Monster vs Monster

" finally a worthy opponent ! " Vars said coughing up some blood from the impact

He then gripped hid sword tightly.

Mengo stood ready to face his opponent.

Vars swung his katana with great speed , but , Mengo blocked it with his sword. He then using his free hand grabbed Vars by the chest and lifted him off the ground and slammed him down on the ground.

Vars immediately recovered and threw a spinning slash, cutting at the side of Mengo's arm.

A magic missile came Mengo's way but he blocked it with his sword.

" Everyone make sure that nobody disturbs my battle " He shouted to his Men

His men immediately started killing anyone who dared to even think about attacking him.

Vars then jumped in the air and performed a mid air spinning slash. Mengo blocked with his Sword once again. And swung his sword at him, hitting him mid air and sending him flying. He did make a good landing managing to negate much of the fall damage.

" you can't defeat me ! Give up ! " Mengo shouted

Vars however did not give up and threw his sword at Mengo. Mengo blocked the sword , but , he did not see Vars running towards him , he grabbed his sword and performed a upwards slash, cutting a large part of Mengo's chest. Mengo stumbled a few steps back.

Mengo then noticed that Vars was only level 3 ! . Meaning that his was able to fight this good just because of his skills. Mengo however knew that there was no way for Vars to win as he had already taken much damage.

Suddenly ! , a bear came Vars way and he killed it with a small amount of effort.

- congratulations you have leveled up to level 4 ! You have 2 free attributes points to distribute .

- as you have pushed a Class to its limits you have unlocked a unique sub class !

- you have unlocked the ' Samurai ' !

- please choose one of the following abilities !

- " wind cuter " - you blade has sliced through the wind itself ! This ability allows you to deal 2 powerful blows to your opponent. 2 times use. The amount and strength increases as you use it more often.

Cool down - 5 minutes after all of them have been used

- " deflection " - allows you to deflect projectiles with his katana. Can be used 4 times before cool down. Number increases as you level up. You can not deflect projectiles which are very strong.

Cool down - 2 minutes after all of them have been used.

- you have also gotten a ' proper katana '

" wind cutter !, both points to speed ! " Vars said without hesitation

Suddenly an white aura started emitting from Vars. mento backed off a little because the aura was pushing him back.

" i fell lighter and more excited !!! " Vars said making the biggest smile his face could do

Vars immediately leaped towards Mengo and swung his katana , Mengo was taken aback by the speed , but , he Managed to barely block the attack.

After that Vars continued Doing fast strikes towards Mengo forcing him to go on the Defensive.

But then , Mengo's back Hit a tree and he had nowhere else to go.

" WIND CUTTER " Vars screamed at the top of his lungs

His katana started emitting a white aura. He felt as thought his katana was nothing but a feather, and he swung it with such great speed that nobody could see it ! Not even Vars himself !

Mengk could obviously not block the attack and his stomach by sliced open !

" ahh Shit ! " he said kneeling on his knees

" Huh ? Don't tell me you are already done ! I haven't had such a fight in my lifetime! Please just a little more ! "

Mengo smiled and swung his sword. Vars dodged it and threw a slash if his own. But his time Mengo didn't dodge ! He instead also swung his blade.

Both of the blades made contact. Mengo was cut in the chest while Vars was cut in the guts.

Vars smiled not expecting such a tactic ! Mengo was practically betting on his endurance.

Vars liked it and did not stop his attacks. After sometime both of them were covered in scars and lashes and blood was spewing out of every corner of their body.

Vars knowing that the next blow would be their next shouted.


And his sword gained the aura of the wind once again.

However, Mengo predicted this and made a blocking stance way before the strike was thrown ! Because of this he managed to block it, but , he sword broke in the process as the strike was very powerful.

He did not care as he extended his hands and grabbed Vars , picking him up and slammed him into the tree he was next to. Vars upon being slammed immediately died.

Vars was however not sad on having lost the battle, he was on the contrary very happy !

" Ho ! Ho ! Ho ! That battle hit the spot man ! I want to fight that man again "he thought as the notification of his death appeared before him.

Vars was actually a Samurai of one of the last surviving Samurai clans ! He hated it when someone discovered his identity though.


Many of the people who saw the battle were left shocked with this conclusion! They thought that they had seen , not people , but , monsters fighting.

" Holy shit ! How can 2 single people be so powerful ! "

" Did you see the aura coming of the Katana guy ! And his Skill ! I want to use them as well ! "

" leS go ! I recorded the whole thing ! This is definitely going to blow up on the forums and Metube !"

Many players also made such comments.

Mengo was very tired and injured to continue the battle so he laid down , beside the tree to get some rest. Waiting for some-player to kill him.

And upon seeing his sight like this , Many mages and archers of the Yami group and Peace circle fired their projectiles. Killing him and destroying the tree.

The Light players Were filled with determination once again after seeing their captains heroic battle !

" No captain ! Your sacrifice wont go in vain ! We will protect the Village with our body and soul ! "

" Yes brothers ! Lets go and protect our Village ! Our home ! "

" roses are red and violets are blue. The one who doesn't protect the village is a pile of stinking Poo ! "

Various slogans began flying across the battle field cheered the players.


" How much longer till we reach the village Captain ? ". Player asked

" we are just about to reach ! Everybody speed up ! " said Lonely gamer

He and his band of 80 players were running towards the village as fast as they could. They knew that there Village was in great danger. And they did not want to reach too late to the scene.


Another volley of Magic missiles and arrows was fired by the Light forces from within the wall. This was another volley as they had periodically fired the projectiles.

The projectiles had dealt a great amount of damage to many players and had also killed many.

The number of Yami players were also beginning to thin out as less and less of them could be spotted. This was actually happening to all the groups on the Battle as all of them were losing members.

The bears at this point had all been killed , but , a group of 5 had survived that were still dealing heavy damage to many players.

" Holy crap i see another group of players approaching! "

" what another !? Which group is it ? The slimes or wolves huh ! "

"No brother i think it is an army of player that want to make us crazy ! "

The replies fly by. But soon they saw the Light villages badge on their chests.

" wait what ! These players are from the Light village !? "

" what if they are retreating that means sir Cambo had repelled them ! "

" yes ! I always believed in him ! "

Cheers of players unbeknownst to what had actually happened.

But , soon their cheers turned into sadness as they figured that they could not take on 80 plus more people.

And this fear was conformed when they smashed into the ranks and started viciously battling.

One Yami player made a comment as he was dying.

" Huh ! Are you letting out your anger here because Sir Cambo defeated you all ! Ha Ha ! "

" what ? Are you dumb ? We defeated your ' sir Cambo ' and burned down your whole village " the light player said confused on why the Yami player thought this.

" Wait what Sir Cambo lost !? How could that happen ! " a yami played cried in sadness

" And all of you burned down the village ! How could you do that ! "

Lonely gamer hears these replies and smiled and replied

" You think Cambo is a god ? You think he can defeat 200 people alone ?! I pity you all for thinking that ! You have lost !"

Upon hearing of their villages demise they all lost their determination and will to fight. As they had al but lost the war !

Ch 13 end

( 1500 words chapters are back ! )