Can’t Change The Past

[Divine Kunlun Sect, Peak Blossom Forest]

After the blackness of night, Earth's star rises on the horizon, spreading the gold color in every direction.

When Huang Ying Yue woke up again, it was the morning time three days later. During the time she was in the coma, Helan YuZe accompanied her everyday and observed her carefully.

If anything wrong happens, he will have to ask the alchemist to help him. But the girl showed the sign of getting better.

Even though her injury healed, her physical mind and spirit needs to stop working and rest after a fierce battle.

After she fainted that day, Xiao Yun suddenly appeared and feeding a pale orange elixir in her lips.

Didn't know what Xiao Yun fed her, she fell asleep soundly in the bed without waking up. This is the longest sleep she has ever slept because in the past, she never slept long enough.

She always wakes up fast to read the books and practice.