Joseph stayed for three days and after he left.Gigi felt better and even bought a new phone.
Gigi....Its time for me to start afresh, dear baby, am so glad to have you and i dont regret what happened between me and your dad.I only wish to see him again.Hope he will be happy about you.
Morgan waited for his dad to come to ask him about Gigi since he loved her more than anything and he felt bad and broken being apart from her.Joseph went back home.
Morgan....Hy dad, welcome back.
Joseph....Oh, my lovely boy.
Morgan.....Dad, how is Gigi?
Joseph....She is better now.
Morgan....Did she change her number coz i cant reach her.
Joseph....Yes she did, here is her new number.
Morgan....Thanks dad.
Joseph....Am glad that you really care about your sister, it means alot to me.
Morgan went out and bought a new phone too.He decided to talk to Gigi as the masked guy she slept with.He texted her that very night.
Gigi...Sup, how is this?
Morgan....The guy you met at the halloween party remember me, dont you?
Gigi's heart started racing from much happiness because she was longing to hear from a masked guy she hooked up with.
Gigi....OMG...This cant be! God, you really love me and you care about me.He really texted me when i badly wanted to hear from him.Am so happy.
She texted him back.
Gigi....Ofcourse i do remember you, i cant just forget about you that easily.
Morgan....Am glad.I really missed you like crazy.
Gigi....I...missed you too.
Morgan....I seriously love you for real.
Gigi....You do???
Morgan....Dont you? I really wanna know what exactly you feel about me.
Gigi....I think i love you too because since that night, i never stopped thinking and missing you.
Morgan....I also failed to get you out of my head.How is our baby??
Gigi....Huh?? How did you know that am pregnant with your child?
Morgan.....Because i told someone to keep an on you for me so thats i got the news.
Gigi....Are you happy about it? Do you like the baby?
Morgan....Iam very happy that your carrying my baby.I really love to start a family with you Gigi.
Gigi....Really?? You mean it?
Morgan....I seriously do mean it.
Gigi....I wish we can meet but am now overseas.
Morgan....Its okay, we can chat on the phone everyday to make our love stronger.
Gigi....Then, can i video call you because i never saw your face, remember?
Morgan.....Am really sorry Gigi but i cant reveal my self to you yet.
Gigi....What are you so afraid of?? Is it because maybe i know you??? Do you think i wont like you anymore if you show me your face?
Morgan.....Please dont get mad but one day, i will show it to you and you will understand my reasons.
Gigi....Now how will our baby know how his dad's face looks like?
Morgan....Dont worry dear, i have a solution.Lets video call but still i will wear my mask, if you dont mind.
Gigi....Okay, i missed you so much and i cant to talk to you even if you wear a mask.
Morgan hurriedly wore a mask and even used a voice changer to disguise his voice since Gigi knew his voice very well.He called her and he was very happy to see her face again. you seriously wore a mask still.Why are you smiling non stop?
Morgan....Because i missed your face.
Gigi....I missed your mask too.
Morgan....Hahahaha...come on.
Gigi....Do you know that i can tell that you've used a voice changer?
Gigi.....Lets not spoil the mood anyway, pretty masked boy.
Morgan.....But you are prettier.
Gigi....Come on, dont say that.People call me fat and ugly.
Morgan....Its because they have old fashioned eyes.
Gigi....Hahahahaaa....i've never heard of that before.
Morgan....Your smile is even prettier.
Gigi.....Thanks for making feel pretty, i really feel better now that i've listened to your voice.
Morgan....Am glad to make you happy, i want to make you happy for the rest of our lives.
Gigi....Your making my heart race.Am glad that atleast someone like you exists and came into my life.
Morgan....Am also lucky to hear you saying those words to me.How is my sweet little angel?
Gigi.....It should be fine now that it can hear its dad's voice though its not your real voice.
Morgan.....Can you please take the phone to your belly, i wanna look at it and say something to my baby.
Gigi showed him her belly.
Morgan....Hey there little one! Just know that dad loves you and he wants to see you soon, dont give mummy a hard time and be a good baby.
Gigi....Oh, i was right to keep this pregnancy.Am lucky that its yours.
Morgan....Can we please make video calls everday because i dont think i can survive without seeing you or listening to your melodic voice.
They talked for hours and Gigi fell Morgan hard than before.Morgan spent days happy because they always talked on the phone and also video called eachother.Gigi started her studies in Korea and she always updated Morgan and his dad about her life.After five months, Morgan and Gigi were more than crazy in love with eachother and her pregnancy was now five months old.One day, Morgan was from talking to Gigi on the phone and heard loud noise, he went to the sitting room and it was her mum with her bestfriend Diana.
Morgan....Mum, whats going on??
Jesca....I will tell you everything later, go back to your room.
Morgan.....Am not a kid anymore mum, i heard you having a fight.Just tell me already.
Diana....I guess i should talk.My daughter Britney loves you since you were a kid.
Morgan....So??? Is that why you were fighting?
Jesca....He doesnt love her so please dont push it.
Morgan....What clearly are you talking about?
Jesca....Actually am a bad mother, i raised my daughter and gave her everything that she ever wanted, so i must give her a boyfriend if its the one she wants.
Morgan.....What do you take me as? I dont care about what your daughter wants and how you raised her, but i love someone else.Good day.
Morgan turned to walk away.
Jesca.....How rude of a son of just a mere gateman talk back!
Morgan....What did you say?
Jesca....Diana!!! Please dont say any word, enough!
Morgan.....Is what she said true mum??
Jesca....Ofcourse no dear.
Diana....Just tell him already because his grown up, he will understand.
Jesca....ENOUGH DIANA!! Get out of my house now!
Diana....So your clearly sending me straight to Joseph to reveal your secret.
Morgan....Mum, please tell me she is lying.
Diana....Well, unfortunately, am not.The gatekeeper that Joseph fired was your real dad.Apparently, your mum cheated.
Jesca....Pleaseee.....stop it Diana.I shouldve known that you would turn up like this.
Diana....Oops...too late.
Jesca....Why are you so desparate to give your daughter to my son?
Diana.....Its true that Britney loves Morgan but still, if they get married, she will make me rich.Now you get it, dont you?
Morgan ran outside, he drove his car and went away.Jesca tried to stop him but he was furious.