I Am Going To Fight

[Inner Domain, Divine Kunlun Sect, Tea Pavilion]

"Please continue." Huang Ying Yue's face was calm, without any trace of anger or joy. As if the person who received haters wasn't her.

"They found out that you liked to bully people everywhere, kill people without blinking an eye, and abuse your maids and guards. And even, ugh, force beautiful men to sleep with you. When you can't have them, you torture them cruelly." He really cannot imagine those inhuman scenes. He seemed to see the flash of those scenes in front of his eyes.

"Beside, to them, you were such a waste and good for nothing that didn't take the cultivation seriously beside drooling over beautiful men and lust." Wang Pei Zhi claimed down his mood and continued to tell Huang Ying Yue every detail he got.

"I see. So they hate me and don't want me to be the master's disciple." Huang Ying Yue didn't doubt Wang Pei Zhi's words. Nothing will remain secret for eternity.