Is She The Vicious Third Miss?

[Inside the Ethereal Small World]

Huang Ying Yue then thought about the trouble that was about to come after she went out. If the real 'Huang Ying Yue' offended someone else, she could handle those people.

But 'Huang Ying Yue' has offended the heroine and some heroes countless times and almost killed the heroine. The heroine is not yet strong, but don't underestimate her golden finger and the men around her.

Just as Huang Ying Yue was having the headache, she felt that someone touched her formation.

"Yunyun, do you want to come out with me?" She asked while putting on a new hanfu. She wore a pale red dress with white hanfu today.

"Ok, Master." Xiao Yun nodded. He shrank smaller until his body became small and light enough to sit on Huang Yingyue's left shoulder.

His snow-white foxtail wrapped around her neck as his face rubbed her check gently.

"What's up?" Coming outside the space, she removed her formation as she was walking to open the door and asked.

"The patriarch askes Miss to go to the family hall for the family meeting." The man's cold but charming voice sounded.

Huang Ying Yue opened the door. Then she was taken aback.

The man was tall and slender, but his body was well-built and strong. Even when she had grown up taller than before, she could only reach his chin.

He was wearing an exquisite white mask that covered half of his face, only showing the beautiful jawline, snow-white skin, and red lips like a rose.

His whole body wore a long black hanfu, and his hands were covered with black gloves. The long satin mahogany hair scattered casually behind his back, adding mystery and charm to him.

When she was stunned, he was also bewildered.

The man looked at the girl's beautiful face without any makeup. Today she wore a crimson-white hanfu, the big sleeves and collar embroidered with exquisite white patterns, tied with a red sash around her willow waist.

In the past, she liked to wear a white or pink robe and pretend to be pure, but her sinister and lustful personality destroyed her pure image.

What caught him most was her clean and clear black pupils without any trace of despise or disgusting look, as she used to look at him in the past. She was just a little surprised, then nodded.

Her body emitted a light rose smell. The snow-white kitten was sleeping lazily on her shoulder. He could see that the kitten was fond of her and very attached to her.

He frowned. Wasn't this woman disgusting and always looking down on him in the past? And… Didn't this woman hate soft animals the most? She killed countless animals and beasts in the past to vent her anger. That's the other reason that he hated and never respected her.

The animals couldn't wait to dig the ground and hide whenever they saw her. But why was this cat so attached to her?

"Thank you for your hard work and protecting me." She said it seriously. No matter how much this man hated and was disgusted with 'Huang Ying Yue', he always protected her in the past. Whatever the reason, she still owed him the life-saving grace. Without him, 'Huang Ying Yue' might have died countless times.

As for what 'Huang Ying Yue' has done to him in the past, such as mocking or despising him, Huang Ying Yue wasn't clear either because she didn't find out the memory of why 'Huang Ying Yue' treated her secret guard like this.

If it were in the past, he would have just turned around and smirked disdainfully. But today, he was extremely shocked by her. Was this woman grateful and thanking him for what he had done for her?

He tried to stare into those eyes without letting go of any of her expression, but all he could see was her sincerity and gratitude.

If not because he personally brought her back to her room and guarded her days and nights, he might have suspected that someone pretended to be her.

Without concern for the man's entangled thoughts, she walked to the main hall.

The man stared at her slender back complicatedly with his cold eyes until she disappeared.


Huang Ying Yue walked to the hall with the memory she had.

The bridge was connected to each side along the way. There was a huge lotus lake in the middle of the area. Countless big and small ancient Chinese houses surrounded the lake.

Each building was pleasing to the eyes. Maybe because she was from modern times, she was a little curious when looking at the ancient architecture.

She didn't notice that, along the way, countless eyes stared at her curiously and whispered to each other.

"Who is this beautiful Miss?" A maid asked while looking at Huang Ying Yue in surprise.

"Is she the guest who comes to today's meeting?"

"Is she a fairy? Her temperament is extremely extraordinary!" A man was praised.

"I have never seen anyone with this kind of temperament." A bodyguard spoke as he looked at her with his glowing eyes.

"How to say?" A maid who carried a basket asked in puzzlement.

