Legend Of The Immortal Sheyan

[Strange Underground Place] 

Shenlian YingYue rubbed her forehead as she shook her head to regain her soberness.

Around her was a strange underground.

In the environment around her, there were numerous corpses that turned into bones, scattered on the ground. There was no flesh anymore.

Only the space rings that were worn on the corpses' fingers told her that the people who died here were the strong cultivators, and they had died for a long time.

More than a hundred corpses lie here. Their postures toward dying were the same. They turned in a direction, and their skulls showed a terrifying expression, as if they had just experienced a terrible death.

She was stunned. How many people died here?

She looked in the direction where the corpses looked. In front of her, there was a massive statue of an immortal in the long ancient robes. He was sitting on the snake-like dragon's head majestically, with his hands holding two pearls.