Britney told her mum that she was going to start live at Morgan's house and she went there ASAP.

Jesca....Please, take your daughter with you.

Diana....How come? I've even brought her stuff so she will stay with your son by force.

Jesca....Why are you doing this to my son? Am your enemy not him.

Diana....I want him to be my daughters boyfriend, is that considered hatred?

Jesca....I swear i will not let this slide.

Diana....Then show me what you've got, i cant wait.This is getting exciting!

Britney later went to them.

Britney....Mum, did you bring my things?

Diana....Ofcourse dear, they are in the car.

Jesca....Why are you so shameless Britney?

Britney....Am just in love, how is that being shameless?

Jesca....Fine! You will leave this house on your own, because guess what? My son loves someone else and he loves her more than me his own mum and more than his own life.

Britney.....Ofcourse we all know he doesnt love you because your a bad mother.Stupid whore!

Morgan....Say it one more time!

Morgan was heading out and heard Britney insulting his mum, though he was still mad at her, he still loved her since he was his mother.

Diana....This boy really gets hotter by the day, Britney, you have my full support on him.

Morgan....Hey you! Let this be the last time you insult my mum, i swear i will do something about it the next time.

Britney....But she insulted me first.

Morgan....If she insults you then its fine but dont insult her ever again.

Britney....I swear...


He went out and drove his car and went to see his dad at his company.He reached there.

Joseph....Oh, my handsome son.Sit down.

Morgan....How are you dad?

Joseph....Am good my dear son.Now you are curious to why i called you here.

Morgan....Am very curious dad.

Joseph....I want you to quit school and start working at my companies.


Joseph....Your my only son and Gigi is girl, she cant handle my businesses like you will.

Morgan....But dad....

Joseph....Its okay son, dont feel nervous yet.You will get your education certificates but i want you to report on work tomorrow.Once i retire, you will take over.My new hotel that you guys held your halloween party in, i've put it in your name, its yours.


Joseph....Am also building Gigi her own hotel.But you should have this, your my son and my children must all be rich and their children too.

Morgan....Dad, that hotel is one of the most popular and most busy hotel now.How can you give me such a gift??

Joseph....I've worked so hard in my life and only for my children to have a better future, so dont worry dear.

Morgan....I really dont know what to say dad.

Joseph....And once you learn how to run this company, it will be yours and Gigi, but you will own 70% and Gigi will own the remaining 30.

Morgan....Dad, you cant be serious!

Joseph....You and Gigi are my favorite persons on this earth so you deserve all that i have, its yours son.

Morgan cried because he knew that he wasnt his real son yet he wanted him to his successor.Joseph hugged him because he loved him as his son.Morgan was happy and sad at the same time.He quit his studies and started working with Joseph, he taught him how to run his company.He and Gigi never stopped talking on the phone everyday.Britney thought that she was to win him if she stayed in the same house with him, but he never even cared about her at all or notice her presence since he even left his room for her to stay so that she doesnt bother him.Joseph stayed at home one day and he saw her.

Joseph....Excuse me younglady, who are you? Why are you in my house?

Britney....Oh, hy Sir.My name is Britney.Am Diana's daughter.

Joseph....Oh, Britney! Youve really grown up now.Remind me, when was the last time we met?

Britney....I was 12years but since then, we've never met again.

Joseph....I see.So how is your mum?

Britney....She is doing fine.

Joseph...Are now staying here?

Britney....Actually, Iam.

Joseph....Okay, but why?

Britney....Because Morgan asked me too, am now his girlfriend.


Britney didnt know was talking on the phone with Morgan before she came and he heard their conversation.

Joseph....Let me him on speaker.

Britney....Wait, was on the phone since?


Morgan....Dad, its not true.I dont like her but she is persistant and i didnt want to fight with a girl so i let do what she wants.

Jospeh....I also know you son, your not interested in love at all.I knew that you were lying when you said that.Anyway, leave my son alonr beacause i want him to focus on work.Dont dare distract him, leave my house if you have no business here.

Britney ran away feeling embarassed.She cried alot and had to park her things and leave since it was the house owners order.She left but she was very furious that she didnt even move Morgan at all yet she left.Gigi was already 8 and half months pregnant.

Chayoung....Your about to give birth to my little angel Changi.

Gigi....You never stop with your Changi!

Chayoung....Ofcourse, i cant.

Gigi....Its dad is very happy and he told me that he cant wait to see her.

Chayoung....So its a girl?


Chayoung....Thank goodness! I always prayed that its a girl.

Gigi....Thanks dear.

Chayoung....By the way, Hyun is always asking me about lately, why??

Gigi....He asks you about me??

Chayoung....Tell me now what it is, you better not live any stone unturned.

Gigi....I swear i dont know why.You know me and him are not that close.

Chayoung....Maybe his also happy that you are going to give birth soon.

Gigi....But why would he? Its not like the baby is his.

Chayoung....You never know.I really never understand whats always going on in my hyung's mind.Whatever!

Chayoung's brother Hyun had also started falling for Gigi and he wanted her to visit their house everyday so that he can see her.