Counting Treasures [Sky-Grade Martial Art Skill: Soul Onslaught]

[Ethereal Small World]

After she calmed her mood down, she kissed Xiao Yun's head before she went to look at the other treasure that she got from the secret realm of Congzhu.

The spiritual golden clover now grew into a large field. There were glittering lights floating around the golden clover, like the glowing of the fireflies at night. (Chapter 183)

Seeing this golden clover, she remembered Lin Yeer, who fought with her desperately just to get this spiritual golden clover. (Chapter 184-185)

If Lin Yeer and the Lin clan saw this huge field of golden clover in her Ethereal small world, their chins would fall off and they would vomit blood for three liters.

Even the flowers that she collected from the spirit bee cave last time, such as lavenders, foxgloves, white wild indigo, etc., are now growing very well here. The colorful flowers added another sense of landscape and vibrant scenery to the small world. (Chapter 192)