Chapter 29 - In the Interest of Others

The tactician diverts their enemies to attack someone better able to defend themselves. – BC's Little Book of Tactics & Strategy

Operation Menu: Phase Dinner (D-99 hours)

FRAGO: Operation: Marianne's Vigil (D+41 hours) 

Tauru reclined on the blue bench seat as the train clacked down the track. Each jolt from the tracks caused the doors to rattle and motors closed with a hiss from the pneumatic systems. He had shifted the orange calcite from around his neck to his wrist. Seated beside him, Indigo was engrossed in tapping away at several screens. Pausing for a moment, he noticed Tauru fidgeting with his feet.

"We'll find Boss Kitty, don't worry," Indigo reassured.

"I know we will, but that's not my problem," Tauru replied in a subdued tone. "I'm annoyed cause we can't jump directly to Azure Tower and have to take this rickety old rust bucket."

"We used to have a de Sitter Door straight to the front of the tower, but the new security team closed it off because they didn't want Red or Gold to backdoor in," Indigo explained as he tapped a few more buttons.

Tauru played with his orange calcite and tapped the back of his head on the glass, nearly knocking the bowler hat off his head.

"I've seen those fat fucks pulling security, they need the exercise from a good scrap," Tauru said.

Indigo stared at Tauru for a moment. His blue eyes watched Tauru for a few minutes before finally nodding in agreement.

"True they are getting a bit round in the belly," Indigo finally said.

The automated voice on the train announced the arrival at Market Street. Tauru and Indigo rose from their seats as the train gradually slowed down. After disembarking from the train, the duo made their way to the tower.

Upon reaching the entrance doors, Indigo stepped in front of Tauru.

"Listen, I know the Council has been dragging their feet with their help, but they aren't like us. They have different priorities," Indigo said calmly. "To get what we want we must play their game, use finesse and charm. Can you do that?"

Tauru nodded as he listened.

"Like Prince Charming, I can be a real charisma fuckin' volcano," Tauru said as he pushed past Indigo.

He leaned back and kicked open the door. A mixed group of five or six men and women in tailored suits stood by the receptionist's desk and looked up as Tauru stomped inside.

"Okay, which of you shit sticks want to tell me who's in charge of lost and found? I got a missing Captain that I want to be found," Tauru said, his voice rising in tone.

A slender receptionist rose from behind his desk and snapped his fingers at Tauru.

"Umm, sir, I don't know who you are, but you aren't welcome at the Azure Tower without an appointment," he replied in a nasal-like voice. "Security! Sir, who do you think you are?"

Tauru marched past the cluster of people in suits and halted in front of the desk.

He pushed his bowler hat forward and said, "I'm Tauru fuckin' Thornewood and I'd like to speak to someone in customer service."

The receptionist wagged his finger in front of his face.

"I can't let you see anyone unless you have a proper appointment," he said raising his voice.

Tauru seized him by the collar and slammed him to the floor. The receptionist bounced twice before landing on the cold floor and moaning in pain. Looking back at Tauru he tried to squirm away. Tauru then grabbed him by his collar with one hand and clenched his fist with the other.

"Do I press five to make an appointment?" Tauru said.

Indigo positioned himself between Tauru and the approaching security guards who started to draw their weapons.

"Easy there, gentlemen. We're here to see the on-duty QRF Captain or Counselor Mostar," Indigo informed the guards. "Either one will do."

An elderly man with silver hair, dressed in a dark blue suit with a neon blue tie, separated himself from the crown and raised his hands. He approached Indigo and Tauru.

"Tauru and Indigo, I can assure you that Bob here isn't worth your attention, I'm Vice President Sky, and I'd be happy to assist if you let him go," Sky said.

"About time we finally got to speak with a manager," Tauru said and let Bob go.

Sky extended his hand, but Tauru refused to shake it. He offered to Indigo who shook it.

"Don't worry gentlemen, I got this," Sky said waving away the security guards. "Okay, would one of you mind telling me what's going on?"

Tauru explained the situation regarding Guillotine and Estelle, detailing the events and challenges of securing additional support from the Azure Council. Tauru added the lack of support from the Tower. Sky listened attentively and occasionally nodded in acknowledgment.

"Unfortunately, all of our recovery teams are currently tied up with search and rescue efforts," Sky stated, his expression tensing up with concern.

He glanced over at his colleagues, subtly waving them away, before taking a step closer to Indigo and Tauru.

"However," he continued, lowering his voice, "we're facing an even bigger issue and it's escalating out of control. Gold and Red teams have been capturing our people and holding them as prisoners of war. We have entire crews that have gone missing in action."

Indigo, tugged at his beard, his blue eyes scrutinizing Sky for any sign of misdirection.

Tauru thumbed his orange calcite and replied, "You gotta be shittin' me."

"Now that the new season has commenced, it's open season on taking hostages, and there's seemingly no limit. This is why we're actively engaging with the Battle City producers," Sky said.

Indigo interjected, seeking clarification, "You mean Upper Management?"

"Exactly," Sky affirmed. "They need to take a corrective course regarding this never-ending hostage situation. I completely understand your frustration, gentlemen, but our options are currently limited. Allow me to explore avenues to expedite the resolution of this issue and get the ball rolling."


Tauru and Indigo waited in the office on one of the upper floors of the Tower. Tauru had sat in silence, thumbing his calcite. Meanwhile, Indigo had opened a series of windows and was coordinating with search teams. After moving icons on the map, Indigo would occasionally check on Tauru from the corner of his eye.

Tauru followed the icons and began to tap the glass of the window with his foot.

"Fuck, man, she left my sight for two minutes," Tauru had mumbled as he kicked the glass harder.

"We have all of the Thornewoods, Wheels, BC Wizards, and even my old crew, The Four Corners Gang, searching for Boss Kitty," Indigo had said, placing his hand on Tauru's back. "We were going to find her."

The door to the conference room had opened, and Tauru had swung around on the leather chair.

Captain D.T. Jones led the way, trailed by two other guards with lieutenant ranks. The first officer was approximately half the size of Jones, and he possessed a stocky build. Following behind was an officer with long blonde hair, pulled back into a ponytail, and sleeves rolled up to reveal a prominent dragon tattoo. As he walked, his eyes underwent a separate color transformation, shifting from one color to another.

"Fuck me," Tauru said standing up, his feet pointed towards the exit.
