Diyu [Plot From The Novel]

[Secret Ream Of Congzhu, Ancient Palace]

"Do you want these plants?" The man's voice resounded from somewhere in the ancient palace.

"I want." Shenlian YingYue twitched her lips. Who doesn't want treasure?

It's just that, for the treasure that has the owner, she has to get permission from the owner of the treasures first before she collects the treasure.

"I have a condition if you want to collect the extinct plants here." The man said.

"What is that? By the way, what's your real name?" He might not answer this question.

"Diyu…." Diyu answered plainly.

"Diyu…." Shenlian YingYue muttered. So his real name is Diyu.

"Why are you in the secret realm? How about my father?" Didn't Huang DongHai notice that Diyu is missing?

"You don't have to know." The man's voice was cold.

"I'm sorry…." Shenlian YingYue twitched her lips. She didn't know where did Huang DongHai pick such a cold secret guard for 'Huang YingYue'.