"She looked calm and beautiful. Her aura is extremely pure and calm; I liked the beauty of the moon in the dark sky," he explained.

"So that's it. Who is she? It would be great if she was our Miss." Another servant nodded.

Huang Ying Yue didn't reply or say anything. She just listened carefully in puzzlement.

I couldn't blame these people who didn't recognize her. Her temperament and appearance changed so greatly that people could hardly connect with the vulgar 'Huang Ying Yue' who was fierce, gloomy, lustful, and always painted her face with thick makeup.

In the past, 'Huang Ying Yue' liked wearing white clothes because she didn't believe that her beauty couldn't compare to Huang Bai Xing, who also liked to wear white clothes.

Unfortunately, compared to Huang Bai Xing's cold beauty, she was like a worm in the gray mud, while Huang Bai Xing was like an ice lotus fairy in heaven.

The worm "..."

She usually decorated herself with countless shining pieces of jewelry, but no matter how hard she tried, she, as a vicious cannon fodder, was destined to be the background for highlighting the heroine's beauty and greatness.

"Wait, she looked a bit familiar to someone... Is this a vicious and inhuman woman?"Just as they were immersed in their thinking, a male servant murmured quietly, but everyone heard his words clearly.

The servants and the other bodyguards looked at him with paleness and shock. How dare this dirty servant scold Third Miss in public? Did he want to die?

"We have seen Third Miss!" All the servants and bodyguards kneeled on the floor to respect her. Even though they were unwilling, they still had to obey her.

The man seemed to wake up; he hurried to close his mouth, and his knees went soft.

"Third, third, young miss... This servant was wrong. Please don't kill this lowly life!" He begged. It's over. He will die. Seeing that the white shoe had stopped in front of him, he closed his eyes in despair.

Other people turned their heads secretly, looked at him with sympathy, and glanced at the woman in disgust.

The one who just wished that Huang Ying Yue was great to be there, Miss, couldn't wait to slap their faces to death. Pah! What is great? They didn't forget how cruelly Third Miss treated her subordinate.

Some maids who were afraid of blood even closed their eyes together, afraid of seeing the cruel scene.

They thought in their minds.

'What is a beautiful woman? How can she compare to the Fourth Miss Bai Xing?'

'I felt so nauseous with myself that I thought she was some kind of fairy. I want to slap myself to death!! Pahh!'

'No matter how beautiful she was, it can't change the fact that she was a nymphomaniac and couldn't stand beautiful men'

'What if her temperament changes? She still can't hide her evil soul!'

Everyone looked at each other, and one could see the disgust, fear, indifference, helplessness, and contempt in their eyes.

This pitiful male servant will be dead today, and they couldn't do anything.

They can only open their eyes and watch her abuse the servant before ending his life.

Who let her father be the patriarch of the family?

Huang Ying Yue ignored everyone's hateful eyesight and resentment towards her. She only looked at the trembling, thin figure of the male servant in the gray, dirty robe.

The male servant was pale. He will die today; he couldn't resist. If he dares to resist, his entire family will be buried with him. This woman will never let go of his family.

He hasn't accomplished that thing yet. What he most regretted was that he couldn't see his beloved for the last time.

Since Huang Bai Xing changed, he has been attracted to everything about her. He didn't know why either, but his heart seemed to always beat when he saw her.

But his identity was extremely low; how could he confess his affection to her? His goddess was surrounded by many extraordinary men; he has seen them.

Each of them was the proud son of heaven; how could he, a lowly servant, approach her? He could only look at her from afar. He was satisfied. But now, thinking that he was about to die under the woman he hated most, his eyes flashed coldly as he bit his lips.

Blood dropped from his lips.

Everyone could only grit their teeth and wait quietly to see the cruel scene. Whenever this Third Miss abused or taught the servants a lesson, she liked to let everybody witness so that they wouldn't dare to disobey her next time.

Many times, they were forced to kneel down and witness the bloody and inhumane torture that she did to the people who made her furious.

It's over. Everyone held their breath and didn't dare to move. When they saw her bent down closer to the dirty male servant, their hearts seemed to stop beating.