Crimson Crane Auction Pavilion

Located in the Golden Candle City, in the middle zone of the Inner Domain, many grand buildings stood out.

Among these grand buildings which are lit up by the golden candles, there is an auction pavilion among other auction pavilions that has held a very firm position for nearly a hundred years, namely, the Crimson Crane Pavilion. The building was grand and splendid, which amused people.

Even if the Crimson Crane Pavilion had just appeared recently during this hundred-year period, it could stand in pairs with other influential auction pavilions that had opened for more than a hundred years.

The items and stuff from the Crimson Crane Auction Pavilion are all top-notch and rare products that are rare to find on this spiritual continent.

Every two months, there will be a big auction event held in the Crimson Crane Pavilion.

The Crimson Crane Pavilion has a lot of side branches that open everywhere from the Inner Domain to the Superior Domain.