Shenlian Yingyue’s Grace (4)—Soul Tree

She spent a week taking care of Peach Blossom. When Peach Blossom's condition was getting better, she finally got out of those nightmares. Although she occasionally dreamed about those pasts that haunted her, her mental strength has now improved because of Shenlian Yingyue's lecture.

"Nothing is as beautiful as the reality itself, even a beautiful dream; but at the same time, nothing is as terrible as the reality itself, even a terrible nightmare!"

"However, the worst nightmare is the nightmare that continues even when you wake up! So, Peach Blossom, no matter how horrible your dreams are, please be strong and fight back. You have me; no one will hurt you from now on. Those dreams will never happen again."

During that time, Shenlian Wanyan slept on the tree at night. He could just go to his purple space bracelet to sleep, but he didn't because he wanted to observe his sister closely.