Spellbound (2)

Demian searched through his wardrobe. It was finally the day that he and Remi agreed to meet for their date.

He tossed out the beige suit, instantly ruling that one out. The eggplant colored suit was put in the maybe pile.

Wait. Why was he just looking at suits? Was there a rule that states a man must wear a suit on a date?

Demian groaned. He didn't need to make this any more complicated. If he didn't choose an outfit soon, he'll be late. Well-he would still be on time, he just wanted to get there before Remi.

He finally settled on an ultramarine suit that had mulberry red stripes on the legs. The mulberry color sort of reminded him of Remi's eyes at night. Those pinkish hues could resemble the delicious color of mulberry wine when in the dark with only the moon's light to illuminate them.

After quickly changing into the suit, he fixed his hair. With a little bit of gel, he slicked the majority of his hair back while side-sweeping a portion of his bangs. Once he deemed himself presentable, he rushed out of the room. 

It was early afternoon out and the weather was pleasantly perfect. Though it could probably be raining and Demian would still think that it was perfect.

He was on his way to the agreed meeting spot out front of the main building when he was stopped by a familiar voice.

"Demian!" Ophelia called out, running over to him. Out of his better judgment, he slowed down so she could catch up. 

She was out of breath when she reached him. "Demian. Where have you been? You haven't been eating with me and Laxel here lately nor have we seen you outside of class."

Ah, this was going to be embarrassing for them both, not that he cared. She was making him late to his meeting with Remi. "I'm sorry Ophelia but I'll no longer be hanging out with the two of you. I'm still willing to help you if you come into trouble," though barely. His opinion of Ophelia had gone down when he heard from Remi about what she did to Dane and Shana. And poor Lady Shana. She had been kicked out of the school for possessing an illegal and dangerous herb.

Ophelia put a hand on his arm. He shook it off and turned to leave. Stopping, he said over his shoulder, "I'm sorry if I gave you false hope but you are nothing more than a classmate to me." He corrected himself when he realized that he didn't have any classes with her since she was an omega. "No, an acquaintance." He then left without looking back.

Remi was already there waiting for him. Remi was wearing a light pink suit jacket with green trimmings on it. His dress pants were a matching green. Remi's hair, as always, was loose and fluffy looking, not having been styled at all.

Demian strode up to Remi and grabbed his hand, placing a kiss onto the back of it. "You look amazing."

Remi's eyes were glued onto his hand, which Demian still had a hold of. His face was a beautiful shade of crimson. For all of his talk, Remi was just as innocent as he was.

"Th-thank you," Remi stuttered. He finally pulled his eyes away and gave Demian a long once over. "You look good enough to eat."

Shouldn't that be his line?

Demian released a low chuckle. "Say that without turning red as a tomato," he said instead of what he really thought. If Remi wanted to wear this kind of facade then let him because he was cute either way.

Remi tugged his hand out of Demian's, the tips of his ears turning red. "Let's go."

Demian shook his head before catching up to the quickly retreating Remi. He grabbed Remi's arm and looped it through his.

"Where's your guard?" He asked, finally noticing the suspicious absence of Dane.

"I told him the wrong time," Remi admitted, not denying Demian's words.

"Hah!" Demian couldn't help but to exclaim as he playfully pointed a finger at Remi. "You didn't deny it!"

"Deny what?" Remi asked before he had realized exactly what Demian had said. ". . .Oh. . ." He rubbed the back of his head with his free hand, ruffling up the back of his hair, making it even fluffier.

"Forget it," Demian said, not liking how quiet Remi had become.

They walked underneath the large stone gate that separated the campus from the campus town. The whole entire campus and the small city were surrounded by a large brick wall with gates located in each of the four cardinal directions. Everyone that entered through the Academy's gates had to have some kind of permit, whether it be a student, citizenry, or merchant permit.

The small city was located on the west side of the campus. It was a quaint little town where everyone knew each other. The shop merchants were friendly and welcoming towards the Academy students.

Demian and Remi made their way to Lorella's. It was a two story building with the shop downstairs and the shop owner's home on the second floor. The gray brick building had a blue painted roof and awning. There was a sitting area outside enclosed in a little fenced in patio. A blue sign with the shop's name hung out front.

The place was already busy. Remi unlinked his arm from Demian's and grabbed his hand, pulling him inside the shop. The scent of sugary bread and various fruits such as strawberries, mulberries, oranges, kiwis, and more filled the air.

Demian ordered a small box of macarons for himself while Remi picked out a three-layered chocolate cheesecake with raspberry topping and a fruit tart. Once they had their order, they went back outside and sat down at one of the empty tables.

"I can't believe all you got were plain macarons." 

The macarons were a simple meringue-based cookie with no fruit or added flavor. That's not saying the shop didn't sell them, because they did. Some of the macarons in the display case were vivid in color and lined with fruit or decorative candies. Demian just wasn't that big on sweets but he didn't want to make Remi feel awkward if he were to be the only one eating.

"And I can't believe you picked that lump of sugar," Demian teased Remi.

"Sugar can be a good source of energy." Remi then stuck a fork full into his mouth, his cheeks bulging with each chewing motion.

Demian chuckled at the chipmunk-like vibes that Remi was pulling off. He grabbed the handkerchief that was stashed in his breast pocket and leaned over the table to wipe the edges of Remi's lips that were smeared with chocolate. "What are you? A child or a chipmunk?"

Remi stuck his tongue out then promptly shoved another huge bite into his mouth.

After the two of them finished their desserts, they continued walking around the main shopping district. Neither of them really had the chance to explore the city in great detail and took the time to do that now. 

They walked in and out of stores for a couple of hours, most of that time spent in the local library. The selections were more diverse than the library on campus and Demian was pretty sure this was where Remi had gotten his 'study' material from.

After that, they made their way to a popular restaurant. Demian had to admit that the food was excellent and definitely more flavorful than some of the things that the palace chef would whip up.

Demian had fun the entire date, and it was made even better that they never saw hide nor hair of Dane. Demian was still suspicious and wary of the beta that was constantly around Remi. He knew he shouldn't be since Remi had mentioned that he only saw Dane as a sibling figure, and for the fact that Demian and Remi still weren't officially together. Actually, Demian wasn't sure about that last part. He was too afraid to ask Remi since this was only their first date.

When they were done eating, they decided to head back to the campus since it was growing late in the day. Demian was leading them in the direction of Remi's dorm when Remi stopped him by pulling on his arm.

"Is our date really going to end after you walk me back?"

"Do you not want it to end?" Demian asked hopefully.

Remi pressed himself closer to Demian then leaned up onto his tiptoes. "I would prefer it if I woke up next to you," he whispered into his ear.

His blood turned warm and all that heat instantly pooled down into his lower half, stirring it awake. This-this beta was going to be the death of him!

Remi started to pull away, his mouth growing farther away from Demian's ear. Demian turned his head slightly and brought a hand up and placed it on the back of Remi's neck to stop him from moving. "I would prefer that too." Demian was surprised with how low and gravelly his voice sounded but he brushed the thought off just as quickly as it came. He edged his face closer to Remi's, his eyes trained on those infuriatingly enchanting lips.