The mayhem

As the ashes of Dark one landed on the ground , A mage yelled

" Ha ha ! He fell into the trap "

As Cambo's eyes widened to see a tree coming his way. The tree crashed into him. Making a very loud noise.

Cambo upon being hit by the tree , fell down to the ground. He stayed on the ground as his body had probably reached its limit.

" Its our chance , everyone attack ! " Lonely gamer shouted

The remaining archers and mages who were left alive , shoot their respective projectiles.

" i am gonna die huh ? " A thought went into Cambo's mind

He thought he was powerful enough to stop them , but , he wasn't ! He wasn't strong enough ! and now his village that his team had spent so much time and effort building would be burned down !

" no ! I can't lose here ! Not to these bastards ! " another thought occurred

But , alas he could not do anything but wait for his death and his death did come.

[ you have died. As you are of the Demon race, you will be able to rejoin in 24 hours ]

Since he was now a demon his rejoin time had also increased by 6 times ! Being one of the downsides of being a demon.

There were only 80 players alive at the moment. Meaning that Cambo had killed 120 of them ! An astronomical number for just a single person ! the sad reality then set in ,They knew that Taking on Cambo from now on would be very hard.

But , after some time they finally put themselves together and went inside the village and burned it to ashes.

They then hurried back to their own village as they knew that those Yami players had probably already reached their village .


" What the hell ! Someone help me with this bear ! "

" screw him help me first ! I am your general ! "

" where did these goddamn bears come from ! And why the hell did they come ! "

" i think this was the reason there was nobody at the front ! "

" those Light players ! I will skin them alive ! "

Countless screams , cries and curses pulsated throughout the yami players as a pack of about 35 bears attacked their group.

35 bears may not look like much when compared to the 400 Yami players , but , when they are in a pack like this they are very - very deadly.

For example. 1 bear could be compared to a level 3 player. But 2 bears together would require 4 people to beat them. And with 35 of them , i think you can guess how deadly they were.


" boss we have reached the outskirts of the Light village! " A player said

" good ! Now lets go ! " the leader of the peace circle said.

Something many of you may have noticed is that in the Meeting the leader said that they will attack the light forces going to the Yami village , but , then they got a message about the situation there by someone and they decided to change their course.

" sir i see people fighting! " another player yelled !

" Yes sir they are fighting! They have the Yami Badge on them so they must be Yami players ! They seem to be fighting , um... bears ? What the hell ? Where did the bears come from !? " a general said

They were all shocked at the sight of seeing Yami players fighting bears in this area.

" ignore that and attack ! " their leader said

They willingly obeyed his command and they all charged !


One player who was back in the ranks saw the scene of the 200 people of the peace circle running towards them with weapons in hand and freaked out.


Seeing his shout many of the players also looked back to see the horrific sight.

" for 35 bears not enough huh ? You also had to come ! "

" Are those not the peace circle bastards ? Where did the peace run off to !? "

" just what the hell is happening today !? First , Sir - Cambo became a demon. The Light village had bears for some reason and now the Peace circle is participating in a war ? Whats gonna happen next ? The sun rises from the south! " A player shouted in frustration


" sir Mengo i think our strategy is working wonderfully! The bears are killing many of the players ! " A player said

He was able to tell this as he was looking through a opening in wall. Let me explain.

The Light players had created a small room to keep the bears out ,by building a thick wall in front of their entrance. They had also cut small spaces in the wall to look to the other side. This was how they were able to see what was happening.


" what ? Let me see " Mengo said pushing the player aside

He saw an force of upto 200 players crashing into the battle of the bears and players. It was safe to say that the battle had turned into chaos ! As players were fighting among themselves and the bears.

" its our chance! " mengo said happily

" mages fire ! " A order came from a general

The mages put their wands to the openings and cast magic missiles.

Tens of magic missiles shoot out and hit the mayhem that was ensuing.


" HA ! HA ! I got a bear ! I got a bear ! Take that yo- " a player was happily cheering as he had just killed a bear but them a magic missile hit him and he died.

The magic missiles also hit many people on the field and because of their explosive nature damaged many more.

" where the hell did these come from ! "

" i saw it ! They came from some kind of openings in the walls ! "

" who the hell are we even fighting even more ! "

They all questioned as they were here ti fight the light village players but were occupied fighting other people.

As they were done thinking about this they saw the walls of the Light village drop and players rushing out !

Ch 11 end

( sorry for another short chapter everyone as you know i had to visit the doctor and have been taking medication )