Spellbound (3)

"Demian!" The booming, almost deafening voice scared the shit of Demian enough that he paused in his action of getting ready to kiss Remi.

"Damn it!" Remi muttered under his breath, the low growl clearly filled with anger. Demian shared his sentiments.

"What?" His voice was sharp as he turned his focus onto the unwanted intruder. His eyes narrowed into slits and his stare was icy.

Laxel didn't shirk underneath Demian's bone chilling glare or Remi's extremely loud scoff laced with uncouth curse words. Laxel ran a veiny hand through his short, untamed mop of red hair. "What did you do to Ophelia? She's been depressed and upset to the point that she refuses to leave her room."

Demian rolled his eyes, his anger only intensifying. He really wished he could go back in time and smack himself for ever making the decision of getting close to Ophelia, for even entertaining a thought about her. "I only told her the truth. I am not sure why I ever approached her but it ends now."

"You can't do that to her!" Laxel screamed, angered on Ophelia's behalf.

"Why are you even here? Shouldn't you be making the most out of having one less competitor?" Remi voiced in, his arms crossed over his chest.

Laxel opened his mouth to say something before shutting it. His finger, which had been pointed at Demian, finally dropped. "You're right," he finally mumbled. "You're right," he said, louder this time. "I should do everything I can to show Ophelia that I will never leave her side!"

"Good, now leave." Demian said. He had to hand it to Remi for knowing just what to say.

Laxel nodded his head. His eyes had a glassy, faraway look in them as if he were in deep thought. He turned back in the direction he had come from, all the while mumbling under his breath.

Demian released a breath of hot air, his anger instantly melting away. "Shall we continue where we left off?" He asked Remi, his lips quirking up into a half smirk.

"No." Remi unfolded his arms then started walking in the direction of his dorm.

Demian ran after Remi and grabbed his arm gently but firm enough to get him to stop walking. "What do you mean by no?" Demian was so going to kill Laxel for ruining the mood.

"I mean exactly what I said. We are not going to continue nor move on any farther physically until you sort out this whole Ophelia business." Remi's lips turned down into a pout, drawing Demian's eyes to them.

"But there is nothing to sort out. I already told her that she will only be seen as a classmate to me," Demian explained, once again wishing that he could go back in time.

The pout lifted minutely from Remi's face, and a hopeful glow came over his eyes. "We're still not getting physical."

"That's fine," Demian immediately replied, wanting to do whatever he could to appease this man to keep him by his side. This urge was so strong that he should have questioned why he felt this way but didn't.

The pout completely lifted and Remi gave a small smile. He leaned up onto his toes and kissed Demian's cheek. "Good night." Remi then took off, disappearing inside the building that they had unknowingly arrived at.

Demian stood stock still for a few seconds before he realized what had happened. He raised a hand up and placed it on his cheek, the feeling of the warm and soft touch of Remi's lips that was so featherlight, lingered against his skin. An unconscious smile appeared on his face as he made his way back to his own dormitory. 

The sky was now a vibrant orange and there weren't many people out and about. A light breeze ruffled his hair, stirring his thoughts. Not only would he have to figure out how to quell Remi's worry, he would also need to figure out if he should reveal his secret. He unconsciously rubbed the small black stud that was pierced in his ear, a habit built up from all the years of having to wear it.

The white and black speckled stones that made up the dormitory's exterior came into view. In the shadows beneath the black awning was a shadow pacing back and forth. The pacing figure came to a stop before rushing out into the light. It was none other than Ophelia.

Ophelia rushed out towards him, her delicate lips caught between her teeth as she worried them between her teeth. "Demian."

"Lady Rosewood, I thought I told you to stop this."

Ophelia's ocean green eyes, reminiscent of aquamarine, flashed with a dangerous light. The worried nervousness that had seemed to possess her evaporated as if it had never been there. Demian felt that something was odd and decided to prepare himself in case an altercation arose.

"Everything would have gone smoothly if it were not for him."

Ophelia's quiet admission startled Demian enough that his guard lowered minutely. "What do you mean by that? What would have gone smoothly?"

A smile suddenly morphed onto Ophelia's face and she appeared innocently docile. Demian took a step back, weary of her sudden change. 

Before Demian could act or even blink, Ophelia whipped out a perfume bottle from the pocket her skirt. She pressed on a nozzle and a cloud of visibly pink perfume shot out, covering him in an instant.

Something told Demian not to breathe in this mysterious substance so he quickly shut his mouth and held his nose.

An eerie cackle spilled out of Ophelia's twisted mouth. "That won't work. I spent all day modifying the formula so that it will seep in through the pores even if it isn't breathed in. You should have been a good boy like the others and ate the cookies." 

A shiver ran down Demian's spine and his mind grew hazy. He should have realized sooner that something was in the sweets she made. He had thought they were fine since he hadn't dropped dead and because they weren't overly sweet, he decided to eat them instead of letting them go to waste. He realized too late what a careless fool he had been.

Even with a haze-filled mind, he tried to escape. He needed to find a teacher or guard. He wasn't sure what Ophelia was planning but knew that whatever it was, it couldn't be a good thing.

That maniacal cackle resounded behind him, feeling him with a sense of dread. "That won't work. The dosage is much stronger than before. Soon, you'll become my mindless slave."



What in the world was coming out of this crazy omega's mouth?!

His movement slowed to a snail's pace and his eyesight darkened. His thought process slowed down until it was almost non-existent. 

"Demian, come here," Ophelia commanded, that fake sweetness in her voice once again.

Demian felt his body move of its own accord. It slowly turned around and began walking towards the awaiting Ophelia.

No! Stop! 

The little part of Demian's mind that was still awake screamed at himself, trying everything in its small power to resist her. All to no avail.

His body came to a stop in front of Ophelia. She raised a delicate hand and placed it on the side of his face, the cheek that Remi had kissed just moments before.