Upper Demon

- the Demon loves seeing your demonic side taking over you. He tell you to explore this side more.

- he has temporary transformed you into a upper demon.

Cambo felt a new sense of power he could not even think was possible before. With this he also gained some new powers. He also noticed that his arm that was cut off had regrown.

" the stronger the better ! " vars yelled

Then he immediately slashed at Cambo. But Cambo grabbed the sword by his hand.

Blood started to drip from his hands but he did not care. He immediately released blue flames from his hands and the katana was burnt to ashes.

One of the benefits of a upper demon was that his flames were much stronger and deadlier than a Normal Demon. As it would have taken a few second to burn the sword but the upper demon just a single moment.

Then flames erupted from his front body and Vars tried to block them with his hands. The mage who was levitating him immediately let go of the Levitation to make Vars dodge the attack.

Vars hands still got burnt to the 3rd degree ( the highest degree of burns ) as he fell down and was caught by some players.

Another benefit was that now Cambo could release fire from any part of his body. As before he was confined to just his hands, legs and mouth.

" how did he become such a powerful Demon ? "

" he looks like he had gone crazy ! I don't think anyone will trust him after this "

" he looks to also have new abilities ! How will we defeat him now ? "

" get more people !!! " shouted the general

Immediately a group of players started running towards the gates to warn the other , but , a giant fireball came and killed them all. It also created a big crater on the place it landed.

" Is this the power of a god ?! " Someone said

" not only do he have stronger flames and better control he can also make them much faster! How is this fare for us ! "

However Vars was not fazed. He was more exited than he ever had been in his entire lifetime. He had gotten this felling when he fought Mengo but now it was even greater. . his hands felt like they were submerged in acid every time he moved them , however, they could not suppress his will to fight.

He took out his second katana he kept for emergencies. It had Also been given by the game after he asked the system a thousand times.

" Lets begin round two ! " he said as the mage once again lifted him into the air to fight


" okay so i have found out what all the fruits in the game do " Conny said

He was currently walking towards a hunting area near the Light village as he had heard that it was pretty secluded.

" i could show off all my abilities there to my viewers ! This class is really a blessing for my streaming career ! " he thought

Suddenly, he heard blasts and cries from the distance. He immediately ran towards the sounds to see what was going on


" Hey ! How much for the grapes and apples " Asked dark one

After that he bargained and after buying the fruits he started jogging towards the village.

Suddenly, he also heard blasts and cries and he also went to investigate since it was near to his village.


" Why haven't hose guys come back yet ? " thought mengo while he was practicing on a training dummy

Suddenly, he as well heard noises coming from the outside and he went to investigate


" are the people ready ? " asked a figure wearing black clothes

He was currently sitting on a Tall and high dark stone chair.

" yes they are my majesty " said a player kneeling down

"Good ! Begin the ' Purge ' ! " he shouted

" Yes ! " he said and disappeared


" fire ! provide cover to Vars ! He is our only hope as the moment " Said Eater of colors

Numerous magic missiles and arrows were ford towards the sky where the fight between Vars and Cambo was taking place.

Vars was now more careful as he knew that Cambo could destroy his sword at any moment.

" Did you get scared after witnessing my power ! " Said Cambo smugly

" or are you scared ? I see you are barely dodging the attacks and have got many cuts and bruises? " Said Vars

Both of them were mocking each other in order to provoke them.

Cambo then covered his body in flames-and stopped to mock Vars.

" What will you do now ? Burn your sword ?! " Mocked cambo again

" oh you poor thing ! You have just set yourself for a deadly attack ! " Said Vars

Before even Cambo could react to the words Vars yelled


A big wave of wind cut through the flame armor of Cambo and A huge slash appeared on his chest. Blue blood began to drip heavily from the wound.

Cambo once again went mad and opened his mouth shoot and burn Vars to a crisp. But the moment he opens his mouth it was filled with bananas.

" Who dare do this ! " Cambo shouted as he burned the bananas to a hot banana smoothie

" Ah ! Look at you wasting Good bananas! " Joked Conny from the ground

Cambo immediately formed a big fireball in his hand and was prepared to shoot it when a arrow struck his hand. The fireball in his hand immediately shrunk in size and by the time it was fired it was not able to kill Conny. He did however sustain burns from the attack.

Cambo saw that dark one was smiling with a bow in his hand.

" You need to chill out man ! " he shouted

Cambo prepared two separate fireballs in both of his hands And prepared to fire them at both of then.

" You forgot me ? " Said vars

Then he slashed his katana and cut the fingers of his hands. One of the fireballs fell to the ground.

The other one still was fired towards Dark one.


As the fireball was cut into two pieces.

" hope i am not late" said mengo

Ch 20 end