Shenlian Yingyue Vs Huang Bai Xing

Actually, Shenlian Yinzhu didn't even remember Huang Bai Xing. If not because this person was dangerous to Yue'er, he will never bother to try and remember her.

Shenlian Yinzhu has a weird disease! He remembered no one but Yueyue, his sister. He forgot who hurt him but remembered who hurt his sister. Fortunately, he remembered his father and uncle, Shan.

(Shenlian Sheshan was Yueyue and Zhuzhu's maternal uncle, who currently closed his practice inside Yueyue's small world to solidify his soul. He met them in Ch.220-221)

{It's right, brother; I forgot about this.} Shenlian Yingyue nodded. Because Huang Bai Xing had saved her brother from evil spirits' abuse and harassment (Ch. 144); that is why she didn't want to fight with Huang Bai Xing and let go of Huang Bai Xing again and again.

However, the heroine refused to let her go, so she has no choice but to beat the heroine like a tofu!

Mu Anwen has no interest in Huang Bai Xing's story at all.