
[Spiritual Continent, Inner Domain, Outskirt Of The Golden Candle City] 

"Is that demonic woman going to destroy this place?" The evil cultivators cursed Shenlian Yingyue loudly before they rushed out of the battle circle, intending to escape.

However, Shenlian Wanyan and the others didn't give them a chance to escape, as they beheaded the evil cultivators alongside their puppets and dead corpses.

Before their nascent souls could even escape, they were demolished by Mu Anwen and the others.

They flashed to a faraway place, stood on top of the mountain, and looked at Shenlian Yingyue.

At this time, she was like a death goddess who stood so high and majestically with her white hair fluttered and her long red hanfu swayed.

They stared at her with obsession. They felt so happy that she was strong—stronger than they expected. They could finally put down their hearts.