Shenlian Yingyue’s Grace (2)—Peach Blossom

[Four years ago, Outer Domain, Small Town]

"Eat this; it will make you feel better." After the maid finished eating, Shenlian Yingyue gave her a pill.

"Sister will give you this flower and a candied hawthorn if you eat the pill."

The maid hesitated but obediently swallowed the pill when Shenlian Yingyue gave her a red rose and a candied haw, which she bought from an old man several days ago.

"It's bitter." The maid frowned and wiped her mouth as she took the red rose from Shenlian Yingyue's hand with both hands.

"Is it bitter? Then eat this. This is candied hawthorn that I bought from an old grandpa. It's sweet and crispy. The bitterness will be gone after you eat it." She caressed the maid's hair gently.

"Wow, it's so sweet and delicious. Sister!!" The maid threw herself into Shenlian Yingyue's arms.