My Heart Is Not Made of Stone

The people from the Lin clan, especially Lin Huanli and Lin Yeer, smiled with malice. Let these two bite at each other, and no matter which side loses, it will entertain them because they hated Huang Bai Xing as much as they hated Shenlian Yingyue.

"Sister Qe, these two women dare to make trouble. I can see that they didn't respect you at all." The people from the Xiang family said to sister Qe. Malicious intents were shown on their faces.

They were the same as Lin Huanli and Lin Yeer, who hated Shenlian Yingyue for hurting Xiang Fongfong without fearing their power, and they hated Huang Bai Xing for hurting Xiang Fongfong and provoking their majesty. They will soon eliminate the entire Huang family in the Outer Domain.

"Qe girl, how is your young Lord's reaction to this matter? Will he allow this person to sit on his head (being disrespectful)?"The fifth elder from the Lin clan sneered.