Chapter 30 - Veiled Maneuvers

Caution: Excessive currents in electroconvulsive therapy may risk the delicate balance of the mind, potentially erasing the nuanced tapestry of identity. Prudent application and adherence to recommended parameters are imperative to safeguard the intricate realms of cognition – Mind Forge Electrifier manual p.3.

Operation Menu: Phase Dinner (UNKNOWN)

FRAGO: Operation: Marianne's Vigil (UNKNOWN) 

The buzz and sizzle in Estelle's ear woke her up from a brief nap, which was immediately followed by a surge of electricity. She attempted to recall the duration of her captivity, but each shock reset her internal clock. The intervals between shocks appeared randomly she determined.

Estelle patted down her hair, which frizzed as the electric jolt subsided. Her fingers dug into the floor, scraping off fragments of paint and concrete. She wiped the residue from her hand onto the ground, watching as a few chips slowly fell.

"Intriguing," she said, but the voice of her mother broke her concentration.

"What a disappointment, letting yourself be captured, Little One," a voice echoed in her head.

The voices seemed to amplify with each shock, and at this point, Estelle concluded that filtering them out wasn't worth the effort.

"Your endeavors to maintain your physical appearance prove futile at best," the voice from the loudspeaker said.

"One should present a proper appearance especially when rescue is imminent, Ms. Kopf," remarked Estelle and she turned away from the speaker and stuck her nose up in the air.

A second shock, more potent than any before, jolted Estelle violently, causing her to convulse on the floor. Suppressing the urge to laugh, she steadied herself against the wall. Estelle clawed at the wall.

"It's merely a question of time until the Thornewoods unravel your rather rudimentary endeavors in obfuscation," Estelle said, meticulously adjusting her hair. "Indeed, I am cognizant of our mobile and micronized state. Did you not think I would be oblivious to the obvious time dilations?"

Estelle scooped up a handful of paint chips and dropped them from her hand. A few of the chips levitated in the air before falling to the floor. She winked at the speaker.

The ground beneath and the wall began to vibrate. Estelle snorted with amusement as the next shock failed to materialize.

"It's not wise to antagonize your enemy, little one. The pain might intensify," the voice whispered in her head.

She folded her hands across her lap and relaxed.

"This merely corroborates my hypothesis," she pondered. "A significant energy source is required to maintain the micronation process and the perpetuation of continuous electroshock."

"Still, you do always rush into things without a plan," the voice told her.

Estell rubbed her forehead. Glancing up she spied the speaker, and she pursed her lips together. After a quick raise of the eyebrow, she ran her hand across her face turning her momentary smile to a blank expression.

"Yes mother, I'm well aware of my predicament," she thought as she gave a wide grin. "Most likely we are traveling south and straight into our Neural-Link Sentinel Grid. It matters not how shrunk down we are. The system will detect any combatant, even on the subatomic level."

"What if we are heading north?" her mother replied.

"We risk running right into Red's Faraday Cages and/or Sentinel grid," she thought and closed her eyes.

"Get some rest dear, who knows how much time we have left."

"Perhaps, you're correct," Estelle said.

She pressed her head against the wall.

"Of course, I'm always right dear."

"Yes Mother," she said before going to sleep.
