Tai Hua Lei's Destiny [Stormy Day]

[Demon Realm, Abyssal Throne Ruin]

Meanwhile, not far from there, a particular Demon Emperor sneezed and rubbed his chin in confusion. "Who dares to curse this Honorable?" 

The only person who came to mind was that woman, but no one else crossed his thoughts. Why did she curse him? His winter-grey eyes flickered with annoyance. 


Deep within the heart of the ancient ruins, where crumbling edifices jostled for space, lay a hidden passage that led to a network of subterranean chambers.

Within these countless chambers, innumerable traps lay in wait, guarded by a host of fiendish creatures, each more formidable than those encountered by Shenlian Yingyue.

Even the Mystic Immortals would not dare to venture here.

In one of these myriad chambers, a tall figure emerged, towering nearly two meters in height.