DECLARE WAR ! " Said Cambo as he rose from his seat and with his team members left the town hall

After they were gone a harsh reality set in. As they would be fighting their first ever war in the game.

Soon the news became public and players of both schools enthusiastically began leveling up for the war.

In Yami school new players were being recruited at an astonishing rate as well. Soon both the schools stood even in the number of players they had.

Both the factions started organizing their forces.

In the Light team people were made to wear a blue wooden badge made to identify them as their team.

The same happened at the Yami team and they made their people wear a Red badge.


Another development that took place for the formation of the ' peace circle '. This was a organization made by the neutral players to stop this war as it would not benefit anyone. They also swore to Stop future wars from happening. Their forces numbered about 50 people. They spammed the forums with their message and Their combined efforts actually made another meeting happen for negotiations , but , the Meeting also could not solve the issue and many players even started fighting in the Meeting place.

Also a date was fixed when the war would actually begin.

And the Yami players also started building their own village to have a spot for their forces. the Light team obviously trolled them on copying their idea but they did not mind.

Both the forces numbered around 400.


( on the day of War )

" We all are here gathered here to defend put village the Light village ! I know that those bastards will come to destroy our village so we have to protect it at all costs ! " said Mengo over the hundreds of players

As there was a very high chance of them attacking the village.

Many scouts were present a good distance away from the village to inform them about the attackers.

And soon the message came.

" I just saw them passing through about 300 people. Mostly warriors and rouges. Should reach in 10 minutes " the notification came.

When the message came the people at the village quickly started preparing and got into formation. Their forces mainly consisted of warriors and archers.

He village had also done some modifications to heir village for better defense like making platforms on the walls for Wizard and Archers to stand.

They had made the gate thicker at to make it harder to break.


As the Yami forces reached the gate the first Battle of the war began.

The first to attack were the Yamis as most of their mages realized magic missiles at the wall , but , the Village people had thought of a measure to this attack. As 3 magic standing on the wall platforms raised their staffs, a purple aura emitting from it. Many of the magic missiles stopped dead in their tracks and redirected back to the Yami forces, a purple light also emitting from them.

The knowledgeable people in the Yami group knew that they had used ' Levitation ' to redirect the attacks. They thought is was a good strategy. A ' Magic wave ' was thrown next towards the gate in a attempt to break it down , but , the Wave also started giving off a purple aura and redirect to the wall posts. It hit the Wall posts as the Mages were unable to Catch it in time. It caused severe damage to some wall posts and cut a portion of the wall. Some archers and Mages standing on the platforms fell down due to the destruction of their platforms and were immediately slaughtered.

" they are using own strategy against us ! " the three mages thought

After that the warriors slammed against the gate and swung their swords at it in hopes to bring it down. After 10 minutes of slashing and will the help of archers and mages they were finally able to break the door open.

But once the door fell they saw a row of loaded archers. The archers upon seeing them immediately fired their arrows ,harming and killing a large number of warriors.

The remaining warriors cursed themselves! They had fallen into the enemies trap !

But they did not hesitate as they knew it could be the difference between them winning or them losing.

They quickly charged towards the archers , but , the archers swiftly moves backwards giving way for the warriors that meet the opposing warriors.

A big scale battle started as the warriors of the two teams clashed.

It was going as normal but then the people of the Light village started noticing sudden falling of players on their teams.

Soon they noticed that the wounds were usually knife wounds. And it did not take a rocket scientist to figure out that these were Rouges, But they seemed to sneaky. Suddenly they realized that they were using ' shadow step ' making them very hard to detect. Also they were a lot of them. Making it even harder to stop them. They knew that this skill had a duration but it would probably be to late when it ran out as too many of then would be dead. They had to find a way to quickly take care of them !

Ch 6 end

( for story purposes Wizards and mages are the same )