Aesthetic Red Moon [Demon In Her Heart]

"Brother….." Huang Ying Yue looked at the man in front of her. White mixed with red blood dripped from her eyes.

"Tickle…tickle…." The blood flowed from her eyes, wet her cheeks and dropped on the ground. She didn't care to wipe away, but tremblingly called the man in front of her softly.

Her throat was sore, her chest felt suffocated and her heart was painful as a million knives pierced through her vessels.

"Yue'er!" He didn't want to remind her of the painful past. If he knew that giving her the jade bunny 🐰 brought back those anguish past, he will never give her the jade even if it means that she wouldn't recognize him.

"It's okay, Yue'er…everything is ok. There is no more devastation." Lin Yin Zhu embraced the girl gently in his arm. He patted the girl's back to comfort her.

"Brother…it's all my fault that…" Because of her…father and brother has gone to through hell just to shelter her from the calamity.