Saada Sanusi and Muna Tinsley were at it again.
They put red water color in her seat and made it seems like she stained herself. The whole class was laughing at her and she just wanted the ground to swallow her.
She was beyond embarrassed.
She was also extremely pissed. And tired. And she felt like crying, but at the same time punching those two girls in the nose.
Why can't they just leave me be?. Bela stared at her reflection in the school's bathroom mirror. Her eyes were red and puffy because of the tears. Her hair was a complete mess. And her face was drained of color.
Bela hated her life. She also hated Saada and Muna. She hated the world. She hated her body,and she hated herself.
Bela was beyond depressed. She was constantly sad. She was this close to running mad. She just couldn't take it any longer.
The insults,the bullying,the unnecessary hate,the disgusted looks she got from her colleagues.... She just wanted to disappear from it all and never come back.
She hated it all.
A girl barged into the bathroom, startling Bela. She looked like a girl from Junior class.Her pinafore dress long as hell and almost reaching her feet, and her hair looked like a complete mess. It looked like a two weeks old weaving.
The girl stopped and took hesitant steps towards her. "Are you okay, Senior Bela?. You're crying." Bela's eyes widened and she tried wiping her face, rubbing her fisted hands roughly against her eyes.
"It's nothing!. I'm having a small stomach pain. I didn't even know I was crying." She laughed nervously. The Junior nodded her head slowly, though she wasn't convinced. Bela hurried out before the girl could ask any more questions,and headed towards her classroom.
She sighed, folding her hands in a fist,then walked in, bracing herself for any challenge that would come her way for the rest of the day.
"Alright,that's all for today. I'll see y'all in our next class." The man red suit said as he walked around the table to pick up his phones and text books before striding out of the classroom. The moment the man left,class 11 began their noise making. Whilst some fished out their phones,others gossipped about the latest news going on around school,some laid their heads on their lockers like Andre and Hassan ,and others like Shayla and Nisha brought out their textbooks to read.
It was almost noon and they'd already done half their classes for the day. Bela was eagerly waiting for the bell for lunch to be rung. She didn't have time to eat her breakfast at home before coming to school because of how late she already was and now her she was facing the consequences. Her stomach grumbled loudly where she sat and all she hoped for was that no one could hear it groaning.
"But wait oh," A girl at the front of the class said suddenly,getting half of the class' attention- including Bela herself. " Look at her." Of course someone was going to pick on her again. Sigh. Can't I have a day of rest without being the subject of ridicule in this school?
"What in God's name is she carrying on her head. What kind of hairstyle is that?." The girl,Daniela commented. She got a few chuckles as response from her classmates.
Daniela hissed loudly"Bush girl."
"Awwwn. Piggy why?." Saada cooed and earned another round of laughter around her.
"Don't you have anything better to do than to pick on people ,Saada?." Bela raised her head in slight shock at the sound of someone defending her.
Saada eyed the dark skinned girl with a look of annoyance etched on her face. "Mind your goddamn business you freak. "
"Says the freak herself." Kasim Agu fired back.
"Don't start with me,calaber boy." Saada glared.
"You think I'm scared of a little brat like you?. Oh no,what on earth is she gonna do to me?." He feigned fear. "Oh I'm so very scared. Please don't tell your daddy." This time the entire class burst into laughter, and Bela herself had to keep herself from laughing as well,a huge smile spread on her face. Everyone knew Saada Sanusi as a spoiled brat,and also a daddy's girl (Nothing like her older sister), And just like she used Bela' s size to tease her,her classmates used Saada's spoilt attitude to tease her.
"Careful bro,she might just go report you to her daddy afterall. " Hassan Halim joked. Saada glared at them, visibly fuming,then she let out an unattractive screech and stormed out of the class. Class 11 still continued to laugh at her as they watched her storm out of and hit their history teacher on the way,Mr Raffiel.
"And where do you think you're going to?." The large man questioned her. Saada crossed her arms in annoyance and mumbled a "bathroom"
"Why didn't you use the bathroom before I came here?. You're trying to avoid class aren't you." Saada opened her mouth to deny the accusation only to be cut off by the man.
"My friend go back to your seat this instant. You're not going anywhere!." He commanded. Saada huffed and some snickered.
"Inside,I said!" .Saada rolled her eyes at him, and stormed back in before the man can reprimand her for her action. Mr Raffiel let out an exasperated sigh. Class hadn't even started and he was already wishing to go back to his office. He walked in and dropped his things on the desk in front of the classroom.
"Alright".The man sat at the edge of the desk facing his entire class and watched as everyone sits up straighter. He smiled slightly.
"So today we won't be writing any notes." The man announced followed by series of :
"Hallelujah "
"Thank God "
"Today will just be about discussions. I'll talk a little about our first topic and hand out your scheme to the class rep-who's your class rep?" He asked and a series of hesitant fingers point to the girl at the back,Shayla Madonna.
"I'm not your class rep any longer. That was last term. " She said.
"Well until y'all conduct a new election,you are still the class rep. Come collect the scheme from my office before closing today and make sure to pass it around." Mr Raffiel instructed, getting a small nod from the girl at the back.
"Okay!-Ķasim go shut the door ".Kasim Agu rose immediately from his seat and closed the wooden door for the man before returning back to his seat.
"Okay!, we'll be discussing about the common wealth today"