Britney never got any piece of mind because she wanted to be near Morgan.
Britney....I know why his acting like this, its because of that girl he likes.I must findout who she is and get rid of herASAP.
She sent someone to tail Morgan's every move hoping that he will be seen with a girl not knowing Morgan was in love with Gigi who was even in Korea.
Britney....So did you get pictures of him with that whore?
Man....I think he lied to you, his really single.
Britney....No, am sure he has a girlfriend.What if he foundout that you were tailing him?
Man....It cant be, i've been far from him and i disguised myself that he couldnt tell that i was on him.
Britney....Fine! Didnt you notice anything about him or what he spends his time on?
Man....Not really, he is always working or on his other phone.
Britney....His other phone?
Man....Yes, he has two phones.
Britney....I also saw him with two phones, so what??
Man....I dont know! Its what he spends his time on after working.
Britney....We all use our phones whenever we are not busy, its no big deal!
Man....But i notice that his always talking to someone on that phone happily, one can tell that its a girl.
Britney....Really?? So his girlfriend is just a social media user?
Man....I think so.Maybe they are online dating.
Britney....Not bad, findout the password he use and later, bring me that phone.Am about to ruin his sweet relationship.
The man did what Britney told him to do and he saw the password he uses.He succeeded in stealing his from him and took it to Britney.
Britney....Finally! Lets see whom he usually talks to.Wait....there is only one contact saved?? His so unbelieveable! He even saved her name as "Life".Let me call her right now.
Man....But, isnt that crossing the line? He will never forgive you if he finds out about this.
Britney....No one will tell him unless you open that dirty stinky mouth o yours.Even i its crossing the line, i also feel bad and hurt that he doesnt love me.
Man....You will regret this for sure.
Britney....Will you just shut up already??! Am making a phone call here, dogh!
Britney shamelessly called Gigi, she was with Chayoung.
Chayoung....I can easily guess whose calling, its your masked prince, not so??
Chayoung....Can you please him on loud speaker!
Gigi....Fine, i will tell him to say hi to you.
Chayoung....I cant wait to listen to his sweet words.
Gigi....Stop it Chacha!
She answered happily and she put the call on loudspeaker.
Gigi...Hy babe. stupid bitch!
Britney....Sorry, where are my manners?! I would like to introduce myself, my name is Britney, Morgan's real girlfriend.
Britney....Suprise!! You thought that he loved only you? Well, i hate to bring you bad news.
Gigi....What do you mean??
Britney....What am trying to say is that, stay away from Morgan, even your his online girlfriend, just dont contact him ever again.If you do, i swear, i will come for your soul.
Chayoung....What the heck??
Gigi....Is...this...Morgan's phone??
Britney....What kind of question is that? You always talk to him everyday, now you forgot him after hearing my voice? Just cry already because his mine now bitch!
Chayoung....Hey you fuckin asshole! Dont call my friend a bitch you pest.I swear i will hunt you down for this, remember my voice well.
Britney....Who the heck is this??
Britney ended the call.
Britney....Here, take his back phone.Before he knows it, his dear online girlfriend wont ever want anything to do with him anymore.
Man.....What you've done is really wrong.Your not even his girlfriend.
Britney....If you judge me just one more time, am going to do something about it.
Chayoung screamed because when she was busy insulting Britney on the phone she had grabbed from Gigi, Gigi had already fainted from what she just heard from Britney.She called her brother Hyun and they took Gigi to the hospital.After one hour, she gained conscious.
Chayoung....Oh dear! Can you hear me sweetheart?
Hyun....Can you hear us?
Gigi....Chacha, please get me my phone.
Chayoung....Are you like this because of that girl? Do you really think she is telling the truth or she just wanted to chase you away from the guy?
Gigi....Hyun, get me phone please!
They gave her phone and she called Morgan's number the one she saved as his brother not the other number.
Morgan....Huh?? She never called me on this phone since she left.Maybe she missed her brother Morgan.
He answered.
Gigi....Is it you?
Morgan....Huh? Hy Gigi, how are you doing and the baby?
Gigi....Answer my question, are that guy?
Morgan....I dont understand what you mean.
Gigi....You are the father of my baby, arent you?
Gigi....So it you? How could you? I really wish atleast it was Tom's.I wish i knew earlier, i never shouldve carried your baby.I dont want to see you again, me and you are nolonger related at all and this is my baby, not yours.I HATE YOU ASSHOLE!!
She ended the call.
Morgan....Gigi...wait please!
Morgan's eyes became waterly and started crying.He couldnt feel his heartbeat beacuse the thing he feared the most was Gigi to hate him and to find out that he was the father to her child before he tells it to her himself.He drove his car and went to the lake he always goes to whenever his feeling down.Gigi fainted again after the call, the doctors came to her.Chayoung was crying non stop since she was worried about her friend and her baby.Hyun was also scared for Gigi since he loved her too.
Chayoung....Please help her, she might lose her baby or even die.
Doctor....Calm down please! What happened?
Chayoung....She...she...was talking to someone on the phone angrily and when she ended the call, she passed out.Please doc....
Doctor....Who are her guardians?
Chayoung....She is not from Korea, let me call her nanny.
The nanny rushed to the hospital.