Liberation (4)

The pulling on his mark intensified, making his whole body thrum. The thrumming intensified with each step, turning into a throbbing ache. The ache caused his senses to sharpen and his heart to beat with urgency.

A door on the right caught his eye. The door was slightly ajar. What was even more, the throbbing was now singing. Remi was on the other side of that door.

Demian glanced behind him and saw that Mr. Ortish was still at the beginning, checking each cell through the slit in the door.

The sound of chains rattling and something metal clattering to the floor alerted him. Throwing open the door, Demian charged in.

It was a small dank cell room. A brown woven blanket that looked thin and scratchy laid on the floor of the wall opposite him. A chain was attached to that same wall. Demian followed that chain with his eyes, finding Remi attached to the other end of it.

Before his heart could even beat with excitement, a cold dread filled him.