Encountered The Spiritual Beast

[Inner Domain, The Great Mount Kunlun Mountain]


After climbing for a month, Huang Ying Yue's speed was getting faster and faster. She now understood the sect's repetitive again.


To say that the second task was to climb the Great Mount Kunlun mountain was indeed to test the people's courage and perseverance. But the real intention was to test the people's hearts and minds.


The more you allow yourself to feel free and relaxed in such a tense and dangerous situation, the less you feel threatened. Everything is possible, as long as you want to do it.


Just like this task of climbing the mountain, as long as people aim to climb to the top, regardless of the difficulty they're facing now, they'll one day be able to reach the top.


On the contrary, if people complain and don't dare to move forward bravely, their steps will remain the same in such a situation. There was no going back to retreat or going forward to a new beginning. The more you put pressure on yourself, the more you feel like you're living in a cage.


Only by letting your soul be free so that every road you see will not be the same as what other people see.


"Finally…" Huang Ying Yue rested under the tree in the first layer of the Great Mount Kunlun mountain. The forest was lush and green; big and small trees were dense; and countless strange grasses and flowers intertwined.


She took an apple from the space to eat. The apple was red, sweet, and juicy. Because the apple grew in the Ethereal Small World, the taste was not the same as the fruit that grew on Earth.


Just then, she felt an eye on her like a puppy. Huang Ying Yue looked, then saw Huang Wan Yan's orchid-purple eyes staring at her curiously.


"Here you go." She took out another red apple and gave it to him.


Huang Wan Yan picked the apple from her hand and looked at the smooth, red apple curiously. Then he looked at her, took a bite, and his dull eyes suddenly glowed.


"How?" She asked while swallowing the fresh flesh of the apple.


"It's good; what is this?" Huang Wan Yan asked while leaning close to her.


Huang Ying Yue and Huang Wan Yan sat under the tree. Though Huang Ying Yue's robes were tattered and dirty, Huang Wan Yan's robes were still intact and tidy, as if he had just come from his room.


"This is called an apple. It's a fruit for eating. It's good for your health." Huang Ying Yue looked at him up and down, then replied.


"Do you like it?" She asked, seeing that he ate the fruit in a hurry.


"Like… I have never eaten anything like this." He replied, blinking at her as he pointed at the apple that was half eaten by him.


Huang Ying Yue was stunned. She never expected that such a beautiful child, who was born into the Huang family, would be this pitiful.


How did Huang Dong-Hai raise him? In the novel, there wasn't much description of the male protagonists' lives in the past. Mostly, the author wrote about the heroine's journey as well as the way she climbed to the top while being accompanied by powerful men.


She didn't know much about Huang Wan Yan. But this child is too pitiful. Huang Ying Yue looked at Huang Wan Yan's gorgeous face. She stretched out her hand to gently touch his soft, orchid-colored hair.


{This child is lonely; no wonder YunYun thought that the way he acted was strange and dull because no one taught him how to react to the surrounding environment and respond to people's feelings. He acted based on his instincts.} Xiao Yun, who was swinging on the vine in the space, rubbed his jaw thoughtfully.


{Not everyone who was born into a rich family was happy and lived a prosperous life. Life is such an unpredictable journey to start.} Huang Ying Yue sighed in her mind.


Xiao Yun shook his head in melancholy as he thought back to his lonely past. Fortunately, he has met the master now. He will not be alone anymore. He has someone who loves him dearly.


"If you like it, eat more." She took out a basket full of red and green apples, putting the basket in front of Huang Wan Yan.


"If you want to plant the apple, you can find a place with a sunny spot with well-drained soil, put the apple's seed in the soil, and water it so that it can grow well." She paused, seeing his puzzlement's face.


"Just plant these in your space." She sighed helplessly at his dull reaction, then she took out a bag full of fruit seeds from her space to put on his palm.


"I see." Huang Wan Yan didn't ask how she knew that he had planting space, but he didn't care as long as this was her.


He put the basket full of red and green apples into his space as he picked up the bag full of fruit seeds from her and planted them in his space with his consciousness.


{Master, be careful! There were several magic beasts here.} Xiao Yun's voice suddenly sounded.


Huang Ying Yue suddenly stood up and released her spiritual power to sense the surroundings.


Huang Wan Yan stood up expressionlessly as he looked around.


"Shuuu Shuu!" The voice of something stepping on the branches of the trees on the land resounded through the quiet forest.


As Huang Ying Yue turned around, what she saw stunned her.


In front of her, two beasts appeared. One was the white beast with two beautiful snow-white wings that were surrounded by orange and yellow flames. The beast was like a fox, yet its breath gave off a mighty and angry spirit. The air suddenly turned hot.


The beast's fur was like some kind of strange cloud and leaf shape that was extremely attractive and noble.


Another beast was huge, covered with blue light around its entire body. There was a shining blue light inside its two ears, and the golden scales grew on its white fur. The cold snowflakes, out of nowhere, appeared around the beast's body, making the surrounding air turn cold.


Inside those two sharp eyes was the blue light, which gave people the terror and peculiar feeling. Sharp nails that seemed to be able to cut through everything grew out of the beast's four legs. Exquisite golden patterns and lines appeared on its body.


Huang Ying Yue immediately stood in front of Huang Wan Yan and protected him behind her. She felt powerful pressure from these two beasts.


Huang Wan Yan looked at the girl's tall and slender body, which was protecting him. He felt warm as his dull and cold eyes flashed with tender light.


Instead of letting her protect him, he came out from behind her and stood side by side with her.


Huang Ying Yue looked at two beasts. If she remembered clearly, the book she read about the beasts in this Spiritual Continent, described the beasts' name and appearance.


The first beast with snow-white wings was the Fire Cloud Fox, and the other beast was the Blue Ice White Tiger.


Obviously, these two beasts were the spiritual beasts, which were equal to the people who were at stages 8 to 9 of the Core Formation period. Why do they appear here?


Huang Ying Yue's clear eyes were full of tension as her heart felt tight. She was just established in the Foundation period, while Huang Wan Yan was only in the Foundation period too.


She was on the negative side. She has to think clearly about how to defeat two of the beasts; though, she has to pay a high price for challenging the higher rank.


Fighting with these beasts face-to-face was like sending herself into the dead door. If she couldn't win by strength, then she had to think about the strategy and counterattack.


"Be careful. While I was distracting them, you found a place to hide. Their strengths are too strong for you to face now." Huang Ying Yue said this to Huang Wan Yan, who insisted on standing with her.


"You're weaker than me." He meant that she was at just the Qi condensation period, so she couldn't be stronger than him.


"...…." Huang Ying Yue was speechless.


No one knew that she hid her real strength; no wonder everyone thought that she was a weak and useless person.


"Trust me, go far away, or try to contact the senior brother." Huang Ying Yue has no time to explain to him, and she wasn't going to tell him her real strength.


She didn't even dare turn her head away from two beasts in case, the moment she turned away, she and Huang Wan Yan would be in the underworld.


The two beasts were motionless; they only stared at the two people quietly.