Make A Beautiful World For Them

Shenlian YingYue swallowed the Blood Replenishing Pill and washed her injured arm with the spiritual waterfall.

A moment later, a miracle appeared. Her flesh grew back, and her arm returned to normal.

If not everyone has seen with their own eyes that her hand was cut to the point of revealing her bone marrow, they will doubt if she has ever gotten hurt.

Shenlian YingYue strode forward for a while. She avoided the huge black hole in front. Several minutes later, she came out of the dark cave with Xiao Yun and Xiao Li and saw the light.

Shenlian YingYue and everyone looked at the landscape in front of them with their mouths open.

So mesmerizing! Countless exotic and colorful flowers grew on the soil, trees, and rock walls. A small pond with glittering flowers was floating on the surface.

All kinds of fresh nature's scent and the grassy-fruity smell of the flowers floated into everyone's noses.