the ensuing chaos

all of the players saw that the Light army's forces were also coming to join them.

" yeah I thought we were missing someone ! "

" just what we needed ! "

" lets go more people to keep in check! "

The Yami players were making sarcastic comments one after another.

On the other hand about 100 Light villages warriors rushed out. Ready to slay as many of the Yami players as they could.


( i will try to narrate this mess to the best of my abilities)

The group of Light players smashes into the Yami players and a fierce brawl between many warriors ensues. One of the warriors is Mengo.

Mengo swings his longsword towards a Yami player , he tries to block , but , his sword gets a crack from the force of the strike ! He tries to back of , but , Mengo quickly follows up on his attack with a second one. The attack catches him off guard and he gets cut into two pieces !

For reference here are Mengo's stats. He is level 7 as he leveled up when locking up the bears.

STR - 11

DEF -8

STA -6

MAG - 1

SPE - 3

His stats were double of many players.

It was safe to say that he was a menace on the battle field !

All the Yami players also noticed this as Mengo was had already killed 3 people ! In just a few minutes of the encounter!

" everyone focus on taking Mengo down ! "

One of their generals shouted

After hearing his order tens of players started rushing towards Mengo. In a response to this the Light players form a kind of shield in-front of him.

The yami players grew hesitant upon seeing the formation. They however did not stop and clashed with the formation , as they knew that killing Mengo was one of the most important things they had to do if they wanted to win the War.

Countless slashes and the sound of swords clashing filled the air.


The warriors cry was heard as many of them activated their ability.

The battle for a moment tipped in the Yami players favor. Just for a moment thought as the Light players also activated their abilities , evening the scales again.

They continued there clash after this.


" ahh there is nothing to do anymore ! " a played said

But then his eyes landed on a huge battle ensuing just in-front of him.

" oh my ! A battle of such large scale is ensuing and nobody thought to invite me ! " he grumbled in his mind and started speeding towards the battle.

His name Was Vars.


" We are getting nowhere if this continues! " a player complaint as he was battling a Light player in his formation

" Ah shit ! 3 bears are coming this way ! " another yelled in fear

" stop th- " a general was about to shout but he was shoot by magic missiles by a player of the peace circle.

A bear teared a Light players insides out and a Yami player cut his own teammate by accident.

" somebody help ! " a player voice came from the back of the lines

Some players turned to look at him and saw a player with a katana stabbing the sword through the players head. The blade covered in blood was sticking out of his head. Wait a second, where the hell did he get a Katana from ?!

" What the hell ! I also want a katana! " a player yelled

Vars heard him and cheerfully said

" i got this after I modified my longsword a little bit ! "

" what modifications ! please tell me as well ! "

" ah , you know beating it against a rock until it gets into the right shape "

" yeah - yea- , wait what ! Are you crazy ! Why the hell did waste your time ,in such a useless activity! "

" well i am way more proficient in using a katana rather than a longsword "

" what do you mean more proficient ? Are you a samurai or what ! "

" how did you know !? "

" wait really ! "

" well nobody gets to know my secret ! "

As Vars said this he ,rushed towards he player who said this.

The player swung his sword , but , Vars effortlessly dodged the attack, then he took his katana out and cut the players hand before he was able to pull them back.

" AHH ! Why yo- " the player was about to scream but before that , his head was pierced by the katana.

The surrounding players were horrified upon seeing this exchange. As they had never seen somebody so effortlessly kill someone.

" how dare you kill my friend! " Another player said charging towards Vars

Vars gripped his sword and threw it at him ! The player did not think of this attack and the katana hit his hands. Before he could even react Vars appeared before him and grabbed his thrown sword midair and performed a swift as butter slash , cutting the the player cleanly in two.


" mages fire ! " Said a Yami general

Several mages fired their magic missiles into the Light formation.

Many Yami player were also caught in the crossfire, killing them.

After this attack the Yami players were able to break the formation.

The Light players also knew that they would not be able to recover the formation so they spaced themselves out.

" About time i got free ! " said mengo

" ACTIVATE ! " he yelled and charged forward

He immediately cut two Yami players into two pieces each as they tried to block the attack.

He then cut all the enemy that came his way without a second thought.

He then saw one of his of his teammates screaming.

" Somebody hel- " he was unable to finish his sentence as a katana went through him

" its getting boring to kill people the same way ! " Vars sighed

Mengo didn't even think and charged forwards.

He the swung his sword at Vars. Vars was off guard and was not Able to see the attack. His instinctively tried to dodge the attack and managed to avoid the sharp blade. But Mengo instantly swung his swords sideways and hit Vars , sending him flying and He then crashed into a tree.

" Ahh ! Finally a worthy opponent! " he happily said coughing some blood

Ch 12 end.

( ok i promise the next chapter will be 1500 words ! )