The continuation

" COME OUT CAMBO !!! " Dark one shouted at the entrance of the village

As 150 people were standing behind him. They were all curios to see a Demon. Soon enough there curiosity would be answered.

Cambo came out walking out of the village. He was surprised to see so many people standing though as even he was not sure if he could defeat them all. Still he gave off a amused expression to hide his doubt.

" So you all have finally come ! Took you long enough! " he said laughing

Upon seeing Cambo's appearance Dark one was convinced of him being an demon.

" FIRE ! " he shouted and tens of arrows were launched in Cambo's way. In response to this Cambo just leaped in the air.

He the started flying towards he crowd at a great speed.

" Oh no you don't! " A mage said

Suddenly a chunk of the earth separated from the ground. The chunk then floated towards Cambo's path ,eventually smashing into him. Because of his speed he smashed through the chunk, but in the process got damaged.

He fell to the ground because of the impact. Not for long thought as after a few seconds he got up and resumed his flight. Bruises could be seen on his body.

" MAGES FIRE ! " Dark one said again

And a flurry of magic missiles were launched towards Cambo who was just about to reach them.

Cambo Eyes were filled with terrible horror as about 100 magic missiles came towards his way. He quickly used all the fire force his legs could muster and launched himself upwards. He managed to avoid most of the missiles but about one to three still hit him.

He legs also started aching as he had just forced so much pressure on them. This angered him and he started plummeting to the ground ,fire coming out of his body. He looked quite like a meteoroid.

And in a very short amount of time landed in between the players.

A chunk of the ground sprang up and he landed with such force. He grabbed the chunk and threw it at The players ,killing some of them. He then put both his hands forward and fire started coming out of them at incredible speed. This torched most of the people near him.

Suddenly!, a arrow struck him from above ! He looked up to see Dark one flying over him, clearly being levitated.

" YOU ! " Cambo screamed and pointed hand at him

But to his surprise he could bot conjure up flames in that hand !

" for a while that hand of yours is useless ! I have struck it with a ice arrow ! " Dark one mockingly said

The cooling effects of the ice arrow had managed to suppress Cambo's flames !

" i still have my other hand ! " he Said pointing it towards him

But , this time he saw many arrows flying his way. He quickly started conjuring flames into his legs to leap and avoid the attack , but , his leg was struck by a ice arrow !

" not so fast Cambo ! " Said dark one smiling

Cambo was starting to remember every curse he knew for Dark one.


" Yeah agro them here ! " a player shouted

" we are doing our best here ! " another played said running from a Bear

They were currently in the process of executing a part of a emergency plan they had created.


" Bro can you help us pretty please ! " said Mengo

" ok why not since you helped us protect our village when we needed it ! We can of course return the favor ! " the chief guard said

After the battel with the other villagers warriors and saving their village the guards had innovated their system ! There was now a chief guard. He was stronger than any of the guards and he was in command and his command was absolute ! . The number of guards had also increased to 40 from the 30

" Let me just make a little call and we will be ready to go ! " he said and went out of his office

Mengo was relieved that the chief Guard had agreed so easily.


" i see the village sir ! " said a Yami player


( after 15 minutes)

" boss i think something is very wrong here ! " said a player

The other players also realized this and saw that there was absolutely nobody at the outer boundaries of the village !

" shameless people copying our idea of keeping our boundary empty ! " a lot of players said

" I think you are missing a vital point ! They do not have A goddamn demon guarding their village " a player said

Many people agreed of his statement, but , they were still not sure about why did they keep their surroundings empty ,but , regardless they pressed on wards and saw the gates of the village.

About 20 people went forwards and opened the doors.

Just when they opened the door a little a bear rushed forwards and then another and then another ! Then the door bust open and tens of bears came forward !


Several arrows hit Cambo on his side and made him leap a litter distance in the direction of the arrows. About 10 arrows were pierced into his sides.

" HA ! HA ! HA ! HA ! " Cambo was laughing crazily as though having gone mad and his eyes turned red like blood

As the effects of the ice arrows had worn down by now. He once again flew up in the air and with his hands started producing fire. It eventually gained the shape of a ball and then he launched it at the players.

" a fireball ! " one of them cried

But it was too late and most of them were not able to dodge it and it hit a large amount of players killing them almost instantly!

Dark one seeing the situation loaded up his ice arrow and shoot it at him.

But , this time Cambo was careful and he swiftly dodged the attack. He then started started flying towards Dark one

" Quick ! all of you who have reloaded fire ! " Dark one said

Tons of arrows and magic missile were launched up into the sky. Some landed their marks but were not able to stop his advance.

He once upon getting close to him put his hand on him. Its safe to say he did not survive

As dark one had died the forces changes of victory were also cut by a small margin. But seeing that Cambo had taken many hits. He was not going to be able to take more.

Ch 10 end

[ sorry everyone for the short chapter today since i had to go to the hospital today. 😥]