players ! Assemble !

" look ! so many strong people have gathered ! "

" the fruit mage Conny , the crazed Demon Vars , the ice conqueror Dark one and Mengo ! how is Cambo going to win this fight ? "

" don't underestimate him ! he looks to have gotten a power up ! "

The players were all excited as they saw many powerful people.

" Looks like so many people are eager to fight me ! " Said Cambo grinning

Suddenly, a arrow came his way and he caught it and burned the arrow .

" Looks like others things also increased with your insanity ! " Said dark one as he noticed Cambo's reflexes increased

" Lets get started ! " Said conny as he eat a mango

Suddenly his body turned white and many dark lines appeared on it. Is resembled the outer cover of a mango seed.

Then he asked a mage to levitate him and after that he too started heading towards Cambo.

Dark one loaded and shot arrows with great speed towards Cambo who dodged and occasionally burned them . from this It would not be a stretch to say he was the best archer currently in Blank.

Mengo also asked a mage to levitate him and he too was levitated towards Cambo

While they were preparing to enter the fight ,Vars and Cambo continued with their fight.

" Its getting bo-re-ing ! " Cambo said smugly

Then his body was covered in blue flames and He raised one of his hands. The flames all went towards his raised hand and a blue fiery sword formed in his hands.

" i shall call you Agni ! " he said while admiring the swords beauty

Then he swung the sword towards Vars. He easily dodged the attack.

A general then commented on Vars as the battle was taking place

" one thing i have noticed About Him is that his instinct are off a level that is impossible for normal people to achieve, I noticed this is his battle against Mengo as well. He was just about to get hit , but , he dodged the attack , The crazy thing is that he did not even look at the sword ! Not to mention his way of fighting is rouge and unpredictable ! I fear the day he learns to properly utilize his strength ! "

Vars did not have trouble dodging the attacks of Cambo. Cambo did not care and continued hacking and slashing at him. Suddenly a fist collided with Cambo's face and his face jerked back a little as a little blood came out of his nose.

" who the hell dares stop our fight ? " he said while looking towards the punches direction

" you have to remember you are not fighting in a 1 v 1 duel here ! " Conny said

He then took out his sword and swung it at him, Vars took the moment to attack as well. Faced with the onslaught on both the attacks Cambo was forced on the defense.

" enough of the child play ! " He said

With one hand he grabbed the longsword of Conny and burned it. Then he threw 3 small fire balls in his direction. conny blocked but could not stop the impact. This happened very fast.

Then he raised his leg and kicked Vars in the stomach. This launched him tens of meters back. The Mage that was levitating him found it difficult to handle his spell.

Just as Cambo was about to hit Conny with Agni a ice arrow hit his hand and the swords flames dimmed. This allowed Conny to survive the attack.

However when he hit Conny a yellow juice came out from his Body. The juice squirted onto Cambo's body. It covered part of his arm as well.

Cambo felt strange in the parts of his body that was hit by the juice but he did not think much of it. Then he grabbed the ice arrow and tried to remove it , but , the arrow seemed to be stuck to him ! He tried with all his strength but the arrow would not budge. He decided to just burn the arrow ,but, only the body burned the head was still stuck in his arm. This was a big issue for him as the arrow would negate his flames.

" Its that juice isn't it ! " Cambo suddenly came to a realization " i should have known ! That you bastards will use all kinds of tricks ! "

" everything is fair in love and War ! " Conny said " i thought it would take you longer to figure out the juices effect, yes the juice had a property that makes it very very sticky . "

After that he dropped down. as He did survive the attack but was in no condition to fight any longer.

" so what the hell are all you waiting for archers ! Release your ice arrows ( those who have the ability ) " Said dark one

Suddenly about 10 to 15 ice arrows were launched at him from various directions and angles.



" no ! We have been searching for him for about 1 hour now ! Multiple small groups and players have been dispatched to look for him ! " said another player

mongaro is a co leader and the other player is A senior member of the peace circle and they have been in a hurry when about one hour ago their boss went missing. They had tried messaging him but for some strange reason they were told by the system that he was currently inaccessible. They were sent into a hurry and they quickly started looking for him.

Suddenly a knife landed in front of Mongaro's feet. He looked at the direction from where the knife came from and saw a hooded figure.

" Looks like your boss is missing ? "

The other player immediately took out his longsword and was about to charge towards the figure When Mongaro stopped him.

" who are you and how did you get in ? "

" thats not something you should be asking me , as you are not in the position to ask questions. You are currently a target of the ' purge ' ! "

" what Purge ? "

" i just said you are not in the position to be asking questions ! I just have a simple demand and we will let your dear leader go ! "

" what ! You have the leader ! It doesn't matter though as he can just respawn if he dies ! "

" you are right but that is considering if he does die, what i mean is we are not going kill him we are going to torture him again and again until you meet our demand ! "

" You bastards ! Fine tell me your demand ! Money ? Our infrastructure ? our rare weapons ? what do you want ! "

" we do not want such trivial things , we just want you and all the other members to leave this guild , forever ! . "


Cambo started charging up and flames started surrounding his body once again. He planned to use these flames to destroy all the arrows before they could strike him.

" Not so fast ! " said mengo charging towards him

" out of the way ! " Cambo said as his whole front body burst out flames towards Mengo's direction

However Mengo just kept charging towards him.

The flames hit him but he continued pressing forwards and he eventually closed the distance and delivered a powerful strike.

The strike cut through his charging flames and another slash appeared in his stomach. Blue blood started spilling out of it.

Cambo was surprised because he thought that Mengo would be evaporated by his flames but he had survived and hit him !

Then he noticed he was wearing iron armor. He knew that that armor piece had to have some special effect that allowed him to survive the attack.

After that Mengo took out another Longsword !

" What the , he is duel wielding longswords ? " Conny thought as a normal longsword was heavy enough. And he knew that both of them were of the Rare rarity.

When this was happening Cambo completely forgot about the arrows and got hit by many of them.

" forgot about the arrows huh ? not a wise decision ! " said dark one

Suddenly Cambo felt his fire energy diminish. So much so he could not even maintain his flight and started falling down.

Mengo took the moment and viciously attacked him and cut him in many places as he was falling down.

With blood coming out of every part of his body he dropped down between the crowd of players.

" PLAYERS ASSEMBLE ! Charge this bastard and show him to never mess with us ! Ever again "

" this will also tell the other guilds to watch out for us in the future ! "

" he chose power over his sanity ! How evil , I don't think he will ever be able to join a guild or play the game normally after this incident "

After that all the player started kicking and beating Cambo.

" OUT THE WAY ! " Shouted Mengo as he dropped down for the final blow

Suddenly a notification appeared after he killed him.

- the holy knights have seen your power and are impressed by your sense of justice and leadership. they think you will make a good member.

- you have been offered to join the Holy knights will you accept - (yes/no)

"Ah i don't know ! I want to join these people but i also want to maintain my freedom and guide the Light guild to greatness. I don't want to follow somebody's orders " he thought

Suddenly a new notification appeared as if the system read his mind.

- do not worry the holy knights tell you that you will have all the freedom you have now.

- they just want you to -

- slay any Evil and wrongdoer on sight

- save and show mercy to innocent people

- use the powers for any good you seem fit

After this Mengo's hesitation was cleared and he clicked the yes button.

- congratulations on advancing class warrior to ' holy knight '

- check your status for new things about your class change

Ch 21 end