XieXie's Transformation

Just when XieXie was waiting for the thunder to destroy him, XieXie suddenly turned its head in shocked.

"Mas....ter!" Why does it see the Master in front of its eyes? Is it its imagination?

Shenlian YingYue felt that her heart seemed to be pierced by something. Looking at XieXie's eyes that contained million words and emotions while it was lying in the pool of blood, she didn't hesitate to rush to XieXie.

She slammed her old sword into the golden barrier that enveloped XieXie's figure. But no matter how she slammed, the barrier didn't break.

"Hey you, come to me!" Shenlian YingYue pointed her finger to the thunder and made a rude gesture of provoking.

She apologized, to the thunder and heaven in her heart. She didn't mean to be disrespectful to the nature, but she had to attract the thunder's anger toward her so XieXie will be safe.