Black Jade Card

[Spiritual Continent, Inner Domain, Golden Candle City, Crimson Crane Pavilion]

"Dear honorable guests, I didn't know that you'd come here. Please accept my apology." The beautiful woman hurriedly saluted; her attitude changed several degrees.

Everyone was struck to stupefied. They stared at the black diamond-jade card in Helan Yuze's hand with speechlessness.

"Who is he?"

"How could he have the privilege to hold the black jade card?"

"Who care? I'm more interested in seeing these people's expressions." The man whispered to his friends when he looked at the faces of the people from the Xiang family, especially the fourth elder's, fifth elder's, Lin Huanli's, and Lin Yeer's funny faces.

These people just looked down on that girl (Shenlian Yingyue). It seemed that the man has a good relationship with that girl, and this man's identity is quite special.

"Is the room ready?" Helan Yuze asked expressionlessly and ignored everyone.