
[Spiritual Continent, Silver Domain, Golden Candle City, Crimson Crane Pavilion]

"Girl, you're such an affectionate and devoted person. Your loved ones are the luckiest people in the world to have you as their loved one." Pufferfish Master couldn't help but praise her righteousness and thoughtfulness.

"No, seniors, they are not the luckiest people who have me. I'm the luckiest person in the world to have them." Shenlian Yingyue waved her hands.

She learned to smile a lot, even toward strangers now. Because her loved ones said that, they wished to see her smile full of joy and vigorous spirit.

Pufferfish Master slowly smiled. He has a lot of good impressions of her.

"Girl, do you have a master? If not, would you like to be my disciple?" Pufferfish Master said kindly.

Because she didn't wear the uniforms of the Divine Kunlun sect, he didn't know that she was from the Divine Kunlun sect.