The Battle and aftermath

Numbers :

Total number of Light players present in the fight - 350

Total dead - 35

Total number of Yami players- 300

Total dead - 75


Upon seeing the casualties on both sides the Yami players seemed to be losing , But , the Yami players pulled out their trump card ! Their High leveled rouges ! These Rouges all had ' shadow step ' and had heavily invested in their speed stat making them stealthy and fast and incredibly hard to catch.

This was huge issue for the Light players because as the Warriors were clashing these Rouges would attack vital points of the body causing huge damage to them and potentially killing them also many warriors who had invested into defense did not fall that easily but they were still wounded.

The duration of the skill was just 2 minutes but by that time they would have huge amount of casualties.

The Light side suddenly got a plan ! They hurriedly called the mages from the walls. And a single mage was dropped there using the help of Levitation.

" EVERYBODY KNEEL ! " Mengo shouted

The soldiers knew not to disobey commands so they instinctively kneeled.

Suddenly a huge wave of magic brushed past their head.

The Attack hit all the people in the front row including the hidden Rouges ! And once their cover was blown they were shot dead by rows of arrows as the archers had also reloaded.

Suddenly The Yami schools hope was lost. They however did not flee and chose to keep on fighting the losing battle.


After half an hour most of the Yami players were dead and the rest had escaped. About 240 of them were dead.

While on the Light side the casualties were much less. About 150 of them.

This had happened because the Light players were much more organized and had a clear strategy and had also predicted many of the Yami schools plan.

The first battle of the war labeled the " Village attack " was a major Light victory


Near the Yami village a group of 50 people were seen traveling towards the village entrance. Upon seeing the village in sight many of them hid and only a small team went towards the gates.

The guards immediately stopped them and asked

" what do you want ? And who are you ? "

" we are a small team of players who would like to join this war in your side as we agree with you sentiments over the incident responsible for this event "

Upon hearing this a smile appeared on one of the guards and he motioned to let them in. And the guard standing at the wall post threw the gate open.

The gate of The Yami village was only openable from the inside by a guard. It had a lock that had to be unlocked from the inside. The door was also much - much thicker that the door at Light village to make it more secure.

The door opened and the player who was talking with the guard suddenly took out a bow and shot the guard who unlocked the lock !

Then his team member, a rouge , used ' dash ' and went of to the platform to stop the other Yami players from closing the gate.

The people who had hid came out and started running full speed towards the gate.

The two guards immediately went into panic , but , both of them felt extremely cold and saw they had been pierced by a ice arrow. After that they both died.

The 50 members all entered the village just in time as the rouge who was holding the gate was killed by the guards.

The Village immediately went into a panic mode and troops gathered to stop the trespassers.

Suddenly the enemy players cleared way for Some archers. The archers loaded their bows which looked almost set on fire with fire oozing from the bows.

The arrows when they were fired hade fire on their tips. The arrows were not targeted towards any player but towards the houses.

Many houses caught fire and started burning and black smoke covered the area.

The Yami village players immediately attacked the intruders.

The battle was short as the Yami players outnumbered them 2 to 1 , but , their purpose was never to kill the Yami players. Their main goal was to setback the progress of their village ! During the battle they had shoot and burnt down many more houses.

As black smoke covered the area the Yami players were filled with grief seeing their village they build with such hardwork burning. They also got the news of their defeat at the Light village saddening them even more. This however also filled them with rage and determination ! They were even more determined to persevere and win the war !

And with this the first day of the War came to an end as most of the players on each side were dead.


The number of players playing Blank had increased to over 1000 players because of the Yami players joining.

Var who was hard at work , coding the new update.

" At this pace the update should be ready in 2 days " he thought

- congratulations host ! You have completed the quest and have reached 1000 players

- rewards are - 10k dollars and a new area and a new class.

- the code for the update has been provided please get to work !

- new mission will be provided when you finish coding the " guilds and black smith "update

- all the beat host !

The sudden notifications straddled him and he almost fell out of his chair.

" i have not even finished this update and you want me to develop another ! " he thought in his mind

But the new updates new area and a new class peaked his interest and he decided just to code the update without complaints.

Aside from his job many other things were happening in his personal life. Var had actually moved into a new apartment with the money of the First mission.

And after receiving the money of the second mission he decided to sent it all to his parents as he knew they were short on it.

After sending the money he suddenly got a call.

" Hey Var did you just sent money to your dads account ? "

" Yes i did , whats wrong mom ? "

" where did you get this money from huh ? Don't tell me you are doing something illegal ! "

" MOM calm down i am not doing anything Illegal ! My game that i have devolved has started doing very well so i decided to sent you guys some money "

" ha i knew it my son is really a genius ! To think his game is doing so well ! See this my son is so intelligent ! " she said to dad over the phone

" what do you mean your son ? He is my son as well ! I always knew he would succeed ! Well done son ! " Dad shouted over the phone

After this he talked to his parents for some time more before disconnecting. He felt a sense of relief as his life was finally starting to improve.


On the same day A post was made on The forums. Detailing The happenings of the first day of the war.

It quickly became the top post garnering many likes and comments.

" holy shit ! I did not think the first day alone would be so epic ! "

" the Light players dominated the first day i would say. As they successfully defended their village and also destroyed a good chunk of the Yami village. Guessing from these devolvements the Light village seems to be much more prepared and organized. "

" i think its mostly to do with strong leaders like Mengo and Dark one "

There were many differing viewpoints about the day making it really fun for a neutral player.


" boss we were not able to stop the war from happening! " a man sitting on a wooden table said frowning

Many others agreed to the man as they had tried in all their power to stop the war as it would head unnecessary casualties. Like when the Yami forces were going to attack the light village they attacked and killed all the people they found in their way because they were suspected to be scouts ! This hindered many peoples progress !

" if they do not listen to our request ! I will force them ! If they can't t bring peace i will ! By force ! " suddenly their leader Bano said

They knew that their leader was a fun and chill guy but when he got serious they all listened to him very attentively and they knew that he would bring the end of this forsaken war !


Cambo was alone fighting a bear To level up as he was very determined to become stronger.

He instantly activated Warriors cry as he was nearing death and slashed the bear stomach open. Its blood on his clothes

- congratulations you have leveled up to level 5 you have gotten 2 attribute points to invest

He put one each in STR and DEF.

Suddenly a notification popped up on his window.

- the devil is proposing you a contract !

Ch 7 end

( The forums is essentially just FILL IN THE BLANK renamed for convenience )