Tom went close to Morgan.

Tom....Come again!

Jesca....Who the heck are you to barge in my house??

Guards, take him out now!

Guards took Tom away but he went asking Morgan non stop questions.

Tom....Tell me please!! Why did you do it?? Isnt she your sister?? You are monsters!!!

He was taken outside.

Jesca....What were you saying? Say it one more time!

Morgan....Mum, am so sorry but....

She slapped him before even finishing the sentence.

Jesca....Why did you do it?

Morgan....I love her mum, i've loved her since we were kids so i failed to control myself and....

Jesca slapped him again.

Morgan....Am really sorry mum but....i truly love her.I know its not allowed because she is my sister.

Jesca....Does your dad know about it??

Morgan....No, Gigi also doesnt know that am even the father of her baby.I wanted to tell her.

Jesca....Are you crazy??? No one must know about this, you hear me?!

Morgan....Mum, i cant let you control my life now.Am a man and i must now face my responsibilities as a father.

Jesca....What now??? She went to Korea for her studies.Are you going to go there too and leave me alone here??

Morgan....I dont want to leave you here alone mum, but she is pregnant and i want to be with her.I will run mad if i spend days without her.

Jesca....What kind of nonsense is this?? Is she your oxygen or what? Let me remind you that she hates you and she will abort that baby if she knows that its her brother's whom she hates the most.

Morgan....I know mum, but what we did is all over the internet and i know that she needs someone to rely on at this moment.

Jesca....Dont worry about her, your dad made sure to bring her with her nanny to Korea, she will take good care of her.

Morgan....I want to be there.

Jesca....HEY!!! Get in line! Quit it already, just move on with your life.Girls like you so just go for them and forget about Gigi.

Morgan....I said she is the one i love.Its really pointless talking to you mum.

Jesca....Fine, then keep on loving her but dont you dare tell her anything or your dad, i swear i will hate you.

Morgan went to his crying and he video called Gigi but she turned off her phone.Joseph went to work and called his secretary.

Joseph....Check for me the recent videos of Kelly on tiktok.

Secretary.....Kelly who Sir??

Joseph....I really dont even know who the fuck she is but just any Kelly who posted a video about my daughter.I need to know what she posted to even get that much attention at the airport.My daughter even looked stressed so find for me that video today.

Secretary....Okay Sir.

The secretary searched and finally found Kelly's account and saw the video, she went to Joseph's office.

Joseph....Come in, did you find it??

Secretary....Can i just tell it to you instead because you wont be happy to see it.

Joseph....Just show it to me, she is my daughter.

She showed him the video and he watched little of it, he angrily threw it away and it even broke.

Secretary....Am really sorry Sir.

Joseph....Call my lawyer now! Cancel all my schedule and book for me tickets, am going to Korea in two days.

His lawyer arrived and he explained to him everything.Kelly was in class with Louis and her other friends.

Louis....Girl, you famous now for that video.

Boys....But how did you record them?

Kelly....I also wanted to use that room at first because i was planning to drug Tom and take him there to hook up.

Louis....So why did you install the camera???

Kelly....Because i knew that he will not like me even if we hook up so i thought that i will use that video to control and make him mine.It didnt happen and when i opened it to findout who used the room, i was suprised to see that ugly pig.

Boys....Tom is coming this way.

They kept quiet.

Tom.....Are you happy now??? You wouldve known better what it feels like to be on social media for just hooking up with someone because your also a girl.You will never be happy in this world i swear for toturing your fellow girl who never even wronged you.

Tom went and sat down.

Louis....Geezz...! His words really hurt.


As they were still talking, the police entered the classroom.

Policeman....Who is Kelly Muts?

Kelly....Its me sir.

Policeman....Your underarrest for circulating personal information about Mrs.Gigi without her permission.


Policeman....Cuff her now!

Kelly was taken by the policemen and the whole class was shocked and started talking about her.

Students....She messed with the daughter of Mr.Joseph, the richman.Now things are about to get bad for her.She cant survive this if it comes to Mr.Joseph.

News continued to circulate and were even brought on T.V.

Reporter....The daughter of Mr.Joseph, the city tycoon whose video went viral when she was with a masked guy in a hotel.The city tycoon got the girl who circulated the video Kelly Muts arrested.People are suspecting that he wants to silence the girl with money inorder to delete the video for his image.Stay tuned for more news.

Joseph went to the police station to see Kelly.Kelly was crying and she was scared because she knew how famous and rich Joseph is.

Kelly....Am really sorry sir.

Joseph slapped her hard on the face.She knelt down on her knees.

Kelly....Am going to delete the video, i swear.

Joseph....Ofcourse your going to delete it but can you delete people's memory and from the phones of those who saved the video already??

Kelly....I didnt so sorry.

Joseph....You made my daughters life a living hell now yet she has no mother to talk to.Your also a girl but you didnt even think first how she will be ashamed about.

Kelly....What can i do to fix it? Tell me Sir, i will gladly do it.

Joseph....You shouldve thought about the consequences before playing with my daughter.Your going to delete that video and tell the public that it was all an edit that you did for fun.

Kelly....I will do it Sir.

Joseph....Your doing it now! Bring her phone.

She did as Joseph told her to do.

Kelly....Its all done sir.

Joseph....Who said its over?? That scar will forever be in my daughters heart.Take her in.

Kelly....Wait, i did what you told me sir.

Joseph....You did that because you started it, whoever starts something must finish it.Now its time to pay for your deed.Release he after one year.

Kelly....What??? You cant do this to me Sir.I havent graduated yet.

Joseph....Do you think wouldve graduating after what you did to her?

Joseph walked and left.Kelly cried and cried, her family tried all means to get her out of prison but Joseph was very powerful and they failed.Joseph after, he went straight to the airport and went to Korea to see his daughter.He went to the house he had bought her and the maid to live in.He knocked and the maid opened it.

Maid....Oh, i didnt know that you will be visiting soon.

Joseph....Where is my princess??

They went inside and he went to her room, he knocked.

Joseph.....Honey, its dad.


Gigi opened the door and ran to her dad, she jumped and hugged him since she loved him so much.

Joseph....Its fine dear, daddy is here so everything is gonna be okay.

Gigi started crying.

Gigi....Dad....i missed you alot and i really wanted to hug you.

Joseph....Dont cry dear, i will let you go if keep on crying.

Gigi....No dad, i just want to hug you so please....!!

Joseph....My princess is still a crybaby.