Encounter 7: Footsteps Under The Moonlight

Entry #02875

February. Here we go again. The socialization night is the highlighted event of our school during the month. However, it is the scariest event to experience for lone students like me.

I heaved a sigh.

I was not planning to attend it. Unfortunately, when I arrived home yesterday, my grandparents were so happy as they showed me a black gown with silver linings. They said that my cousin living in the next town had it delivered the other day.

Oh, well... seeing the excitement on their faces, I couldn't bring myself not to go.

My cousin came this afternoon to prepare me. She did my make-up and helped me get dressed.

"Perfect!" she exclaimed, giggling while showing me how I looked through the mirror.

She braided a little portion of my hair on the right side and decorated it with a silver pin, which had a small white moonflower made of cloth attached.

I smiled in satisfaction. "I am a human now," I joked.

"You are pretty, Eddie, with or without makeup. Don't belittle yourself."

"Thank you."

"By the way, what time your escort will come to pick you up?"

I laughed. "I am the creepiest girl in our school. No one would dare to have me as his date."

"Oh." She also laughed. "What a loss. I'll drive you there then. How's that, Princess Eddie?"

"So much appreciated."

"It's my honor, Your Highness," she went along and bowed.

After taking pictures of me with her and my grandparents, we went to the school.

"Good luck." My cousin winked at me before she left.

The gymnasium turned out to be the venue of the royal ball. Yes, the theme was fairytale-like.

The event had already begun. Some of the students were dancing in the center while the others were enjoying their time talking with their friends at the scattered tables.

Some of the students near me were looking in my direction, surprised. They were attempting to distance themselves so I decided to go out.

I found a bench and sat there. It was a good thing, there was nobody outside.

"Everyone is having a good time," Jesse stated, who sat beside me.

"Yes, but not me. This kind of event is not really for me. You know that." I sighed in disappointment.

"So are you going to waste your time here?"


"I feel bad for your get up." I shot him a glare but he continued smiling. "What? If you go there, who knows? The guys who think weird of you before might fall in love with you," he explained in a matter-of-fact tone.

"As if."

"Anyways, I can't force you to go."

"Hi, Eddie!" I almost jumped in shock when somebody held my shoulders from the back. "Sorry. Did I startle you?"

"Almost." I stood up and faced him. It was our class leader - Peter. "It's you." Oh, he is a prince tonight.

He was beaming a smile. I noticed that he was holding a tiny notebook and a pen. "I am currently checking the attendance of the students in our class. It is a great miracle you came but why are you not inside?"

"I am taking a breather. I'll return later." I also smiled so he would no longer ask.

Honestly speaking, he is the only student here that talks to me sometimes without making me feel isolated. The rumors about me do not bother him.

"Good. I am also taking a breather." He sat down on the bench. I had no choice but to sit down as well.

Jesse stood up and sat on the grass, watching us. His forehead creased again. I had no idea why he does that every time Peter approaches me. He doesn't answer me whenever I ask about it.

I closed my eyes as I felt the cold wind. A refreshing feeling... it blew away the annoyance I had earlier.

"Going to school every day is tiring," Peter told.

"Yes, I agree."

"But it is good that I can see 'her' every day."

"Ah, are you going to open up about your crush?" I asked awkwardly. I didn't expect him to like someone. 'How lucky that girl is to have this kind of guy?'

"Maybe." He held my hand. I was in a panic because I thought he would invite me to dance. But, my panic grew into shock. "Eddie, it's really a miracle you came today. This might be unbelievable but... I like you."

My mind couldn't process what he said. "Huh?"

"I like you. There I said it finally."

"How should I respond?" I don't know how to deal with this matter.

"Do you like me too? Is there a chance that you can be my girlfriend?"

Sure, he is attractive... his looks and personality... the ideal boyfriend every girl wants...

'He is happy.'

"I apologize. I can't return your feelings."

His smile faded. "Why?"

"I admire somebody else."

"Oh," he laughed it off, "Too bad. I didn't think my first rejection would feel this way."

"I'm really sorry."

"I understand."

I felt bad for him so when he asked me for a dance as compensation, I accepted it. I did my best not to mind anyone while we danced on the dance floor.

"You look stunning as always," Peter uttered. His eyes locked on me.

I smirked. "I'm a witch though."

"A beautiful witch. It's a pity I couldn't steal your heart."

"Better luck next life."

"I hope so."

I ended up having Peter as my date. I spent my time with him until the end of the event. We even won the title of King and Queen of the Night.

My cousin picked me up. She was amazed at the crown I wore.

"Tired." I jumped on the bed, still having the gown on.

"You had fun," I heard Jesse.

"Not really."

"Hmm, yeah? Someone confessed to you. You danced with him. You ate with him. You two became the Couple of the Night."

I sat down immediately and gazed at him. 'He is mad.' Out of confusion, I asked, "Why are you angry? You wanted me to enjoy it."


"Then, that was it. What are you so upset about? You are being unreasonable."

"I don't know either."


I stared at him intently.

'Ah, I get it.'

I smirked to tease him. "Are you jealous?"


"You are jealous of him because he can be with me while you can't."

He brushed his hair in frustration and sighed. "No."

"Sorry for making assumptions." But my smirk stayed. 'He is obviously denying it. I am not that dense not to sense it.'

"Eddie, I really don't know. Every time I see you with that guy, I get annoyed. Like I want you to take away and keep you for myself alone..." His eyes widened as if he realized something. "Hey, tell me. Did I sound like confessing my love to someone?"

"Yes," I responded and smiled even more. 'Like a child.'

He sighed again. "Then it is likely the reason why I am mad. I like you."

I could no longer stop my laughter. "This is too funny for a confession."

He chuckled. "It is. To add, you received a love confession from a ghost."

"Too unique."

"Hey, Eddie. Stop. This is not a laughing matter. I am serious."

I might be happy but I felt bad for him inside. Even though our feelings are mutual, we can't be together.

"I should have met you sooner, Eddie."

I forced myself to smile.

"Let's go outside. I want to breathe fresh air."

"Are you sure? Will you not change first?"

"I want to enjoy the night." I silently went out, not to disturb my grandparents and cousin in their sleep.

I walked towards Jesse and offered my hand. "The moon is very generous tonight. Shall we dance under its light?"

"Am I your ghost knight in a white hoodie?"


The soothing blow of the wind... rustling of the leaves... the trees as our audience... our matching steps to the music of our hearts... the moonlight as our spotlight... his gleaming eyes...

I won't ever forget this ghostly encounter.

- Eddie